
Rewriting Naruto: Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha

All of a sudden, he found himself in the ninja academy of hidden leaf on the same day team & was born, and for some reason, he had become Sasuke Uchiha. Not only with the knowledge of what was going to happen but with a system that could help him become stronger and even easily evolve his Sharingan to the limits. Still, it doesn't take long for him to realize that things are a bit different... Naruto is a lot darker and moody than he was before. He also knows who his parents are and what is inside him. Not to mention, Mizuki dies a few days later after he fights Naruto and people start to blame him for it. In such a world, a new Sasuke Uchiha doesn't know what he is meant to do, but he is determined to find the answers that he needed, and do whatever he wants by any means necessary.

GrandMasterPK · Anime & Comics
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Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha

All of a sudden, he was there… he blinked once, and then the expression on his face changed from one of seriousness to one of surprise.

"What the…" He muttered while looking around the classroom. "This is…"

The guy looked around and recognized that place; it was the classroom of the ninja academy of the hidden leaf. When he looked and studied the kids around, he didn't recognize most of them, but there were some faces that were hard to forget… Shikamaru with his head on his table, and Chouji eating some snacks as usual. In the corner of the room, he saw Hinata fidgeting as if she was trying to make herself look invisible or something. When he looked at his hands and clothes, he realized who he was…

"I am Sasuke Uchiha… this has to be some crazy dream," He thought.

In his previous life, he never drank to the point of having crazy dreams like that, and the worst drug that he used was his own extra sweet coffee… so he probably wasn't the effect of some hallucinogens.

"... No point in thinking about this too much," Sasuke thought. "Anyway, it seems that I was on his body when he was twelve, and since I already have my headband… this will be one of the last times I will be here."

Sasuke felt a bit of a headache, and then some memories began to cross his mind… it seemed too real to be fake, but he began to recall the early years of Sasuke. He was quite the bright kid, always chasing his brother, trying to seek the approval of his father, and then sharing his problems with his mother… those days had been pretty warm for his life. Still, then that happened… his brother was forced to take down his entire clan alongside Tobi, who was actually Obito Uchiha, who claimed himself to be Madara at that time.

"All those memories… they follow the same thing in the original story," Sasuke thought. "Still, why am I here?"

When Sasuke was thinking about that, the door of the class suddenly opened, and when he looked in that direction, he saw Naruto with an annoyed expression and with his leg raised. It looked like he kicked the door. Most of the students tried to avoid eye contact. At the same time, people like Shikamaru and Chouji only looked at him as if they couldn't recognize him.

"He seems different than I remember…" Sasuke thought while Naruto approached and sat on his left side.

"What are you looking at, huh?!" Naruto asked.

"Your annoying face," Sasuke replied without hesitation.

"The hell did you say?" Naruto got up and then grabbed Sasuke by his collar.

"Your usual lucky-go-happy attitude is quite annoying, but the current is even more," Sasuke replied.

Naruto clenched his teeth and then raised his fist as well. In his field of vision, he saw some students approaching, and then he tripped toward Naruto. Sasuke knew very well what was going to happen.

"Oh no, you don't," Sasuke said and then jumped to the side.

Sasuke wasn't interested in relieving the scene of him and Naruto kissing, and before Naruto could follow him, the other guy fell on his back and made him fall forward. Naruto soon got up and then prepared to smash the face of the poor idiot, and the kid only tried to protect his face. For a shinobi, he was quite the coward…

"It seems that someone is making things as lively as usual," Kiba's voice echoed in the room.

Sasuke turned and saw Kiba and Shino entering the room. Shino was the same as usual, an endless sea of expressions and emotions. Meantime, Kiba looked like he wanted to see Naruto causing trouble. Still, Naruto just clicked his tongue and let the kid go. He kept glaring at Sasuke, though.

"Sasuke! Good morning!" Sakura's voice echoed in the classroom.

"Hey! Don't block the entrance of the classroom. Your forehead is so big it's like your entire face is on your chin." Ino said. "Good morning, Sasuke! It is good to see you after the final exams."

"What did you say? You pig?" Sakura glared at Ino.

Sasuke wanted to sigh… things were going more or less the way the story happened… only Naruto had changed quite a bit. All the other kids were ignoring him. In the story, the girls were supposed to say some harsh things to him, and he would simp for Sakura… but it didn't happen.

"I guess it is fair to say that this isn't a dream…" Sasuke thought while looking around, and everyone had their headbands. "Everyone graduated, but some things changed and…"

Sasuke's head began to hurt again, and some other memories resurfaced in his mind. For some reason, he knew that Naruto was the son of Minato and Kushina, and that was common knowledge in the village… that wasn't in the original. Another thing changed…. something appeared in the corner of his field of vision.

Sasuke Uchiha – Gennin (Sharingan Level 01 0/1000)

Health: 50/50

Chakra: 200/200

Stamina: 150/150

(Guys, I had an idea for an original novel and decided to write it. The book is called World Developer System. Please check it and tell me what you think! See you all later!)