

The arrow wizzed past his ears inches away from killing him. He couldn't run anymore as his legs wouldn't listen to him, he was to be blamed for this was his fifth day without food along with the fact that he had been running non stop it would have been enough to kill a man.

"That son of a bitch is somewhere behind those thickets, fire at will",the loud noice of the pack leader was heard.

It was lucky for him that the enemies weren't good archers or else he would have been dead long back. He grabbed the leather flask and gulped the remaining water as he tucked the empty flask in his bag he saw it, he had saved it for his friend but if he didn't make it the vial would be used by these marauders.

"The elixir of awakening", he mumbled as he stared on to the gilded glass vial with a color less liquid.

It was ment to be given to the hero of the age.

He had rebelled against his people and nation and had joined the group set to retrieve it from the enemy nation of Rahbigar. He know who was the chosen one, it was his best friend who was waiting for him.

Another arrow flew close to him and lodged itself to the tree near him. The sudden event shook him.

"What was i thinking, this is ment for Reagan not for me how could i even think of doing it " he thought to him self although in his heart he craved its power for he had to survive.

He took a deep breath and made up his mind, he would die rather than being judged as a traitor again. He had already betrayed his nation now he couldn't betray his friend.

He picked up the arrow its tip was a bit bent but still sharp.He looked at his enemies a dozen men stood there and leading them was a half breed.

The pack leader looked at the pathetic figure ahead. The boy in front was taller than average above 6 feet but his frame was thin and not very muscular, his face covered in sweat and grime. He would have been unrecognizable if it wasn't for his bright green eyes.

"You are the prince, how lucky for us", chuckled and the pack leader his sound like that of a dog speaking human tongue.

" we weren't expecting the weakling price of kasgir

to be last one alive, but im sure you have what we are looking for dont you prince Leo? ", The soldiers started laughing at their leaders comments but they were alert.

Leo clutching the arrow sprinted forward suddenly towards the group he was not an assassin but he did have some skills. He sliced a soldiersmans throat and severed the tendons behind the knees of another and went forth to attack the shocked half ogre leader.

The leader was a battle worn soldier. Even though the attack was a surprise his decades of instincts came into action. He immediately grabed prince Leo by his neck. Leo was of same height as the leader but the halfbreed's sheer strength lifted him up easily.

Leo couldn't believe the strength of this man. He stabbed the mans biceps a couple of time but he didn't even flinch. He could feels his weak body giving up but a sudden thought occurred to him. If there were more strong men like these in that national, if they get the potion in the vial they could destroy his nation. He used his arrownand instead of stabbing used all his strength to slash at the joints of the enemys arm. The half ogre flinched at this taking the advantage Leo jumped away from his grips and dived into the thickets and ran towars the place were he was hiding earlier. It was a small cave in which he could barely fit bit his head was exposed.

He could hear the commotion behind him so he quickly grabed the vial and without a moment of hesitation chugged the entire potion ina gulp.