
Let’s Wake Her Up.


Jack strode in front of me as we walked out of the hospital towards the parking lot to retrieve the book; meanwhile I couldn’t help but notice his hunched yet tensed shoulders along with his heavy footsteps.

I wondered if it was because he finally felt relief now that we had real hope of getting Azura to wake up or was it that he was even more thrown off, thinking that he wasn’t enough to wake Azura himself.

Forcing myself out of my own thoughts, I took out the keys to my car and unlocked it when I saw the book lying open in the back seat on which there was scattered ink.

Hastily grabbing it, I skimmed over the new entry about which I was pretty sure that it wasn’t there before, considering how I tried looking for other writings when we got it from Azura’s house. What caught most of my attention, was that the text was written in a foreign language.