

BDNSW · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Purple Attacks

The year 2023

Somewhere in Red Sands on Planet "Eulimotolo"

On a barren and dusty planet, where the air was filled with swirling sand and dust storms were a frequent occurrence, a Sonovan smuggler named Keldor sat on the ground, smoking a kodaka drug. The purple-skinned humanoid had a hard life and had to resort to smuggling to make a living. He was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly heard the sound of engines approaching.

Keldor quickly threw his Kodaka to the ground and looked up to see a spaceship landing nearby. Keldor made his way toward the spaceship parked at the edge of a rocky outcrop. He was hoping to meet with his regular contact, Qalamas Norb, to finalize a deal. As he approached the ship, he shouted out, "Hey, it's me, Keldor! I'm here to do business!"

But as he got closer, he realized that it wasn't Norb's ship. A group of unknown troops stood outside, and Keldor's heart began to race. The troops got outside seeing whether their environment is being watched or not and as the troops got their guts up and the frontmen troop shouted "Hey you!" Keldor panicked and started to slip down, he regained his pace and started to run away.

The troop yelled "Sir, it's the smuggler!" everyone inside the ship started to get out and split into groups to create no corner for him to escape.

As he turned to run in the opposite direction, he started running, dodging and weaving through the swirling sand. He could hear their heavy breathing as they closed in on him.

"Stop right there, smuggler!" one of the troops yelled.

Keldor didn't stop but continued running, hoping to escape. But he soon found himself surrounded by the troops, who had caught up to him.

"Hand over the goods, smuggler," the lead troop said in a menacing tone.

Keldor tried to remain calm and composed, but he knew that he was in deep trouble.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Keldor said, trying to sound confident.

"Don't play dumb with us. We know you have something valuable, and we want it," the lead troop said, raising his voice.

Keldor's eyes darted around, looking for an escape route. Suddenly, he saw the name badges on the troops' uniforms and realized that they were from the Galactic Order Authority Task Force (G.O.A.T), who were after him.

"I don't have what you're looking for," Keldor said, trying to buy some time.

"Don't lie to us. We know you have it," the lead troop said, his voice cold and menacing.

Keldor's eyes widened in shock as he realized that he had been found out. He tried to come up with a plan, but the troops were closing in on him.

Suddenly, Keldor lunged at the lead troop, hoping to take him by surprise. But the troop was quick and dodged the attack, hitting Keldor hard in the face.

Keldor stumbled back, blood and sweat streaming down his face. He tried to get up, but the troop grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close.

"Listen here, smuggler. You either give us what we want, or you're going to pay the price," the lead troop said, his voice cold and menacing.

Keldor gritted his teeth, knowing that he was in deep trouble. But he refused to give up without a fight.

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not going to tell you anything," he said, trying to sound defiant.

The troop looked at him for a moment, his eyes narrowing. Then, he suddenly reached for Keldor's torn coat and ripped off a piece of cloth, revealing a name badge underneath.

"Looks like you've been busy, smuggler. This name badge is valuable, and we want it," he said, his voice laced with anger.

Keldor's eyes widened in shock. He had forgotten about the name badge, which he had hidden in his coat for safekeeping.

"I don't know anything about that name badge," Keldor said, trying to sound convincing.

"Fine. You leave us no choice," the troop said, nodding to his men.

They quickly subdued Keldor, tying him up and dragging him towards their ship.

One of the troops gave a signal to the pilot about the next place to visit by seeing Keldor's name badge.

Location: Sonovan settlement, Eulimoto North Pole

Troop 1: "Move! Move! Everyone, move out of the way!"

Troop 2: "Search the huts, tear them apart if you have to. We're not leaving until we find what we came for."

Sonovan Man: "Why are you doing this? What have we done to deserve this?"

Troop 1: "We have reason to believe that someone from this settlement is involved in smuggling."

Sonovan Man: "But that doesn't mean that everyone is guilty! You can't just barge in here and-"

Troop 2: "Shut it! We're in charge here. Your kind has caused enough trouble in the galaxy, and we're not taking any chances."

Sonovan Woman: "Please, sir, my son is sick. He needs his medicine. Please don't take it away from us."

Troop 1: "Medicine? What kind of medicine?"

Sonovan Woman: "It's for his fever. He's been sick for days."

Troop 2: "Fine. Give us the medicine, and we'll leave you alone."

Sonovan Woman hands over the medicine and the troops leave, but they soon return, grabbing the woman and her child.

Sonovan Child: "Mommy, what's happening? Why are they taking us away?"

Sonovan Woman: "I don't know, sweetie. Just stay calm, okay? Mommy's here."

