
Leonard the Leader

The kingdom of Imarsel was rejoicing due to the fact that their beloved emperor had returned to them once again. There were celebrations all around the kingdom, showing how much it meant to the people of that their ruler was reborn.however, the ruler himself was not rejoicing. He was training under his brother in order to understand the amount of control needed to make thepower he currently wielded his own.

"Don't go easy on me just because I am your brother. I don't want you to hold anything back, Understood?" Leonard said.

"If I do that, you might die. And that is one thing I would not accept." Moses was holding back quite a bit of his power. If anything were to happen to his brother, The kingdom would be in chaos. It was almost a day since the fight had started. And Leonard had no intentions of stopping. His stamina was unlimited. While readying his sword like he was about to finish this, he said,

"Ok then. You asked for this. Don't hold me responsible for what comes next." There was a hint of overconfidence in his voice. It was as If no one was allowed to win other than him. And while he was weaker than Moses, He had the mind of a master tactician. People even say that If the coward Raven wing kingdom hadn't used their strongest weapon on him, He would have single handedly won the war only with the power of his mind. And right now, that mind was working in full swing.

He lunged towards Moses, with his sword, the Imarsel Blade, and attacked Moses towards his eyes.

Now, because Moses was old, his eyesight was a bit weak. But he had his own skill that was supposedly impenetrable.

The twin snake defence.

It was a magic skill which summoned two snakes out of which one was responsible for parrying and the other was responsible for thrusts. The poison on It was so deadly, it is said that a god had died while he was poisoned with it by a jester.

And whatever angle the opponent had pointed the weapon, the snakes flexibility allowed them to dodge it. Only this time, He used mainly the defence twin, because it was not necessary to use the other one. He just had to defend.

And now comes a big however, There is a myth surrounding this weapon. Only three people have ever used it, and only they know which Snake has the poison and which doesn't. People think it's the attack snake, but it is the defensive one. And because he thought that because his brother would probably be afraid of fighting him with the attack snake due to that poison, he used the defensive one so he could go all out. And also, The poison only works when it touches the cody, hence Moses had to be careful.

The two weapons were about to clash for the second time, but just then, Moses saw the grin on Leonard's face. It was an indiction that only a few members of the knew about, but whenever he brought up that expression, It was either when he had just gotten a checkmate, or won a war.

"Illusion sphere" Leonard whispered.

It was a low level Trick magic, that switches the position of the user any the object that he has aimed for. When it fail, it decreases the users speed.

And he switched places with his sword.

Now, this was a complete checkmate. If Moses tried to move out of the way, the punch that leonard had charged up with his left hand would hit him. If he did not change anything, he can kill his brother. What could he do?

He did the unthinkable. He finally used the second twin snake, And from there on it was the battle of whose hit reached first.

However, Leonard had another skill to counter that. He used enlightening square.

The Imarsel Blade had a huge advantage over most weapons. It reduced the weight of the user b y 1/4th. Moses did not know that. In this way, Moses was way slower than Leonard.

And Leonard won. His sword stopped just before his elder brothers heart. It was a complete win.

"Looks like I won the bet, Didn't I?" Leonard said.

Moses was contemplating on how terrifying his brother had become in just a span of 7 days. Moses had tried to defend his best against him, but his tactics were magical. There was no way to counter them. In a real fight, oses would have defeated him easily, but the trick he used earlier, was a bit too much even for him.

"Now, we follow my orders. We attack the Kingdom of Sabith first. We have to take the revenge that our Ancestor passed through the generations of demon kings, and reclaim the land which exiled the one true demon, and make that race extinct. First, we acquire his birthplace, and then, we destroy the true evil. The Raven Wing Kingdom." He was determined, confident and now, ready to fight a war. HE was the one withe the title, The Leader.

Moses was against this, because he had no plans of invading Sabith. It was the complete opposite. He wanted to form ties with them. Why you ask? He wanted to acquire the Legendary Magician's seed.

Samuel Merlin.