
RFA: Thorns of Journey

Turpis wakes up in an unknown and terrifying cave with nothing but his phone. The stench of death and decay assails his senses as he struggles to get up. As he explores his surroundings, he encounters scenes of unimaginable horror - torture, mutilation, and death are commonplace, and the sounds of screams and growls echo through the darkness. As Turpis journeys deeper into this new environment he encounters monstrous creatures that he never thought existed. With every passing day, Turpis becomes more desperate to escape this nightmare. Will Turpis be able to overcome the horrors he faces and find a way back home?

Chupaghett1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 16

Within the depths of the Bulod Mountain Range, nestled in a secluded room, an air of mystique and secrecy permeated the space. The room, dimly lit by flickering torches, was adorned with ancient symbols and intricate patterns etched into the stone walls.

As the minutes ticked by, magical energy started to surge within the room. The stillness was broken by the skittering sound of tiny legs on the floor, and soon, a horde of insects emerged from hidden crevices, drawn to the center of the room where a table stood.

What was even more astonishing was the absence of conflict among these creatures that would normally compete and clash. Instead, they came together as if they were long-lost family members joyously reunited after a prolonged separation.

The insects continued to converge upon the table, their numbers growing with each passing moment. As they gathered, a shadowy figure sat beside the table, partially concealed by the darkness. The absence of light in the room made it difficult to discern any defining features of the shadowy figure, adding an air of mystery to their presence.

The insects' unity became increasingly apparent as they formed intricate patterns and movements. They danced and fluttered, their collective actions displaying a remarkable harmony. The room filled with the soft hum of wings and the gentle rustling of tiny legs, creating a captivating symphony of insect life.

The insects squirmed and wriggled upon the table, their restless movements captivating the air. Yet, as the shadowy figure's eyes slowly opened, an extraordinary occurrence unfolded. Time seemed to freeze as if suspended in stillness. Every insect froze in place, mid-motion, as if held by an unseen force.

With a calm gaze, the figure directed his attention toward the intricate runes adorning the surface of the table. As his eyes locked onto the rune symbols, a radiant glow emanated from each individual rune, pulsating with magical energy, and slowly these insects began to merge with the runes.

One by one, the insects began to merge into the rune, leaving behind nothing on the table. As the final insect vanished, a peculiar sight unfolded before the eyes of the shadowy figure. From the very depths of the table, a figure began to materialize, gradually taking shape in the form of an orc.

The figure at the table emerged slowly, revealing the dislocated and worn features of an orc who had endured a hard battle. As the figure fully materialized with a noticeable four Castre on his ear, it became clear that this was none other than Ozil.

The figure was surprised at Ozil's current condition, Ozil was his most talented student and for him to reduce this state, at first the figure suspected that the cause of this is a formidable creature that lives within the mountain range 'Although there is a lot of creature in the depth of the mountain range, most of them wouldn't go up to a higher level within the Mountain Range, it doesn't make sense'.

That is because orcs occupy most of the upper level and there was a lot of their outpost scattered around their settlements, therefore the cities would be alerted if a formidable creature ventured at the high level.


The Bulod Mountain Range, one of the nine wonders of the world, possesses a remarkable and awe-inspiring presence. When observed from the sky, the mountains take on the appearance of a colossal, coiled worm with its pointy peaks forming a distinctive shape.

However, it is not merely the striking visual aspect that grants the Bulod Mountain Range its revered status. The true marvel lies within its vast expanse, harboring a complicated network of winding tunnels that seem to stretch endlessly into the depths below. These tunnels, shrouded in mystery and allure, are said to descend into an abyss-like chasm that appears to have no boundaries.

According to ancient legend, the Bulod Mountain Range was once a living entity, ceaselessly on the move across the land. It roamed the vast expanse, its colossal form an ever-shifting presence. Yet, one fateful day, the mountain came to a sudden halt, as if it had reached the culmination of its eternal journey.

News of the mountain's stillness spread like wildfire, attracting hordes of explorers and intrepid dwarves who yearned to uncover the mysteries hidden within its depths. Drawn by the promise of untold treasures and unimaginable wonders, they embarked on perilous expeditions, delving into the heart of the dormant behemoth.