Troop 1: "You two are coming with us. We have a few questions to ask you."

Sonovan Man: "Leave them alone! They haven't done anything!"

Troop 2: "You want to make this difficult? Fine. Let's do this the hard way."

The troops began to beat the Sonovan man and woman, while the child watched in horror. As the mother was taken away, she called out to her child.

Sonovan Woman: "Don't worry, baby. Mommy loves you. Be strong."

Sonovan Child: "Mommy! Please don't leave me! I don't want to be alone!"

Troop 1: "Shut that kid up! We don't have time for this."

As the troops took them, Sonovans watched in horror. They had seen such brutality before.

Conversation between two sonovan's

Sonovan Elder: "This is madness! We are poor people! Why are they treating us like animals?"

Sonovan kid: "Our fate is to be born as a Sonovan, The G.O.A.T which are taking us now are the people who made our lives like this hell. Because of their Hippocratic policies and actions, we are like this now, but we have to do something. We can't let them get away with this.".

The G.O.A.T airship was cruising through the dark skies of the Sonovan planet when suddenly a loud, jarring noise shook the ship. The troops on board immediately sprang into action, rushing to the back deck to see what had happened.

"Did you hear that? What's going on back there?" one of the troops shouted as they ran through the corridors.

When they arrived at the back deck, they found that one of their comrades was missing. Panic set in as they frantically searched for any sign of their missing brother.

Suddenly, a heavily armored figure emerged from the shadows. His face was obscured by the metal helmet he wore, and his body was covered in black armor from head to toe. The troops tried to reason with him, but the figure didn't speak. Instead, he swiftly and silently dispatched them one by one with his sword.

As the last of the G.O.A.T troops fell to the ground, the figure turned his attention to the remaining captives. Keldor, the leader of the kidnapped Sonovans, laughed maniacally at the sight of the fallen troops.

"Why are you laughing, Keldor?" one of the troops demanded. "What is going on here?"

Keldor's face twisted into a sinister grin. "You fools have walked right into my trap," he sneered. "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

The armored figure stepped forward and removed his helmet, revealing his face. "My name is Kyrolkar," he said in a deep, menacing voice. "And I am here to finish what Keldor started."

The remaining troops stared at Kyrolkar in horror, realizing that they were facing a deadly enemy with unknown motives. They knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to survive.

"What do you want from us?" one of the troops asked, his voice trembling with fear.

Kyrolkar let out a deep, rumbling laugh. "I want nothing from you," he said. "I am here to destroy the G.O.A.T and anyone who stands in my way."

The troops exchanged fearful glances, realizing that they were facing a foe unlike any they had encountered before. They knew that they had to find a way to escape before Kyrolkar could carry out his deadly mission.

Kyrolkar's heavy armored boots clanked against the metal floor of the ship as he made his way towards the almost dying troop. The air was thick with the stench of blood and fear. The other troops had scattered in panic after witnessing the unknown sonovan's brutality. Kyrolkar stopped in front of the dying troop and leaned in, his voice a low growl.

"Why do you G.O.A.Ts call yourselves protectors of the universe?" Kyrolkar asked, his eyes glinting with anger and sarcasm. "When you can't even treat organisms as living beings co-existing with you, but instead choose to enslave them?"

The dying troop gasped for breath, his eyes wide with fear as he gazed up at the unknown armored sonovan. Kyrolkar raised his hand, and with a swift motion, ended the troop's suffering. The ship shook violently as Kyrolkar destroyed it with a single blow, his anger at the G.O.A.Ts reaching a boiling point.

Kyrolkar then made his way to the other ship where he had shifted the kidnapped sonovans. He walked past them and stopped in front of a small kid sonovan, who had a brother among the kidnapped. The child looked up at Kyrolkar with fear in his eyes, but the armored sonovan's voice was gentle as he spoke.

"Don't worry, little one," Kyrolkar said. "I'm here to protect your race from the oppression of the G.O.A.Ts. They won't harm you or your brother again."

The child's fear melted away, and he looked up at Kyrolkar with newfound hope. "Are you a good person?" the child asked.

Kyrolkar hesitated for a moment before responding, "I don't know if I'm a good person, but I do know that I'm here to protect you and your people from those who would oppress and harm you."

Keldor, who had been watching the exchange, approached Kyrolkar. "What's your next move?" he asked.

Kyrolkar smiled and turned to the ship's pilot. "Take us to Paulia," he said. "It's time to show the G.O.A.Ts that they are not invincible and that their reign of oppression is over."

The ship lifted off and soared into the vast expanse of space, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, as Kyrolkar and his small band of rebels fought against the might of the G.O.A.Ts. But no matter how dark the night may seem, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.