
Scene Of Infidelity

Reyona rigidly held herself as she entered the company without a backward glance.

Ignoring the employees who greeted her as she passed, she headed straight for the elevator.

Thankfully, there was no one in the elevator.

She pressed the close door button on the control panel, held it down, and pressed her floor number.

It was only after she was sure that the express setting she did would make the elevator take her straight to her floor without stopping at any other floor did she allow herself to feel.

She slowly dropped into a crouch and rocked herself as she thought about what he had said.

Thomas was going too far.

The bastard was not satisfied with wrecking her life and making her scramble after the pieces.

He was not satisfied with all the humiliation he had caused her.

Now he wanted to desecrate her home with vile lies and obscenity?

How much more cruelty can be found in one man?