As these daring adventurers ventured deeper into the mountain's labyrinthine tunnels, they encountered a vast array of unique and fearsome creatures. Monstrous beasts, born of the mountain's ancient energies, lay in wait to test the mettle of any who dared to trespass into their domain.

Whispers of the mountain's secret treasures and mythical guardians became the word of the legend. Stories passed down through generations spoke of unimaginable wealth and artifacts of immense power hidden within its core. It was said that the very essence of the mountain imbued these treasures, granting them unparalleled power.

Fueled by the allure of the fabled treasures hidden within the Bulod Mountain Range, a great conflict erupted known as the Orc-Kemit War. This bitter struggle between the two races spanned an agonizing duration of 70 long years, leaving an indelible mark on their histories and sowing the seeds of eternal animosity.

The war ravaged the land, with both orcs and Kermits locked in a relentless battle for supremacy. The allure of owning one of the nine wonders proved to be a catalyst for their ceaseless aggression. The orcs, driven by their insatiable desire to possess the mountain's riches, waged war with unparalleled ferocity. In the face of this relentless onslaught, the Kermits fought fiercely, but it was useless.

After seven decades of bloodshed and suffering, the orcs emerged victorious, their forces overwhelming the Kermits and driving them back to their desert homeland. The conquest of the entire Bulod Mountain Range became a defining moment for the orcish race, solidifying their claim to the mountain and establishing their dominance over the land.

As the years turned into decades then into centuries, the orcs retained their hold over the Bulod Mountain Range. Many races, drawn by the allure of the mountain's treasures and the desire to seize its power, attempted to challenge the orcish dominion. However, time and time again, these ambitious ventures ended in failure as the orcs staunchly defended their territory with unwavering resolve.

The orc's conquest of the Bulod Mountain Range became a symbol of their strength and resilience, earning them a reputation as one of the ten most powerful races in the known world. Their unwavering control over the mountain for centuries showcased their military might and strategic prowess. The orcs became a force to be reckoned with, and their legacy as conquerors of the Bulod Mountain Range endured through the ages.

Despite their claim as the rightful owners of the Bulod Mountain Range, the orcs had yet to fully explore the vast depths of the mountain even after centuries of dominion. They recognized that the perils and challenges lurking within its uncharted territories posed a significant risk.

The orc emperor understood that embarking on extensive exploration missions would inevitably result in considerable casualties among their ranks. The mountain's treacherous terrain, teeming with unknown creatures and hidden dangers, presented an insurmountable obstacle. They were aware that the toll of casualties incurred during exploration could potentially surpass the losses suffered in their defense of the mountain.

As a result, the orcs adopted a more cautious approach, focusing primarily on fortifying their stronghold within the Bulod Mountain Range and consolidating their power over the region. They fortified their positions, erecting formidable defenses and establishing a network of outposts to safeguard their domain.


In a wide cave, the air is cool and damp, with a musty smell that permeates every corner of the cave, and stalactites and stalagmites jut out from the walls and floor, creating a rugged and mysterious landscape. The floor of the cave is rocky and uneven, with small pebbles and stones scattered about.

A glowing mushroom nestled in a crevice of the rocky wall. The mushroom emits a soft, pulsating light, illuminating the area around it with an eerie glow. Its cap is a pale, luminescent blue, while its stem is a deep, rich black. The light emanating from the mushroom seems to be magical, casting strange and eerie shadows on the rocky walls and illuminating the cavern in an otherworldly way.

In the center of a spacious clearing within the cave, two men, an elf and a man, could be seen engaged in a fist and kick fight. The elf appeared relaxed and composed, causing to question the authenticity of the battle.


Turpis stumbled and lost his balance as a sudden slap reverberated across the cave, striking him hard in the buttocks. 'Goddamn it!!, why is he always striking my butt!' Turpis groaned and couldn't help but feel irritated at Melfroy's tendency to use his buttocks as a target in their spar.

