
The King Has Abdicated The Throne

Samuel was moving towards the room. He had prepared himself for any kind of situation. There was an etiquette that was to be followed. Princess was damn serious about what was to be expected from Samuel during this Party. She had laid down three rules:

1. Never call out someone's name at the party, be it anyone. The royalty are supposed to be addressed with some respect, Be sure to do the same. And as for the people lower ranked than you, you should stay away from them. Only Silas and Riley are the exceptions, because you know them and they recognize you.

2. Never entertain other competitors for the throne. There are total of 23 people who will be attending this party fulfilling that criteria. They were to be avoided at all times. Stay with me, and avoid mingling with them or their retainers. They all will be wearing an insignia on their dresses which will be a symbol that everyone contesting to be the heir has to wear, Just like the one you are wearing right now

3. Do not make me embarrass myself by recklessly, emotionally responding to anyone. If anyone makes a comment, ignore them. There are only three people in this world who have the right to judge your skill. Jermaine, The king, And The author. No one else is important enough to make you angry about a comment or a snark.

After entering the room, Samuel had mixed feelings. There were only around 4 people other than the princess here whom he knew. He was behaving calm, But he could not shake of the feeling that the glances that were focused on him gave. He activated Divine identification, and there was almost

every person in the entire room having evil intent against Samuel. He felt like vomiting due to the collective Foul Smell these people released. There was only one source of sweet scent in the entire room. It was the princess.

He deactivated the skill and followed the Princess towards their seats. They sat down on their respective seats and got ready for the Banquet to commence.

Just then, a man entered the room, and every person in the room stood up from his/her seat and bowed at the direction in which he was standing. He was wearing a robe which was by far the best outfit he had seen in his life. It was what the Kings would envy of while looking at the person wearing it. He was old, And had some resemblance to Brian. His age was easily above 70 according to Samuel's judgement. It was undoubtedly, the King of Sabith. However, He was not wearing his crown. Everyone in the audience was shocked. Samuel did not understand the puzzled look that the princess was giving while looking towards the King, Almost everyone had the same expression.

After taking a seat on his golden throne, King said,"I would like to thank everyone that is present at this banquet. It is due to all of you that the Great Kingdom of Sabith is prospering. As everyone can see, I have not worn my crown. It is an action that a King does when he feels that he is no longer worthy to rule his kingdom. I have lived a long fulfilling life. I would now like to pass my legacy onto someone else. Therefore, I would like to announce that the throne is to be maintained in a state of what we call"Passing Responsibilities". I am no longer the ruler of this kingdom. Till the time a new ruler is announced in the next Warrior's tournament, I would like to continue working as the chief adviser to the throne. After that, The winner of the tournament will be considered the king. That's all."

The whole room went silent. The King Had Abdicated the throne!