
Revival with System in Parallel World

Follow Vikram Singh's extraordinary journey as he finds himself transmigrated into a parallel world devoid of familiar pleasures like video games, technology, and manga. In this unexplored realm, Vikram must navigate challenges, unlocking his potential as he rises to become an industry tycoon. Join him in this thrilling tale of innovation, entrepreneurship, and the quest to reshape a world unfamiliar with the wonders of his own.

Owais_Khan_4634 · Urban
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23 Chs

Unveiling Treachery

Vikram Singh, at the age of 50 he stood at the pinnacle of success, his augmented reality game company, "InnovAR," flourishing in the tech-centric world of 2032.

"Naina, get the all core developers in the meeting room. We have to look forward to the next game plan." Vikram looked at the beautiful women wearing an OL suit and smiled at her.

"Yes Vikram." Naina Khanna is his wife and also his secretary, looked at him with a smile, went out of the Vikram office and started calling people for the meeting. 

Her ones loved filled aura started changing, her eyes turned cold, looked back at the office where she came from and started talking to the people on the phone one after another giving instruction.


"slam," "thud" Vikram walked into the room

"Hello President"

"Hello President"

"Hello President"

"Hello everyone, do you know why I have called you"

"..." Vikram looked at them, but there was no response. He sighed..

"We have to make a new AR game... "

"Does anyone have an idea what game to make" Vikram looked at the people.


"President, how about a game where player might traverse different time periods or dimensions using AR technology and the game play could involve exploring various locations, solving puzzles, and completing quests by interacting with augmented elements overlaid on the real world"

Vikram looks at the person how just spoke. Arjun Sharma one of the top seasoned developer in the gaming industry and also my close friend. Vikram smiled at him.

"Arjun, that is a nice suggestion, so does anyone have any opinion on it"

As Vikram looked around, he did not notice any strangeness of the people's eyes. If he would have noticed the strangeness, he would have felled cold sweat.

"Ok. Lets go with Arjun's idea. Make a report about. it send it to. my desk I will look into it."

As soon as Vikram got up and left the meeting room. The people started talking.

"Secretary Naina..."

The voice trailed off as Naina's icy glare silenced the speaker mid-sentence. Her eyes held a glint of authority that needed no reinforcement.

"President Nain..." 

As he was about to speak, Naina started leaving the hall

"Fool, don't you know how to address her?"

The hushed whispers carried a tone of caution, a warning hidden in their words. Yet, the implication remained shrouded in secrecy.

"Come on, doesn't everyone know what's going on?"

The question lingered, unanswered, yet pregnant with implications. Faces paled, eyes darted, and the meeting room slowly emptied, leaving a hollow echo in its wake.


As the meeting room cleared, Vikram, unaware of the lingering tension, proceeded with his day. Naina, however, navigated the halls like a shadow, her actions calculated, her motives hidden beneath a veil of professionalism.

In a secluded corner, whispers danced between two figures—a concerned glance, a furrowed brow. Rohan a young programmer, his countenance betraying an unease that mirrored the unseen currents brewing within the company.

"Something's amiss," Rohan muttered under his breath, his gaze following Naina's retreating figure. "Did you notice the atmosphere in there?"

His colleague nodded, eyes darting around cautiously. "Yeah, things felt off. Something's brewing, and I don't think it's in our favor."

Rohan's frown deepened. "We need to keep our eyes open. President might not see it, but there's more to Naina's moves than meets the eye."

Meanwhile, Naina's steps led her to her office—a facade of efficiency. Behind closed doors, her gaze lingered on a screen displaying intricate plans and intricate schemes. Her expression, a canvas of carefully crafted composure, betrayed a hint of ruthless determination.

She muttered to herself, voice barely above a whisper, "The game has already begun, and you have no idea what's coming."

Unbeknownst to Vikram and most of his team, the intricate dance of strategy and ambition had begun—a clandestine battle brewing under the surface, threatening to alter the course of their intertwined destinies.


Days drifted by, each one marking a subtle shift in the company Vikram, the visionary behind InnovAR, toiled late into the night, crafting strategies that would propel his company into uncharted realms. As the clock struck midnight, he decided to head home earlier than usual, eager to spend a rare evening with his beloved wife, Naina.

The moon cast an eerie glow as Vikram stepped onto the porch, his footsteps echoing in the silent house. But as he approached the entrance, a chilling sight halted him in his tracks—a lone man's shoe lay discarded by the doorway, an ominous harbinger of the scene that awaited him inside.

Fear and disbelief clawed at Vikram's heart as he hurried through the corridors, his pulse racing. The bedroom door stood slightly ajar, and through the gap, a horrifying tableau unfolded before his eyes.

There, tangled in bed sheets, lay his wife, Naina, alongside Arjun, his friend. Shock rendered Vikram immobile, his mind struggling to comprehend the betrayal playing out in front of him.

Before he could process the sight, Arjun scrambled, panic etched on his face as he came to the realization that his secret affair was exposed. In that tense moment, Vikram was not able to comprehend as what was happening looking at her wife and his friend. Naina's face twisted into a mask of fury, and with a swift she ran towards Vikram. With a merciless motion, she lunged at Vikram, a glint of steel in her hand.

The room was rent with a gut-wrenching cry as the knife found its mark, and Vikram crumpled to the floor, a stunned silence enveloping the room. In his last fleeting moments, the dying Vikram heard the whisper of words that shattered his world with disbelieve while looking at his wife with a knife in her hand.

"Is it okay to kill him now? Won't the plan fail?" Arjun's voice quivered, carrying a weight of sinister intentions.

"It's okay. We can move forward with the plan now. Everything will be mine," Naina's chilling response hung in the air, freezing Vikram's heart in disbelief and horror.

The life ebbed from Vikram's body, his spirit shattered by the cruel revelations. Darkness descended, his final breath carrying the weight of betrayal and treachery as the world slipped away.