
Reverse Lifes

Arthur, an ordinary college student, was dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning and obtained the billionaire system, earning $800 trillion at the beginning. However, this money can only be spent by girls, and there is no other way. In order to spend all this money, Arthur embarked on an extraordinary path to becoming a millionaire!

oldpanda · Urban
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12 Chs

Where Did I Lose?

"Haha, luckily I didn't make a move, or it would've been too embarrassing," Rex said, looking rather gleeful.

"This Moira is simply a devil. I knew with her around Judy, none of the guys trying to strike up a conversation would succeed!"

"It seems like if you want to get close to Judy, you'll first have to deal with this Moira!"

At that moment, another handsome and clean-cut guy stood up.

"Judy, actually, I also want your WhatsApp!" Arthur's words shocked the entire class! They seemed to not believe that Arthur dared to ask Judy for her contact information? Wasn't that too audacious? Where did he get the courage? Didn't he see Dominic fail miserably, ending up in an awkward situation?

"Are you also trying to join the student union?" Moira asked disdainfully.

"No, I'm not interested in the student union," Arthur shook his head.

"Ten why do you want Judy's WhatsApp?"

"Because I want to pursue her!"

"What?" Even Moira was taken aback this time! She seemed completely unprepared for Arthur to be so straightforward and bold! This guy wasn't following the script at all!

"Ding! Backup operation initiated!"

Name: Judy

Age: 20

Height: 168cm

Weight: 49kg

Appearance: 8.7 points

Affection level towards the host: 10 points

Bound as backup number 3. When the affection level of this girl towards the host exceeds 95 points, the host will successfully reverse and become the backup. Upon successful reversal, the reward is 10% of consumption backup gold. Reward enhancement points: 25 points (enhancement points can be used to enhance the host's physical attributes, including physique, mental state, talents, strength, perception, etc.). Reward skill: Master level piano performance.

Arthur hadn't expected this at all. Judy actually had an affection level of 10 points towards him, something he hadn't anticipated at all! He had to admit, from childhood to now, Judy had encountered many guys trying to strike up conversations with her. Among these guys, there were always some who would approach her with various excuses. Joining the student union for her, joining the dance club, in short, all sorts of reasons were used. However, very few people, like Arthur, would be so straightforward in saying they wanted to hit on her! Perhaps it was because her radiance was too dazzling. The vast majority of guys lacked confidence in front of her, naturally not as casual and bold as they were with other girls. Why did Arthur have such courage?

Because he doesn't care.

Back when he was pursuing Una, he had already lost face and dignity. He no longer cares about love! Now, all the high-value beautiful women in his eyes are just money-making machines. As long as you meet the criteria for spending backup gold, then go ahead and pursue them.

"Alright!" What was jaw-dropping was that Judy actually nodded in agreement quite openly, seemingly looking at Arthur with a rather appreciative gaze.

In fact, adding someone's contact information is not a big deal at all. Judy just disliked many guys deliberately finding false excuses to get close to her. Couldn't they just be straightforward if they wanted to pursue her? Every girl likes to be pursued. Judy is no exception. It's just whether you can succeed in pursuing her that's another matter.

After adding WhatsApp, Arthur didn't continue to awkwardly talk to her. His goal for today had been achieved.

"Una, what's up with Arthur? Why does he want to hit on Judy? When did he become so bold? Also, didn't he transfer fifty thousand dollars to you yesterday? And now, he's asking Judy for her WhatsApp right in front of you. What does that mean?" Maggie shook Una's arm, looking puzzled.

"I don't know what he's up to, but since we've broken up, I can't control who he wants to pursue!" Una's face didn't look good. She felt like she was being cheated on by Arthur. It's only been a day. Why did he change so much? Until yesterday, this guy was still the most loyal backup by her side. But now, he dared to flirt with the second-ranked school beauty right in front of her and succeeded!

