
Rewriting Kakashi's Destiny

In this story, a person, finds himself in a new reality, as a skilled shinobi named Kakashi Hatake, through a transmigration. As he navigates this world, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Along the way, he reconnects with his past, honing his abilities and creating new jutsu along the way. Through training, camaraderie, and introspection, Kakashi overcomes his past sorrows and finds renewed purpose and determination. Follow us along with anticipation as we witness the birth of a renewed era in the Naruto world. 1ch/day

Hungry_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

A new Hokage?

Following his exploration of the village, Kakashi proceeded directly to his training ground.

After a brief 10-minute walk, Kakashi reached the training ground, and the sight of it stirred up a surge of nostalgia, rekindling memories from his past.

'As Kakashi stood at the familiar training ground, he couldn't help but reflect on its significance. This was not only the place where he honed his own skills, but also where he trained alongside Rin and Obito.

The flood of memories washed over him, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia and emotion. Even though he had inherited Kakashi's memories, the experience remained deeply personal and sentimental to him.'

'To begin my training, I think I'll start with a brief training exercise from Kakashi's memories, which will allow me to experience being Kakashi.'

'Once I regain my rhythm, I can gradually intensify my training regimen, focusing on mastering the Purple Lightning technique and all the associated Chidori/Purple Lightning sub-jutsu.'

'Having retained the Sharingan, I must make the best use of it until I seek out Fugaku-san's assistance in removing it.'

'With the Sharingan's capabilities, the process of learning these jutsu and comprehending their intricacies will be significantly accelerated, leveraging my existing knowledge and expertise.'

Having trained diligently for over three hours, Kakashi found himself completely drained. He had devoted himself to various disciplines, including taijutsu, ninjutsu, kenjutsu, and genjutsu without taking any breaks.

The intense training quickly depleted his chakra reserves, leaving his hands and legs numb.

Observing his own physical prowess, Kakashi realized that he had successfully retained all of Kakashi's skills and expertise. However, before he could proceed with creating the Purple Lightning technique, he needed to replenish his chakra reserves.

'I should be able to start creating the Purple Lightning as soon as I refill my drained chakra reserves.'

As Kakashi smiled, admiring his hands, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. "Yo, rival! It's been a while. Let's engage in a youthful battle. I'm certain I'll emerge victorious this time!"

It was Guy, donning his distinctive outfit, extending another challenge to Kakashi.

'Perhaps another time, Guy. Can't you see that I'm completely exhausted from my training? Kakashi replied, his fatigue evident. If we were to fight in my current condition, you would undoubtedly have the advantage.'

"Alright, let's battle tomorrow then," Guy responded enthusiastically, his smile shining brightly as he gave a thumbs-up. "Together, we shall demonstrate the power of youth to everyone!"

"Oh shoot, I also almost forgot to mention it. There is a rumor circulating that the third Hokage intends to step down from his position, clearing the way for the appointment of a new fourth Hokage. Who do you think it'll be?"