"Did you even learn any martial arts?" Melfroy asked Turpis with curiosity as he bring out a delicate handkerchief and began to rub it against his hand that just slapped Turpis's butt.

Melfroy, as Turpis' trainer and mentor, had the right to evaluate his combat skills. He was genuinely curious about Turpis' martial arts background, or lack thereof. As someone who had trained and mastered various forms of combat, Melfroy was interested to see how much experience Turpis had in the field of martial arts.

"I did learn a little about muay thai", Turpis replied as he gnash his teeth and endure the pain in his butt as he stand up. He had taken a few classes in Muay Thai for self-defense purposes, but he knew it was only the basics.

'Muay Thai?' Melfroy thought in wonder, he didn't hear a single thing about that art when he is wondering the world, 'I guess time really does fly by.'

Melfroy just nodded like he know something about Muay Thai,"How about in the field of magic?" he quickly redirected the conversation to the topic of magic.

"I hadn't really experienced anything magical" Turpis replied as he, again began to prepare for his assault on Melfroy. 'I didn't even believe this thing called magic until I got inside this cave' Turpis thought, aside from his disease, there was nothing really, sure his life is far from normal but it is also far from mysticism.

With a swift movement, he began to charge to Melfroy, "This is also the first time I saw someone of your kind!" Turpis shouted as he launched a quick roundhouse kick to Melfroy's side, but the elf easily blocked it with his two fingers. Turpis quickly regained his balance and threw a front kick toward Melfroy's face, but the elf once again blocked the attack.

He continued to use his meager knowledge about techniques and threw a series of jabs and crosses at Melfroy. However, the elf seemed to be bored at the fight and effortlessly blocked and dodged each attack with minimal movement.

As Turpis became more desperate, he decided to use a trick he had been practicing when he was young. He faked a punch toward Melfroy's face and then quickly transitioned into a spinning back elbow strike.

Just when Turpis finally thought he had Melfroy cornered, the elf's quick reflexes kicked in. With lightning speed, Melfroy brought his open palm up to intercept Turpis's incoming elbow strike. The force of the impact reverberated through both of their bodies, causing a momentary stalemate.

Turpis's eyes widened in surprise as he realized the futility of his attack. Melfroy's hand stood firmly in the path of his strike, showcasing the elf's exceptional control and mastery of martial arts.

As they locked eyes, Turpis could see a mischievous glimmer in Melfroy's gaze.


Once again Turpis's buttocks were hit by a strong slap from Melfroy, and the force was enought to send Turpis away creating a distance between them to make a breather."Goddamn it!!, can't you stop attacking my goddamn butt!!" Turpis barked as he couldn't take it any longer, every hit not only hurts physically but he can also feel his dignity within him getting damaged every time he gets slapped in his buttocks.

"Didn't you visit the Millennium Continent?" Melfroy just ignore his pleas as he replied to Turpis's question earlier, Turpis just shook his head as he have rapid breaths," Not even once?" Melfroy asked again as a frown began to form in his face to which Turpis shook his head again.

As Melfroy's mind delved into deeper contemplation, a realization began to take shape. His intuition and observation led him to a conclusion about Turpis's past. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit together, painting a picture of a neglected and abandoned child.

Recalling the Panlantaw phenomenon, a phenomenon unique to his elven heritage that allowed glimpses into the past, Melfroy's suspicions grew stronger. The images he had witnessed during those moments of clairvoyance aligned with his growing belief that Turpis had indeed been forsaken by his elven parent.

Melfroy was completely oblivious to the fact that Turpis is fully human, after all, a normal wildling or human can't possibly possess an abnormal soul.

This is also why Melfroy saw fit to break free from his secluded existence and venture beyond the confines of his prison. The moment he sensed the extraordinary strength of Turpis's soul, he knew he had found a worthy student to make his plan work. At first, Melfroy even thought that an elf finally gets stumbled into this cave, but when he saw the pitiful appearance of Turpis he immediately concluded that he is a halfling.

On the other side, Turpis's curiosity about Melfroy's species and the orcs continued to grow. He couldn't help but wonder why he had never encountered beings like them before.