"Are you deliberately showing off to me, or do you really not care about me anymore?" Una was both angry and upset. She started to feel a bit anxious and insecure. If a man could be easily controlled by her, then he would have no appeal to her! From a psychological perspective, this man was a lower-level being in front of her, and their relationship was fundamentally unequal, so where was the attraction? Women generally say they want a man who will obey them completely, but in reality, they don't like men who are completely submissive. That's why a charming man is never controlled by women. Arthur's current indifferent attitude actually made him appear confident, generous, and charming.

Indeed, as the saying goes, "The upper limit determines the lower limit!"

Arthur dared to pursue even the school beauty, so Una, you don't seem that impressive after all.

Una: Affection level +5

Una: Affection level +5

Arthur glanced back at Una and noticed that her affection level had increased by 10 points again.

"What the hell is going on?" Arthur was a bit confused. The reason he flirted with Judy in front of Una was actually a desire to assert himself. If Una could be ambiguous with other guys, why couldn't Arthur pursue the school beauty? He thought this move would make Una's affection for him decrease, but it didn't. Instead, it increased? What?

"Weren't you the one saying you hate scumbags?"

"Weren't you the one wishing for a guy who would be devoted to you?"

I did everything you said! But what's the result? You treated me like a dog and dumped me. And now, when I flirt with the school beauty in front of you, instead of decreasing, your affection for me increases? Are you freaking crazy?

Arthur felt like he couldn't keep up with this woman's thought process at all. Backup is doomed after all!

"Arthur, I see you're completely different now. Flirting with Judy, impressive!"

"Arthur, could you give me Judy's WhatsApp number?" Rex said, looking obsequious.

"It's not appropriate. If you want it, ask her yourself!"

"Don't be like this, we're brothers, remember? We shared one pair of underwear, then two pairs, then four. What kind of friendship is that? Brothers for life!"

"No, I can't help you with that. Even if I give it to you, she might not add you!"

"What! You ungrateful jerk!"


Unconsciously, two periods of open classes had passed!

After class, Arthur just walked out of the classroom when Xanthe came walking towards him. Today, she was wearing the latest Chanel dress, with elegant wavy curls and delicate makeup, exuding feminine charm in every move.

Yesterday, after their date ended, she didn't want their relationship to progress too quickly. However, this morning, she became completely unsettled after seeing a trending topic. The mysterious tycoon who had donated ten million dollars to a female streamer had an ID: "A handsome guy smoking when lonely". And Arthur's WhatsApp name was also "A handsome guy smoking when lonely". Xanthe began to suspect that Arthur and the mysterious tycoon from the trend might be the same person. Such a coincidence was not common. Not only was the ID the same, but even the profile pictures matched. If Arthur really had the capability to donate ten million dollars, then the wealth behind him would be staggering. Perhaps tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions. This was something that ordinary wealthy heirs couldn't compare to. He might be a hidden tycoon or an heir to a fortune. Although Xanthe wasn't completely certain, she decided to take the initiative.

Arthur greeted her calmly, "What a coincidence, Xanthe. Does your art school also have classes here?"

"What coincidence? I specifically came to find you. This is a sketch I made this morning, a gift for you!" Xanthe handed Arthur a sketch board.

The sketch was remarkably well-done, showcasing Xanthe's excellent sketching skills. It depicted Arthur himself, lifelike and almost identical to a photograph.

"What's going on? Such a beautiful girl came specifically to find Arthur?"

"Wow, isn't that Xanthe from the art school? And she's actually giving Arthur a gift?"

"She's Xanthe, right? I heard she's quite famous. My god, the sketch is of Arthur himself. Is this her way of expressing her feelings?"

"I'm doomed. Why do I, someone without a partner, have to see such an unhealthy sight?"

"This doesn't make sense. Where did I go wrong? In terms of looks, height, talent, Arthur isn't better than me in any aspect. And I can rap and play basketball. Why would Judy be willing to add him on WhatsApp? Why would Xanthe give him a gift? It doesn't make sense at all," Dominic puzzled over his situation.