
Name Is Max

Reyona shrugged as she placed her hands around her glass without lifting the drink to her mouth. "Their music is good," she said so quietly that he had to strain his ear to catch her words.

The fleeting content look that had been on her face was gone, and Maxwell was sorry for that. What he was not sorry about, though, was the fact that he had seen her hazel eyes when she had looked directly at him before arching her brow.

"Damn it," he thought to himself again as he wondered how a woman could affect him so much. The way she sighed earlier had been nothing but pure torture for him, as her sigh only reminded him of the rustling whisper of a well-loved body against the sheet. He wondered briefly how her alabaster skin would feel to the touch, even as he saw the faint irritation that clouded her expression when she replied to him.