
Rezero: Son's of the Blind Idiot

Here we go! Zane and his adopted brother Subaru get isekai'd to an unknown world with danger at every corner and try to survive only to find out their "normal" life is far more strange than they thought. Subaru: "This trip is gonna suck isn't it?" Zane: "Yep"

ComicKing519 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Plan~




Family language: French


Pov: Zane

I stand with our little group looking around at the disheveled houses in the poorer district of this place "Welp this is the place"

Elf: "Are you sure?"

I give a thumbs up while looking around "100%, This place is where her scent leads, but because of all the same sents in the area I can't track her's specifically"

Elf: "Maybe someone will tell us if we ask."

Puck: "No one would sell out one of their own, so I don't think that would work."

I wave my hand in a so-so gesture "Actually she's not far off. Everyone has a price, some are just too prideful to take the cash."

Subaru: "Maybe we should gather more info and then return?"

 I cross my arms while nodding towards the setting sun "But if we do that they could sneak off somewhere in the dark and escape."

Puck: "Whether you stay or leave, you should decide quickly. I'm almost out of time."

Subaru: "You're what? Out of time?"

Puck: "I have a cute appearance, but I am a spirit. It takes a lot of mana, just to appear in physical form. So at night, I return to the crystal I was summoned from and prepare for the sun's emergence. On average, my ideal time is from about nine to five."

Subaru raises a brow to that bit of information "Nine to five? You sound like a civil servant. Employment terms for spirits are more severe than I thought..."

"Does that mean mana is less potent at night? Or is it a contracted thing? I'll have to research this later" I plan mentally before focusing back on the others

Elf: "We'll be fine without Puck. We have to move forward"

Puck: "Yeah. Sorry. . . I'm at my limit"

Elf: "Sorry to work you so hard, Puck. We'll handle things from here, so get some rest." Grabbing her necklace she holds it out to Puck as he floats over it.

Puck: "Don't do anything reckless. If it comes down to it, use the od to summon me again." As he said this the three watched as Puck's body became transparent before getting sucked into the necklace.

Subaru: "Let's keep going. We still need to find the hideout"

With a nod, we renew our search for the missing bandit.

(Timeskip with the Elf girl playing jump rope with Puck and Subaru)

It was nighttime when we arrived in front of our destination. They were in an old house on top of the hill, some slum family told me where Felt usually hangs out with someone they called Old Man Rom.

At first, they didn't want to tell me about it, but I bribed them with our bags of food from Earth and told them that I just wanted to trade with her and here we are.

Elf: "Why do I have to pay money to get back something stolen from me?"

I look at her like she asked if you could breathe helium "Because you got it stolen, Always be aware of your surroundings."

Subaru: "Alright. I'll go in and negotiate with them. If they see you they may attack you or run. And if I send Zane in there he might say something sarcastic and annoy them"

I couldn't even deny that. . .The bastard knows me too well, I got to change that, time to go with the Smarter than everyone in the Room route~

Elf: "I know how to protect myself" To prove her point she makes three ice spikes hover over her hand

Subaru stares at her with a blank look on his face "Yet you got robbed in broad daylight. Look just stay here"

Sitting down on the old staircase I look up to the sky and relax, it was a beautiful night with nothing but the bright moon and shining stars.

I love watching the stars and even did it as a baby from what my mom said. "Every time I took you outside at night you did nothing but stare at the stars for hours on end" I guess nothing changed.

Elf: "Do you think he'll be okay?"

Before I could answer her question we both heard a scream causing me to jump to my feet "Subaru!" Rushing up the stairs I kick the door in to see Subaru lying on the ground with a massive cut along his stomach.

Rushing to Subaru's corpse I noticed that the cut was thinner along the right side of his stomach meaning he managed to dodge a bit "Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell happened!?"

Looking around I notice Felt and a large man I believe could be Rom also lying on the floor with similar wounds to Subaru.

"How did this happen? Everyone else is already dead so that means. . . !" My eyes widen before rushing to the door and calling back to the girl "We need to get out of here! Now!"

Elf: "But what about these people?!"

I grab her arm and begin pulling her up "They're dead! Now come on!"

Slowly nodding she lets me pull her up before her eyes widen in terror as she points behind me only for me to feel cold metal pushing through my chest.




Looking down, I watch as my blood drips from a large black dagger going through the heart in my chest before it's yanked back out causing me to stumble a bit and fall on my back facing the night sky.

???: "My my~ It appears more prey was drawn to this little home~"

I had no idea who was talking or why I didn't feel scared, but my vision was getting so blurry it looked like the sky was spinning.

???: "I wish I could have more time with the blue one, however, a quick death is the nicest I can do~"

Damn, talk about a heartbreaker. . . Hehe . . . My inner thoughts are slowing huh? . . . Damn it . . . At least I can watch the stars while I pass, Don't worry Subaru. . . I'll see you in a bit.


[Tant que je ne suis pas mesuré, je ne suis pas connu. Pourtant, je vous manque quand je me suis envolé. Qu'est-ce que je suis?]


