
A soothing memory

It's a calm and cool night, the wind blowing the curtains open. It's quiet and calm. You're enjoying this, the stillness of it. Your head lays on his chest. And the slow, rhythmic breathing accompanied by the slow raising and lowering of his chest is just 'Oh So Great' to you. Asking for more would be too much, you think to yourself. It's quite literally your dream.

His hand slowly climbs up your back and on your head it lays, slowly stroking your hair. The night keeps getting better. Your breaths started to sync together and you start to fall asleep. Your live with Chad couldn't was at its peak.

It has been 2 years since the two of you started to date, and only a few weeks since you moved into his sea side house. The view of the coast from your bedroom is anything but majestic, and the way the moonlight seeps into the room makes everything seem heavenly.

But you're focused on Chad. And he is looking at you, his eyes fixated on your face, slowly moving around. It's clear, he is studying you. Something he does time and time again. You look back on the days when it used to be embarrassing to you, but now you've outgrown that. Today, this gaze gives you comfort and assurance.

'He still loves me'. That thought is wonderful on it's own. "What're you thinking of, big guy?", you jokingly ask.

"No thoughts, just admiring your beauty."

"Oh really? And what is there to admire about?"


"You always say that."

"Because that is what I always think."

"You're so sweet." You reply with a chuckle. It warms your heart, that reply.

Another thing that you admire about him, how he's always so reassuring.