


You can't take a step without knowing where to go. Actually, you can, but you shouldn't. Because it's better to prepare for the hardships rather than be taken by surprise. Psychologically, whenever a situation springs upon you, your first option is to find an escape. And being prepared gives you the advantage to face whatever is thrown at you and show it who the boss is but contrary to it, there are things that you can't prepare for no matter how much you try. The best example is life itself. You never know when you can or cannot do something and whether you'd be given a chance. Your choices and decisions won't matter, and neither your way of living. You could live your whole life as though treading on eggshells and still wouldn't know when one egg would break, and you would fall; into oblivion or wonderland, you may never guess.


Lunch finally arrived. It was Monday, and the Arch Angels, the three most popular girls' group in our high school, had called me for some favor and said to meet them at lunch, but it was Monday. Lunch arrived like a sloth. We all were tortured with assignments for the first half of the day. Only some of us had the energy to only hope that the next half would go well. It wasn't like that usually, but today, everyone was feeling it. Even the sun was getting on our nerves.

Like every dreading student, when I saw the time ten minutes later, the minute hand had only moved a centimeter. We were all, not only me but all of us, on the verge of tears when the bell finally rang. The sighs of relief were audible, and kids rushed away, not even bothering to hear the assignment anymore. They all went to the cafeteria for refreshments and food. However, I could swear that the Angels didn't even run to the cafe. They were with me in the class. But once I reached, they were already seated on their usual table with a sophisticated posture. And that was before another body had even entered the place. I had no idea how they did it, and I didn't really want to know, but I was curious. And it made my defensive suspicion arise.

Considering Addison Lennon—the lead Angel with a triangular-shaped face, olive-green eyes, and straight brown shoulder-length hair—had personally asked me to meet her for something she had yet to say, I couldn't help but prepare a 'saying no' scheme. They weren't used to hearing it, so I had to be careful about how I declined her. It wasn’t that I didn't want to help. It was just that sometimes they would ask others to do something utterly foolish, and I had to turn them down if they tried to do the same to me.

Feeling heated, I bought a cold soft drink from the vending machine when Candace Grahams and Brittney Davis, the blonde and redhead Angels came sauntering. Including Addison, they completed the ‘Arch Angels’.

"Addi asks that you sit with us," Candace said, folding her arms and patting her foot as Brittney rolled her eyes. I stopped mid-drink in shock, waiting for them to go so I could properly digest the sudden request, but they kept standing here. Were they going to be my escorts now? I stopped myself from spitting out my drink as I laughed internally. I raised my eyebrows at them, gesturing for them to go on as I'd join them soon, to which they let out a small groan and actually cat-walked their way back. I could bet that if nothing else worked out for them, they'd join a modelling industry.

When I finally reached the table, all three of them had their arms folded as they sat leaned back on the wide bench attached to the table. I felt a bit intimidated by their stares, considering it was three against one. Besides, I wasn't always good at being under the spotlight.

A minute later, I felt a presence by me, and when I looked over, it was Rose who had come to my side. I shot her a grateful smile as she knew I wasn't fond of dealing with stuff alone, and given my past history, I didn't feel comfortable alone either. Rose, though, didn't like the girls, didn't hate them but didn't really like them. And this was the first time the Angels had come to me, so it was unusual but normal. Because it was only a matter of time that they asked me, considering I was on friendly terms with almost everyone in this school. Not that I was looking forward to the ‘I need your favor’, because like I said before, whenever they asked for favors, some would go horribly wrong. Not all, but some. And whatever this was, there was a high chance it would blow up as well.

There were stares, there were whispers, and there were nods. It was as if they understood what was going on, or maybe they looked forward to seeing what was going to happen. They weren’t to blame, really. No one sat with the Angels. No one. Yes, it was unlikely as they asked favors all around, but they never talked at ‘their’ table. Either they received the command in Addison’s sickly sweet voice, got a chit in their lockers, or discussed it out in the hallways. But the Angels never encouraged crowding on the bench they always sat on. And to their luck, it was in the center of the cafeteria. They made sure the world circled around them.

Once I was there, I noticed that maybe it was why Rose was fuming so much. She must’ve had an idea that whatever the favor was going to be, it would be risky. Otherwise, they would never have called someone to their table, and of all people, me? Hah, fat chance that I was someone in their eyes. I didn’t mind their thinking. Instead, I preferred lying low, but this, again, was unusual and hopefully normal.

Exasperated, I put my hands on my face as I stared at her in disbelief. Addison had asked me to throw a party, on school grounds. Didn’t sound like much, did it? But the problem was that she wanted me to throw it on a weekend when there were no teachers in the building, only guards. Oh, and teachers weren't supposed to know about it either, and lastly, all students had to be there. Since I knew almost all of the kids in school, it was why only I was the one who could do it. Why? For Addison's brother. Someone I didn't know. And I had to throw a party for him. I had to risk some severe punishment for someone I didn’t even know.

