
My Woman

Thomas was momentarily dumbfounded by her appearance and how sallow her skin was. Her wide reactions and the strength of her hands amazed him. Then an alarm filled his system when he heard her last statement. He had no idea why she was acting crazy, but he would not stand aside and let them hurt her. The law, be damned.

He looked urgently at Ty, since he was the only face he recognised out of the three people standing.

Ty raised his hand and rubbed his face. On a closer look, the man looked like he had been roused out of sleep, and he had stubble on his face.

“Err, Mr. Lanoth. It is actually not the way Ms. Rohan is saying it, but then, in her frazzled state of mind, she would believe that,” Ty explained as he drew out one of the chairs at the table and sat. “Sit down, gentlemen.”