Opening my eyes I expected to see the golden gates of heaven, the magma lakes of hell, or a being ready to reincarnate me. What I wasn't expecting was a long dark hallway that led to a door at the end. <Image >

"Oh, what in the Backrooms? Why does my limbo have to be this creepy shit?"

Looking ahead I can only sigh before beginning to take steady steps toward the door as bright light begins to shine through the outlines of the door.

Grabbing the doorknob I notice it flooding my body with a sense of warmth and safety causing me to relax as I slowly open the door and am blinded by the light in the process.


"La réponse est le temps"


???: "Hey are you two just gonna stand there?"

Opening my eyes I look around in shock. I'm back in the marketplace! Looking to my left I notice Subaru's in the same boat as me. . . Alive and breathing.

"What. The. Fuck?" I say with a blank face as I slowly hold a hand to my heart, feeling it beat fine.

Subaru: "Is this Real?"

"The shopkeeper just addressed us. So I'm gonna say yes" I snark while patting myself down.

???: "Oi! What am I an afterthought? Are you going to buy something or not?"

Tapping Subaru on the arm I motion with him to follow me "Come on . . . Let's go"

Nodding we both begin to walk around the streets for about half an hour before I sit on some house steps. Subaru keeps looking around the place confused while I sigh.

"Who was that woman and why was she there?" My thoughts are cut off by Subaru who turns to me with a confused look, but I can see his slight fear.

Subaru: "Zane . . . What the hell happened at that House?"

I sigh before running a hand through my hair "I have an idea, but nothing concrete. I think that woman was an assassin, looking at the fact that she killed both Felt and Rom I think she was sent to retrieve that badge. However, she stayed in that house even after she killed them" I explain while taking out and lighting a cigarette.

Subaru sits on the steps next to me "Which means someone knew about us being there. But how? We just got to this world and even then how would they know about us helping that one girl specifically?"

"It looks like we have a situation where someone knew we were coming" I grin while exhaling the smoke in the shape of an eye.

Subaru could only chuckle as his eyes narrowed "That just means we have to plan accordingly~ If we truly were sent back in time that means they still know we'll go to that house.

"So here's what we do. I'll go into that ally with the thieves and scream for help maybe, getting the attention of a knight, while you set up leads for that elf girl to find and follow to that house. If all goes well, we meet there before the assassin and then jump her"

I grin while blowing out a cloud in the shape of a skull "Sounds like a plan~ when we get there we'll convince Rom and Felt that we're there for trade saying you are going to bribe something more valuable.

"knowing them they would wait for the assassin who could only get into the house if she was also buying the badge, and wait. Knowing her mission was to retrieve it, we stall for the knights when she tries to kill us to get the thing"

With a nod, we both high-five before splitting up to complete our jobs.

(TimeSkip: 2 hours/ Scene: Loot house)

Sitting on the steps of the loot house I puff a cloud of smoke as I watch the pinkish-orange color of the sky roll by before noticing Subaru walk over and sit on the steps of the house next to me.

"Looks like you finally finished your part. Damn, dude what happened?" I smirk while he sighs

Subaru: "Well it worked but those three idiots took longer to get there this loop than the last one. What about you did you see felt yet?"

I shake my head with my own sigh "No. If I had to guess it was the new variable of her not able to run through the ally to lose track of that elf girl so it's taking longer" I explain while passing him the cigarette to hit before passing it back.

All was silent for a few moments before I glanced at Subaru from the corner of my eye "Subaru. . . You know what's gonna happen tonight right?"

Subaru: "Yeah . . . I remember"

"And you know we can leave if you want right? I'll be right behind you" I explain while taking the cigarette as he passes it.

Subaru: "Yeah I know. . . At first, this was a side quest for that Elf. But now? This shit is personal, nobody messes with our family and lives to tell about it"

We both just stare at the sky for a few seconds before I look over at him with a small smirk "This is going to be fun~"

???: "Who are you two?"

Looking ahead we both notice Felt had finally arrived which is good because I was starting to think she got killed early.

Subaru quickly stands up and puts on a friendly smile "Oh sorry, we need a place to trade some items, and some of the people here told us you 'Aquared' an item from someone which we wish to negotiate for"

Felt: "Well I'm always happy to have some actual customers for once! let's go!" Walking past us Felt knocked on the door for a few seconds before Rom started talking.

Rom: "For a rat?"

Felt: "Poison"

Rom: "For a White whale?"

Felt: "A harpoon"

Rom: "To the noble dragon lord, we are?"

Felt: "Shitbags"

It's a weird code, but then again this is the slums so any code is better than just opening the door and getting stabbed.

Felt: "Sorry to keep you waiting, Rom. My target was more persistent than expected. It took a while to shake them"

Of yeah Elf girl should have found my clues by now. I wonder how she'll handle this situation without us there to help her.

Walking in behind Felt, I sit near a wall of weapons and start looking over some of them while Subaru sits with Felt, drinking a glass of milk on a couch.

