
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 12 Caliform's Waterfall

Chapter 12 Caliform's Waterfall

Waking up and stretching Damian glanced to the foot of his bed to see a familiar shadow curled at the foot of it. As Damian walked by he scratched its head between its ears. He had gotten used to this site after a while, the fact that a being made purely out of death particles needing sleep and snoring still perplexed him, but he ignored it with a slight grin as he started making breakfast.

After eating he left the small cabin calling Blackie back into his shadow. Realizing he hadn't checked his status since his dungeon run he called up the page and was surprised by what met his eyes.



level 11/ exp 50/ 1,024,000

Hp 36

Manna 31


Strength 20

Dexterity 20

Stamina 26

Intelligence 21

Wisdom 15

charisma 15


bonus 5

Attribute 60

Skills 535

Tribute 10

Creation 15


Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Corpse Explosion 1

Undead Fortitude 1

Skeletal Restructuring 1

Fire Bolt 1

Wind Step 3

Earth Gaunlet 1

Water Whip 1

Healing Light 1

Particle Manipulation 5

Particle Absorption 5

Arcane Eye 5

Scythe Style (beginner)

Ice Blade 3

Blizzard 3

Cascade 3

Ice Sliver 3


Find Familiar


Bone Scythe

Ring of dark betrothal

"So many skill points I wasn't keeping track of all the monsters I killed in the dungeon yesterday. Looks like I also got bonus points from the den quest the system gave me." With a large smile on his face, Damian continued walking towards the guildhall.

Getting closer he sees the group waiting for him, getting closer he sees that Lisa looks anxious chalking it up to nerves he ignores it and waves at Marrissa who motions for him to move faster. Speeding up to a jog he approaches them, "Good morning Damian." Marrissa says with a smile holding her hands behind her back, "It's a bit of a walk to Califorms Waterfall, I'm glad everyone is here early. Let's GO!" she exclaims with a fist pump and a hop.

"You're chipper aren't you?" Damian asks quizically "Is she always like this he askes Benny, who just answers with a yawn and a nod.

"She's a demon who insists on waking up earlier than the shop keeps and forcing anyone in the house to wake up with her." He says stifling another yawn.

"Wait if that's the case how long have you all been out here?" Damian askes shocked at the revelation.

"About two hours, we don't know where you live or she would have gone and gotten you up early too." He says the tiredness in his voice is evident.

Samuel puts a hand on Damian's shoulder "You're a lucky man, my friend. Do yourself a favor and keep it that way, for your own sanity." He says with a chuckle. Lisa mumbles something under her breath that Damian didn't catch but noticed it elicited a sharp look from Marrissa.

"I'll keep that in mind, anyway, sorry to keep you all waiting, shall we head out?" Damian asked with a stretch. The walk was long Damian was surprised that his feet didn't start hurting or that he didn't get tired. It took five hours to get there because they had to take breaks for Lisa, after all, she was young so Damian understood. He found it odd that the person who seemed the most annoyed with her was Marrissa whose cheery disposition seemed to dull whenever she looked at Lisa.

Damian started wondering what went on between them and asked Marrissa who just said they had a disagreement after getting back from the Dungeon yesterday. She said it's fine and that it was still fresh in her head and was still annoyed but she liked Lisa and that it wouldn't cause any problems on the quest.

With that reassurance in his Damian stopped paying as much attention to it. He knew that today was going to be harder than yesterday. While he was in the library he found that goblins and trolls were extremely adaptable creatures often gaining different abilities depending on the dungeon they were found in. The goblins found in volcanic dungeons would even be capable of eating raw metals and the heat inside of them would refine the metals, they would either vomit or defecate the refined metals which they would use in their forging process, this ability was labeled as internal refinery by the system and came as a bit of shock to Damian in all the fantasy settings he had never heard of something like this.

They were smarter than the rats capable of minor strategies their preferred tactic seemed to be something akin to guerilla warfare with traps, ambushes and hit and run tactics. They would use their numerical superiority to try to confuse their enemy and then attack from blind spots for most people and groups this was an issue. Damian however didn't think it would be too bad since he had an aura that could freeze things nearly instantly he was sure that he would be pretty capable but decided that he was going to take a slower approach to the dungeon than he did in yesterdays. And have Blackie scout ahead.

With all these thoughts going through his head they arrived at a spot before he realized it everyone else had stopped and he bumped into the back of Samuel who was in front of him making Damian come to a halt and look around.

In front of him was a large waterfall that had a constant rainbow showing a large pool of water, which he guessed to be around fifty yards wide with a single large flat stone in the center. A clearing surrounding that for another fifty or so yards before the trees started to grow so close together that it seemed like they were trying to block out sight to this place. it seemed to him as if nature was trying to put a wall up in front of this place.

Entrapped in the view around him he didn't notice Marrissa go to a stone that seemed like any other and set her gold rank necklace on it. He did notice a sudden change in the environment as all of the manna from the area was pulled towards the waterfall causing a split in the water the edges of which froze in moments creating a beautiful crystalized doorway. From which a frozen bride grew to create a path to the entrance of the dungeon.

After everyone got across the bridge and stepped through the doorway they were a cave of ice the crystals that were up the area came stalactites that shined from a peculiar amount of light manna. It was very easy to see when he heard the familiar sound of the system giving him another quest.

*DING* Caliform's Waterfall is a silver-grade dungeon though the creatures here are not much of a threat to you. You must show your group your capabilities. Complete the Dungeon without their help. Success 1 level, a memory fragment.

After he got this message he took his first step into the crystal cavern. He never planned to get their help but now he had to do it by himself to get his reward. "Don't worry I got this I feel ready for this." He said to everyone behind him activating his spells once again in rapid succession. Marching further into the dungeon he grins to himself thinking of the points he can get from the creatures here. "It's Time."

Chapter 12 is here, Thank you to my readers.

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