
Rewritten Misfortunes

She's lived a life of misfortunes once. In pity, the gods have given her another chance. A chance to rewrite misfortunes into fortunes. — Disclaimer: Full credits to the artist, the cover picture doesn't belong to me.

legitsian · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

A transparent figure floated in the dark emptiness. Its outline glowed dimly. Expressionless. It felt like an eternal slumber, but her mind remained conscious. It's been a long while. She doesn't know how much time has passed since then.

Memories of the past replaying in her mind like a play. The only thing keeping her company in this space of nothingness. She wonders where she is, wonders where she'll go. Or if this was the end where everyone comes to after death to just exist in an empty world.

The answer to her questions eventually came. Light breaking through the darkness, melting away the shadows and flourishing into an open meadow. Her bare feet landed on the grass softly as she stared ahead. The meadow stretched far and wide, filling itself in a variety of vivid colors. A low breeze whistled a tune in the air as it danced alongside the colorful flowers.

She slowly fluttered her eyes open and took a deep breath. The first breath ever since she was brought to that dark place. The amount of color here blinded her for a moment. The unfamiliar prickling sensation beneath her bare feet surprised her. As someone without a physical form, she felt alive.

She just stood still and looked. Taking the scenery before her with great appreciation. What if she never gets to see such a sight again before she gets thrown back into that void. So she brings herself down and sits amongst the playful flowers. Enjoying every bit of life left.

However, the peaceful silence is soon disturbed with a chuckle. On guard, she snaps her head up in the direction it came from. It caught her by surprise to see how close the unknown individual was. They were sitting and looking right at her, only a couple of inches away.

A beauty. Fire spewed down her back with flowers scattered throughout her curls prettily. A green forest rested in her eyes, lively and bright. Vines carefully wrapped down her forearms and up her calves. The fairy-like beauty wore a simple white dress tied back with a longbow, the ends fading to a dusty gold.

"Who—" Before she could finish, the beauty pulled her into a semi-tight hug.

A smile graced her face sweetly. The flowers seemed to bloom brighter. "We've been waiting a long time for you, child."

"Waiting?" She stilled in the touch. Cautious and aware. Her trust narrowed dangerously thin.

"No need to be so twitchy." Another voice joined. "We don't bite mortals." The two broke apart.

The new voice belonged to a young man. With ebony hair mixed with hues of blue underneath the sun's light and the sea swimming in his eyes. A crown made of light hovered above his head and a horizontal mark printed across his forehead. Black, blue, and white robes were adorned in sapphires. Pale feathers fluttered behind his pointed ears.

She couldn't even speak a word again after hearing a third voice.

"Don't scare the child. We mean no harm."

It was another man with skin graced by the sun's touch. His ghostly eyes were clear. Platinum waves tousled to one side and a scar ran down one eye from the brow to the chin. A white star-like tattoo inked across his chest, curving down around his back and arms. A single white cloth draped and wrapped around his figure, defining itself in place with gold bands.

"My apologies for startling you, child." The ghostly man bowed to show his sincerity.

"Who are you?" She shrank into herself. A feeling of insecurity took over as she took a few steps back, away from the three mysterious beings.

Beings. Creatures of another kind. She knew they had to be. Afterall, she was someone just like them. If not, something similar or close to an existence that is not human.

The beauty closest to her carefully reached out with both hands put together. Opening them, a fresh bud of flowers sprouted in her palm. "I am Phane, the Goddess of Life." Within moments, the buds weaved into a flower crown and she placed it atop her head. "This is for you. I hope you like them."

She mumbled a quiet "thank you" and eyed the two other men behind her. Introductions were in order.

The ghostly man smiled kindly. "I am Creati, the God of Creation."

"And I am Hades, the God of Death." The youngest of the gods crossed his arms. "We finally meet."

"Finally..?" She glanced between them. "Why were you waiting for me? "

"Dear child," Phane stepped forward slowly and held their hands together with care. "We saw the life you lived, one only full of misfortunes. Never to experience the true joy of living. Thus, causing your soul to trap itself in the void for quite some time."

"None of it was your fault though." Hades huffed. "The blame falls on those ignorant and pathetic mortals. Greedy bastards fighting for power."

She couldn't follow their words. Unable to understand if this is truly happening and she's conversing with three gods, or she's finally lost her sanity in the void. This kind of otherworldly experience feels like a fever dream. Unreal, yet real.

