
Psycho Hospital Candidate

He refused to get down.

Reyona blamed herself for the umpteenth time for putting herself in this situation. If she had not been overthinking about what he could do regarding the bid, she wouldn’t have called him. Not to talk about agreeing to meet up with him.

“How then would I have ended up in this situation?” she blamed herself as she drove away from the restaurant’s parking lot. She had no choice but to do that since other cars were honking at her. The dog in the truck added his enthusiastic bark when she was honked at, and that became the last straw for her.

“Did he not come there with his car?” she thought fleetingly but refused to ask him as he currently had his head rested against his seat, with his eyes closed as if she were his chauffeur taking him out on a trip.

Bastard! She thought he could walk to wherever he was going for all she cared, even while she wondered if he was truly crazy enough to not come with a ride of his own.