Felt: "Ugh! Hey, Rom, did you water down this milk? It's nasty"

Rom: "Hey, I give you something outta the goodness of my heart, and you call it gross?" he pats her on the head causing her to look at him in mock anger. Nice to see a found family every now and then~

Subaru: "You two are closer than I either hoped or expected. I'm starting to feel left out over here"

Felt: "Don't talk like a wuss when you have a face almost as scary as old man Rom's"

Subaru looks at Felt with a small glare "People have said many things to me, but how could you say I could compete with this old guy?"

Felt: "Actually, yeah okay, I went too far with that one. Sorry bro"

Rom: "Are you guys in some conspiracy to piss me off?"

Felt: "Moving on! Let's get down to business How much will you pay for it?"

Leaning forward onto my hand I flash them a smile "I'll leave this to Subaru. I'm more of a break your legs if you try anything suspicious kind of guy~"

My sadistic smile made Felt move closer to Rom who was also noticeably tense while Subaru just shook his head to clear the memories of my "Info gathering".

Taking out some uno cards from my pockets I wave Subaru and Felt over to play a few rounds while we wait for the next guest to arrive.

(! Time Skip !) (With Zane and Subaru playing Uno with Felt as they wait for step two of their plan to start)

"And that's my win~" I say with a grin as I place a yellow 3 on the pile of cards

Subaru huffs while throwing his cards on the table "See Felt this is why you don't reverse on the last three cards"

Felt: "How was I supposed to know he had yellows!? He kept drawing every time we switched to it!"

"I love mind games~" I say with a grin as I lean back on my chair in victory

*Knock Knock Knock*

Putting down her cards with a huff Felt walks over to the door while Subaru and I clean the cards up. However, once Felt opens the door we watch as she jumps back in shock while revealing a certain silver-haired Elf from before.

Looking at Subaru he nods before slowly making his way to some metal chains in a corner while I throw a card into an Ikakalaka sword that was hanging on the wall causing it to silently fall into my hands. <Image >

Elf: "I'm glad you're here. This time you won't get away"

Felt: "You never quit do you!? How the hell did you even find this place?!"

Elf: "While I was searching for you I found a group of thugs beaten and battered. When I asked what happened one of them said a kid in a blue coat had beaten them with ease when they tried to rob him before hearing him saying he needed to hurry to the loot house in the slums"

"Huh, that guy was still conscious huh?" I fake while putting all the cards back in my pocket "Perfect all according to plan~"

The elf quickly summons multiple Icicles above her and aims them at us all, yet I notice they'd all miss if we just stay still.

Elf: "I have only one demand. Return my insignia. It's very important to me"

Rom: "Ahh . . . If she were just another magic user, I wouldn't back down, but this one's trouble..."

Felt: "What's with you, Rom? Admitting defeat before we even fight?"

Rom: "Young lady, you're an elf, ait ya?"

There was silence for a bit allowing me to look at Subaru and nod towards the door causing his eyes to widen for a second before nodding back and slowly sneaking to the door.

Elf: "Not exactly. I'm only half-elf"

Felt: "Half-elf? And with Silver-Hair"

As Felt took a few steps back in fright, I sighed knowing I'd have to add Elf history to my already research list for this world "I love history and everything but I like to take my time with it"

Elf: "It's an accidental resemblance! It's bothersome to me as well."

Felt looks back at me in anger and fear "Damn it, Zane! Why did you have to beat up those thugs!?"

I shrug "They tried to jump me so I hit them with the uno reverse"

Elf: "Are you not working together?"

"Nope~ But we are here to help! Subaru Now!" I clarify with a smile before shouting the signal

Jumping up Subaru throws the chain around the elf girl before pulling her out of the doorway and catching her in a princess carry just as two blades pass by the spot where her neck was previously.

Puck quickly exits his neck prison with a thumbs up to Subaru and a nod to me "That was a close call if it wasn't for you two this place would be a frozen wasteland"

Elf: "Puck!"

Puck: "Sorry not sorry~"

I narrow my eyes at the cat before looking to Elsa with a smirk "Ignoring that ominous as fuck message. Looks like this night just keeps getting complex~"

Elsa: "Oh my~ I never expected to find prey that would entertain me here~"

Felt: "O-Oi! What do you mean by that!?"

Elsa shrugs while twirling her daggers "If the item's original owner is here, we can hardly negotiate . . . So I've changed my plans"

Subaru: "You really need to plan better"

Else: "And why's that?"

Subaru smirks at her as he puts down the elf "It's basic common sense. You could have just outbid her, I mean look at her outfit she doesn't even have deep pockets she probably has nothing but lint and some loose change. But we can figure that out next chapter~"

I throw a cup at his head which he dodges "Oi! Breaking the fourth wall is my thing! But yeah he's right see ya next chapter~" I say with a grin before winking at you through the screen


Boom Baby, the next chapter is redone!

Anyway, the next chapter will be out soon so look forward to it! Ciao~

Tant que je ne suis pas mesuré, je ne suis pas connu. Pourtant, je vous manque quand je me suis envolé. Qu'est-ce que je suis? = As long as I'm not measured, I'm not known. Yet you miss me when I'm gone. What am I?

La réponse est le temps = The answer is time