
Don’t be late!

"Rise and shine! Otherwise you will be too late!" A familiar voice called from below. Adrien stretched himself. The blonde pulled a blanket over his face so he wasn't blinded by the sun's bright light.

Adrien didn't want to get up yet. He still was tired because he fell asleep very late yesterday.

A small red creature approached and snuggled up against its owner's cheek,  desiring him to move.

"Good morning, Tikki." Adrien happily greeted his kwami and commenced smiling. After leaving the bed, he quickly went downstairs.

"Good morning, Mom." Adrien greeted the dark-haired who was now standing in front of him.

He grabbed some strawberries to consume them as his breakfast. "Good Morning. Are you ready? " Sabine merrily asked her son. The green-eyed boy looked up in surprise. At first Adrien didn't know what she was talking about, but then remembered that today was the first day at school. It was a new year, so he was in a different grade accordingly.

The blonde guessed that his fellas probably were in the same group as him once more, like it always has been. When Adrien glanced at the clock, he almost fell off his chair in shock. "I'll be tardy again!" Adrien worriedly shrieked.

Sabine giggled as she watched him devouring the fruits rapidly. Her son raced up the stairs as if it was a competition that he had to win at any price.

Adrien snatched his bag and some clothes to put on.

The blonde stormed back to where his mother was and gave her a short wave as he passed by while speedily leaving their house.

Adrien rushed to school. Shortly hindmost arriving there, he took a seat next to his best friend Alya.

"I'm so sorry for being behind time frequently." The green-eyed boy informed, panting.

Madame Bustier clapped briefly to get her chatting students attention. "No problem, Adrien. You're here presently. Please open page 8 in your books." She calmly said.. The teenagers obeyed and followed their teacher's instructions.