
Reverse Orbital - The World when Sun Rise from West

It just like how it happens before 21-12-2012. A group of paranormal state that a big event would happen to this world. But rather than an apocalypse, they said it’s a transformation, ‘Holy Friday’. The day when a total solar eclipse occurs but then the sun direction would be different, earth rotation reversed. The sun would be rise from the west. Furthermore, human would receive ‘grace’ from the higher realm. To compete, to improve, to develop, to adapt. How will the human and high-human respond to it?

Hamartama · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Let’s Back, to Enemy’s Base

Jhennifer witnesses a scene that was familiar for her eyes recently, freeze her movement. A man touching a floating black-box from nearby unconscious lady. Her feet are barely do some leap but she retracts it.


She murmured by herself.

As the black-box disappeared she did the act she cancels earlier. At the quiet hallway that supposed to being showered by a sunset ray, a white flash fills it. She immediately migrates from her initial position to the man's back which have an approximately 10 meters distance.

She hit that man's nape with minimal power and instantly knocked out him. Her speed alone made her wary of killing people inadvertent.

"Ok 5 done. Jhe reported."

"Okay, time for light to scout."


Jhennifer touch the black-box from an unconscious man nearby.


She sighing for waiting 2 minutes of the transfer process.

"Is it no future development to upgrade this transfer time…"

"If it were then I pity every person you've meet."

A boy answered her murmur from the group-call they operate.

"Not if I was alone. But if I have K-9 like you then that would be the case."

"Pfttt hahaha…I'd love to have one like that too."

"I'm just being used as German Shepherd huh?"

"Be proud! For you to still have any use is…be proud."

"No need to said it twice flash-bang."

Jhennifer finished with her stealing task.

"Okok, now is for me to go roaming to seek lost person, right?"

"Yes, and…"

The boy's voices were kind of worried in Jhennifer ears.


"Could you also find Sis Renanda?"

Jhennifer started to shown any worry in her face. She might be arrogant but she pays a close attention to whatever Rega said.

If he worries something, there must be a sight she yet to know from him.


"I feel a bit worried. I hope that just my feeling."

"Ok, I wi-"



"Just report to me whatever it is. Please don't do any reckless act."

"Huh, why you act s-"

"I sincerely beg you."

Jhennifer bit her lips as she heard a serious request from a boy who always play fool in front of her.


Her hand reached something in her black colored denim pocket.

She moves from her current position. Her tempo of walk isn't so fast. Rather, it's slower than the her usual. But every step has more pressure. A bit fear, a bit worry, and some hatred poured homogeneously in her eyes.

"Sorry Rega…if I witness something too awful to see then…"

The light-colored blue in her eyes became darker.


"It's 07:30 PM already, should we go there by now?"

"Wait... Jhenn?"


"Jhenn you could buy your meal alone, right? We need to go to the base and disconnect the call."

"Yes, who do you think I am? Just go. Good luck."

No, you indeed able to. But what I mean is your character. I'm afraid if she would somehow offend the canteen keeper by handed them a lot of money and said "No need the change, I still have plenty of it".

"Ok, good luck the-"


"What now?"

"Call me if anything happens there. Ok?"



What is this? She worried me? I'm not overexertion. The final battle might wage anytime even if it tonight, so it's normal to be worried. But in particular, is about the overconfident girl that being worried.

She doesn't even shew any worries back then when fighting terrorist at my school. Why now? Is she being here by herself without any backup from her personal people?

Nah, I've included that in my calculation and I think she also known about that. But why she still…

Is it about her?

"Let's go sir!"


Just like yesterday, we go there through the hospital backdoor. But I don't need to close my eyes and act as an unconscious victim this time.

This hospital is somehow big. I still remember the time when this hospital began its renovation years ago. I think that was useless, since this city is not the metropolitan or something. If it were Jakarta or Surabaya It still make some sense.

And why did it now really fill? Broker? No, even that paranormal only could predicted it half year before the Holy Friday really occurs.

Damn, I don't know. This world is really bright that make ordinary people couldn't see the shadow lurking within it.

"Stay here! I'll enter first as I'm an official member here."


*Knock knock

"Metal-healer here."


He entered the house. Hope no one there.

"Huh? Oh…okay."

He showed his hand and make a zero sign with his thumb and index finger. Is this how police operate? Isn't it supposed to be cooler like in the film? Why did I feel like we just playing hide and seek?

I went ducking trough and approached there. Then I rolled forward when enterer the front door.

"Close the door, agent 1!"

He just stares at me with his narrowed eyes.

"I'm sorry to not realized it. You're just a boy in your age that still want to play like this huh."

"Damn, why can't you just flow with the flow? This supposed to be cool if you not have said that."

"But I just see you as a K-9, not a police companion."

"Why you start being annoying like Jhenn?"

"Everyone who know you to this point would do the same, damn it. Why bother to act fool when you're this genius."


A woman showed her existence at the edge of this room.

"Sis Yola!"

"Don't call me like that, kid. My condition right now isn't that well to know who are you, but yet I also remembered you for a slight. How about returning 'it' to me."

"Hehehe ok…Agent 1, do it!"

"Hahhh…Isn't that sudden bossy character is more like her. Al-Grace."

Her eyes widened when she saw a strange thing that not supposed to be in this world floating in front of her.

"So, this is black-box…what you wrote is real huh."

"Yes, just touch it and spell Nahb. Stay with it for 6 minutes."




2 minutes and 3 second.

As I thought. My act last night really precisely represents the actual process is. Good job, me. Let's also copy her response last night.

"What happen? Regain your memory?"

"He… hahahaha so this is grace?"

And this part as well. Damn, am I too good at this?

"Yes, that is inde-"



"That's my payback, kid. You dare to play with me"


"Hahahaha…Now tell me everything in your mind, boy…"

I don't know. I could see her eyes in anger but…

Her sullied grins tell me that she's one of us right now.