
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 10 The Test

Chapter 10 The Test

Quickly adding the group to the party he notices that he can assign them roles giving Lisa the role of Healer, he makes Marrissa an Assassin, while making Billy a tank, Finally, he assigns Samuel the role of fill making himself Leader and Damage Dealer. After that he assigns each one five percent experience gain, knowing that he will be losing twenty percent of his experience he smiles knowing that it will be worth it in the long run.

Damian steps forward with everyone watching as cold air starts swirling around him. At the same time, ten long thing spikes of ice come into being around him circling him slowly. As he creates a curved blade of ice coming off his wrist, looking back he grins at everyone's expressions of surprise.

"How are you feeling?" Asks Lisa "That many spells so quickly must have made you tired, after all, most people can only cast a spell at a time."

"Hmm, no I'm fine, I'm gonna start now." Damian says before disappearing from everyone's view, a few moments later they heard squealing from the tunnel. Damian enters a large opening and sees dozens of rats wandering around as he moves faster than they can follow he slashes at one of the rats as blood flies into the air its caught up in his aura spell Blizzard as it starts swirling around him it starts freezing trailing back following the blood into rat before freezing it from the inside out like some macabre ice sculpture.

As the squealing died down they all move forward they saw a massacre of frozen rat corpses and, frozen fountains of blood that seemed to be works of art with the way they glistened in the light of the cave which was given off by the glowing moss.

They were more or less still intact and when Samuel shattered one of the frozen heads he saw a perfectly preserved crystal inside "Well luckily his magic doesnt harm the gems, so theres that."

"Yeah, but it's been about three minutes, and hes already moved into the next chamber this one takes us twenty minutes with all of us." Bill answered.

"Exactly," said Marrissa. "We needed a damage dealer I thought he was a fighter at first but he said he's a mage, Seeing this I understand now, his combat style is different from most mages that's why he focuses so heavily on his body."

"I'm going to collect these gems, no point in letting them go waste." Samuel said an expression of surprise still on his face as he tosses the gem in a black portal that opened up beside him. If Damian were to see this he would be surprised that someone else could use an ability he gets from an item.

Meanwhile, Damian had cleared his third chamber. If they had seen him flickering in between the rats, while expertly dodging their blood as it flew into the air. All the while using his Blizzard spell, causing them to freeze from the inside out. They would understand how the scenes they had witnessed came to be. As Damian made his way down the winding tunnels killing hundreds of rats. Damian was making short work of the rats who were incapable of even making contact with him. Realizing this was probably due to having peak human physical stats he grinned to himself as he slashed yet another rat. Thirty minutes later he got to a set of heavy wooden doors he stopped to rest regaining any lost manna and stamina before entering the doors.

Inside was a Rat the size of a Saint Benard which hissed at him before charging. He blurred for a second before its blood came splurting from the rat at multiple points. Rivers of blood started to crystalize before the rats' legs started to slowly freeze. The large rat collapsed on its side before Damian walked over taking note of how he cut through multiple tendons on its legs before using the curved blade on his forearm to slice the rat's throat. As the look of panic that was in its eyes died down and they glossed over Damian pumped more manna into Blizard so that he could freeze the rat solid before sitting on top of it and waiting for his party to finally arrive.

After waiting for another 30 minutes he could hear the party talking amongst themselves as they approached the doors. As they entered they stopped talking at looked at Damian sitting atop the giant, all of them that is except Lisa. "No way he can solo one, Look at it this I trapped him in one of my shields, AND he couldn't escape. In fact, I'd bet that great big 'ol Rat ate him up" Samuel grabbed her shoulders and turned her around since she was standing in front of everyone walking backward while talking. Even her jaw dropped to the floor. "well I guess I'm out of three gold coins." Lisa mumbled to herself. "I'm not taking your bet Billy." She said under her breath grumpily.

"Well whenever we are ready, we can turn this quest in and grab the next one, right?" Damian asked.

"Um, it usually takes us hours to do this dungeon." Billy answered.

Raising an eyebrow "Really it wasnt that hard." replied surprise in his voice.

"Well no, it wasn't hard it just takes a while because we don't have a dedicated damage dealer." this time it was Marrissa who answered. "I can kill things with one attack but I need the right set up for it to work. So even though we've done this Den a few times, it takes us a while."

"Jeez, I didn't realize that my being part of this group was so important," Damian replied. "I mean I am pretty sure I can solo a silver rank Den with my current power a gold rank will be hard even with all of us," Damian said knowing full well that he had to hide his necromancy from them. "But I will say that if we are all together we should be able to do them. Besides, the more of them we do the better we will get right."

"Right." said Samuel, as he came walking over to the rat corpse, "Do you mind if I take a look at the corpse? I know it's your kill but if we can harvest the gem we might some ok gear from it. This is the fastest this Den has ever been done, so I am sure theres still some ok loot here." Samuel said. Damian nodded his head as he jumped down. He watched from afar as Samuel cut deep into the skull of the rat and brought out a fist-sized gem. As the rat started to crumble due to being ice a small dagger fell out of the corpse before falling on the ground with a *TING* sound.

"SCORE." Marrissa shouted excitedly running and grabbing the dagger before looking at Damian realizing she just took his hard-earned loot. Damian just chuckled waving his hand as if nothing happened.

"You can have it. I just want to become gold rank as soon as possible so I can travel freely." Damian said.

"Wait what? You just want to become a gold rank?" Asked Lisa. "Oh come on even Marrissa is only a gold rank because her parents used to take her on their quests."

"Even then our parents died on their first Den raid." Billy sad the sad appearance on their face.

"Well either way, as we agreed we still have to do a silver-ranked Den and see if he can clear that. If so we can start doing some of the easier gold quests." Samuel stated matter of factly.

"I already have one planned I requested Rebecca to hold it for us," Marrissa said with a grin. "We are going to Califroms WaterFall."

Hello I am planning on starting to make the chapters longer from now on. Thank you all for the continued support.

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