
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 13 Caliform's Waterfall 2

Chapter 13 Caliform's Waterfall 2

Walking into the crystal caverns there's a shadow that moves ahead seeming like a puddle of black ink. Before long Damian feels a spectral tugging in his head, He knew this was his familiar trying to make him aware of the danger ahead. Damian moved slowly at first giving him a chance to hide and take in the sight before him as he approached an open cavern. He hears grunting and chattering coming from inside.

Carefully he watches trying to be careful although this wasn't the normal style, he wanted to see if he could tell what kind of goblins he was against here. The goblins he sees are made of either crystal or ice he couldn't from so far away they were almost transparent giving off an almost ethereal feeling. They were heavy their footsteps made a distinct thudding sound. The light seemed to split inside of them giving off a dazzling array of colors making them seem to be a prism the rainbow effect they gave off was almost enchanting.

After watching for a while Damian made his move rushing in and making an attack on one of the goblins that had strayed too close to him. upon close inspection, he could see that they were indeed made of some kind of crystal but it became brittle when subjected to his freezing temperatures, though harder to take beat than the rats previously he still made what he considered to be pretty good time. If anyone else were to see it, it would be remarkable. These were crystal goblins capable of fending most physical attacks without issues, they also boasted high flame tolerance which would usually make their physical capabilities better. Damian's type of magic seemed their perfect counter however he had to change his weapon from his usual blade.

------- Marrissa's POV -------

Marrissa wanted to see what Damian was capable of, after all up to this point he seemed mysterious. "I'm going to follow him." she said resolutely. "I need you to cast a light-bending spell on me."

"He said we shouldn't follow him that it would be dangerous because his magic could go out of control." Lisa replied meekly.

"I don't care I told you to cast the damn spell, or do I need to teach you another lesson." she replied menacingly while narrowing he eyes at the young girl.

"No, I'll do it," she said with tears starting to form in her eyes. holding her hand forward towards Marrissa a white line slowly takes shape and forms an intricate pattern of loops and swirls that start to glow yellow as the young girl starts chanting. "Spirits of light heed my call, bind, and wind, make this being unseen by the naked eye." as she finishes this phrase the light grows until everyone has to close their eyes. When they open them Marrissa seemed to have vanished.

Sneaking through the cavern Marrissa eventually finds the room that Damian is in. What she sees surprises her beyond belief Damian has a long thin club-like weapon made of ice that he's using to bash the goblins to pieces. He moves in a way that doesn't seem to be fit for combat dashing from goblin to goblin he stops in front of them holding this club at chest height but up against his shoulder, his legs spread while slightly crouching he swings without really using his body weight. His hips waist chest and arms are all that really move the momentum built up with the movement sends the goblin heads flying in pieces. Suddenly his position shifts and he seems to vanish before reappearing a few feet from Marrissa looking directly in her direction. His purple glowing eyes stood out from under his white hair.

------- Damian's POV-------

After realizing that the blade he makes can't seem to penetrate the goblins very easily even after they have become brittle he stops and thinks for a moment before making a baseball bat. These goblins are almost the perfect height they remind of playing T-Ball in school striking the pose he remembers being taught he swings his bat causing the head to shatter and fly leaving a blue crystal intact that bounces and skitters across the floor. After a while, something changes out of the corner of his eye he can see that there is a particularly dense grouping of magic particles. Activating step of the wind he flashes before the cloud of particles and activates Arcane Eye allowing him to see the clouds hiding something or someone. Getting closer Damian raises his baseball bat laying on his shoulder. Suddenly he hears a sound coming from the cloud "Crap that's cold. Shit my shoes are starting to freeze!" as Damian recognizes Marrissa's voice he stops walking and glares at the cloud.

"I told you it would be dangerous to follow me. I can't control these spells enough to keep allies from getting harmed yet." He says before deactivating Arcane eye. "I am going to continue forward don't follow me so closely, I may not be able to stop myself next time." he said to try to get her to put some distance between them, thinking it was taken care of he turned to walk away. "Right you guys can have any of the crystals left behind I'm fine with that."

"He's dangerous he wasn't lying he could harm the whole town if he went out of control, that decides it. If Marcus tells me too I will have to kill him in order to protect the town, yeah to protect the town." she thinks to herself. " I know that I would have done it even if I didn't find out about this, but now I won't feel so bad when I have to do it." She reaffirms herself skulking back to the group.

Damian makes his way through the rest of the cavern finding a chest he checks it and finds it empty he creates a skill book called Opportune Strike and leaves it in the chest its cost was negligible to Damian at this point. Along with a shield with a skill called Bulwark and a stone that was supposed to help with channeling life magic. These were more expensive but he figured that it would help his new party and didn't want them to see him making them so he left these gifts somewhere he was sure they'd find them. Eventually, he arrived before a familiar door.


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