Creati stepped to Phane's other side. The divine beings now circling the small girl trembling before them. "We've decided to give you another chance. To live in another world, to live a new life."

That's unreal. It has to be. There's no way there could be such warmth and kindness without a price. It has to be a dream. She needs to wake up. Right now. It's not funny anymore if this is all a big joke the universe decided to play on her.

"You can stop now."

The hand in hers tightened. She looked up into emeralds. "Child, what do you mean?"

"If this is a joke, you can stop it now." She took a deep, shaky breath. "You don't need to lie.." Her head lowered to stare at the ground. An ocean swirling in her eyes, wanting to break free.

Silence. A long silence took over, accompanied by the wind's soft melody.

The hands in hers pulled away and she felt her broken heart shatter just a bit more. She knew it. It's always like this. Has been since the start, but she never expected to feel the warmth return to her face.

Two hands slowly slid up on either side of her face, lifting her gaze up. A smile welcoming her. She couldn't stop the tears from falling then. Phane wiped the drops away as they came, humming a tune to comfort the child in her arms.

"We only hope for you to find joy in this life, our dear beloved one." Creati joined in. Using a hand to pat her head.

All this warmth is overwhelming. A feeling she didn't think she'd ever feel again. Could she really trust their words? Trust them? It hasn't been long, yet they have already given her more than she deserved. A kind of comfort that stayed until the end, till her tears dried entirely.

Phane released her from her hold. "Are you feeling better?"

She nodded her head in slight embarrassment. Even in her last life, she's never acted like this to anyone. A first. "T-Thank you.."

"Shall we continue?" Hades waved a hand. "We don't have much time."

A light switched on in Phane's head. "Ah yes! The main reason why we have gathered here." She turned to Creati.

Creati nodded at the other two before returning his focus onto her. "As I have said before, we have given you an opportunity to be transmigrated into another world, another life. Though, things may not be going well in the beginning."

"A chance to rewrite misfortunes into fortunes." Phane added. "But of course, everything will depend on you."

A feral smirk plastered across Hades' face. Eyes twinkling dangerously wild. "Don't be afraid to beat up anyone who bothers you too. With those skills of yours, you'll be fine."

"My skills?" She echoed.

"It is the soul that moves." Creati informs. "Since your soul is artificial, your skills have been embedded deep into your existence."

Phane shined. "We will give you a blessing each, a gift from us to you. We want you to live your life to the fullest and to be happy."

[ Ah. I feel the tears coming back. ]

"Thank you." She breathed shakily again. "Thank you all so much."

"You do not have to thank us so sincerely, child. You deserve so much more. Do not lose hope just yet."

"Mhm." She doesn't know how she could ever repay them back for everything.

Phane cupped her head once more, bringing her in close. A chaste kiss. "Dear beloved child, I bless you with Faire's Grace. To heal all and help all. The only exception is to revive a life. Use this well to protect your loved ones."

Creati took her left hand and lightly kissed her knuckles. "Child, I bless you with the Divine's Order. If you ever need us, you may call our names and we will come. No matter what and no matter where, we promise you."

When he finished, she stared in awe at the light traveling up her left arm. White butterflies wrapped around her entire arm, from the wrist to the shoulder. If she were to touch them, they would rise from the pure ink and flutter around. Their bodies were transparent, but shined iridescently in the light.

Hades, too, kissed her knuckles on her right. "I will bless you with the Deity's Dialect. With this, you can communicate with beasts and spirits alike. Speak confidently. Never back down under another."

She saw them all stand tall and proud. Their eyes are full of warmth and sincerity.

At last, Creati raised his hand and pressed the tip of his index to the middle of her forehead. "Although we gave you a gift each, we have one final collective gift for you." A slight prick thrummed in the back of her head. "The memories of the body we will send you to from start to end."

"Again." She pushed herself to smile for them. At least once. Just this once before she leaves. "Thank you all so much."

Phane brushed the loose dark curls aside and behind her ears. "Take care of yourself, beloved one. I hope we see you soon."

"Do not be afraid to call us when you need to." reminded Creati.

Hades put a hand on his hip and pointed the other straight at her. "I meant it when I said you should beat those who go against you."

She finally let out a laugh. "I will."

With their final goodbyes, she peered up at the never ending blue sky and the floral world faded away.