Addison had never mentioned a brother before. That was why it was understandable when Rose had her nostrils flared and glared daggers at her for asking such a thing from me. It wouldn't have been much of a big deal, but parties on school grounds weren’t so permitted. More so, if the owner of the school building wasn't around or an adult couldn't supervise things like this. After what had happened to me, our Principal took measures to permit wild teenagers to roam about as they wished. The security of the school came with disadvantages. Just some simple fairs were allowed under heavy security, but the request the Angels had made was unmanageable. How was I going to pull it off without any chance of authority knowing?

"No wonder they called you at their table," Rose whispered, loud enough for Addison to hear. She sighed and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please, Azura, I know it's near impossible—” She began, but Rose cut her off.

"It is impossible!" She bellowed, which stunned the people who could hear her. Someone was talking back to the Arch Angels. To them, this was the most interesting thing happening.

Addison sighed again and continued, "I know it's… impossible, and you'll never agree for it, but I need," She pinched her temples, "you to do this. It's not for me. I know you. And I know you wouldn't do anything bad for anyone or to anyone, and that's why I never approached you for my requests before, but this isn't for me. It's my brother, he... he is a lone wolf. No one notices him. He doesn't have friends. And he never talks about it either. I mean, of course, I'm popular and everything, but I try so hard for him to get acknowledged, but he never cooperates with me." I furrowed my eyebrows at her statement about how no one knew him. I stopped her by asking which school he attended. If he were going here, then I would feel guilty, for the rest of my life, for never acknowledging him.

I never should’ve asked. I hung my head in shame as Rose put her hand on my shoulder. She understood what I was feeling. She knew I was taking responsibility for it. Even when there were more people than I could count in this school, I didn’t think for a second that maybe Addison’s brother was someone I might’ve actually known. I went straight for the shame that pressured me up at knowing that I could’ve tried harder, but I didn’t.

"It's okay," Addison whispered. "It's not your fault, really. He doesn't want to be seen, and he has his ways for getting what he wants." I eyed her questioningly, to which she replied, answering two questions at once.

"Secret Passageways. How else do you think we reach any place before anyone and without running?" She chuckled after her explanation. I looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"I-It’s... It's impossible." I stuttered, somehow managing to voice my thoughts.

"Oh honey, after-school visits always have their perks." She cleared her throat. "I mean, for my brother. Well, we're getting off track here. Can you do it or not?" She asked in a bossy tone.

"No," Rose grunted before I could process my response with the new information I suddenly acquired. She caught my gaze and gave a reassuring smile as well as squeezed my shoulder. We both looked back to see Addison in her slumped form. She was dejected. It had never happened before. And both, the other two Angels, and Rose and I looked at her as though we saw someone getting choked to death. She was on the verge of tears. She looked as if she would burst out at any second, and it frightened me. It wasn't normal. It was definitely not normal.

The whole cafeteria held their breaths, anticipating what was going to happen next. And what actually happened blew all of our minds.

"I understand..." Addison whispered softly as her voice shook.

"Thank you for coming here to hear me out." The bell rang, indicating the end of lunch, but everyone was glued to their seat. For one, this was totally unexpected. First: being called at the table and then Addison not once snapping at me.

To clear up the fog, they could be extremely mean when they didn’t get their way. However, the crestfallen expression Addison held screamed how this request held more meaning to her than the whimsical wishes the Angels often asked for. Her green orbs shined as her eyes turned glassy. She gritted her teeth as though controlling herself as she turned her gaze to the other two, gesturing them to leave. It was subtle, but I caught it. Most wouldn’t, and maybe this was why they were out of reach because no one paid enough attention to notice how the group actually worked. Now that Addison came to me, I was dismissing her quite harshly, and I didn't feel good about it.

The three were walking out of the cafeteria, Addison with her head hung when I couldn’t take it anymore.

"Stop!" I drew out the word that actually made them halt. I gave in far too easily.

"No… Azi… Stop. Don't say another word. No, no, no…" Rose whimpered as she tried stopping me by tugging my shirt sleeve. I shot a look at Rose, warning her, and she stopped when she caught my resolve.

"I'll do it!" I yelled, not that it was necessary, considering the whole cafeteria was quiet. Even the lunch lady was watching us. I was such a people pleaser. Addison turned, hearing me, and like everything that was happening unusually, she ran up to me and scooped me in a tight hug thanking me over and over. I stiffened under her sudden grip, but before I could do anything, she pulled away.