
One Missing Ingredient

Celia stopped her moan long enough to squeal, “Lucky?! You are a scoundrel, Maxie. You should have seen me. I was awful to her.”

Maxwell looked at her with a mock, shocked expression. “You? Awful. That is hard to believe.”

Celia laughed, then she leaned her head back on the headrest as she continued, “I asked her what the hell she was doing at Sylby’s house when my friend was not at home. She was bent over at that time.”

The memory made her laugh again.

“There she was, bending over at a perfectly fine angle, and I startled her. Poor lady. She stared at me through the opening between her legs for a moment before she stood up to face me. It wasn’t funny at the moment, but now that I think of it,” she laughed again as she lifted one of her legs off her husband.

“She was bent like this,” she said as she made a move to get up.

“Don’t even dare,” Andrew said as he took the leg she dropped and placed it firmly on his lap.