
Reverse Fallen Stars

2 days later..... Astef saw the wedding day of Kierra and Rolden. Then, On that night.... After the wedding.... He drank so much..... He said "Two stars are really meant for each other hah?, Haha, How funny! " He can't still forget Kierra. He thought he can be with Claudia but it doesn't work.... 3 days later.... Astef went to Persia. It has something to do with his business. However.... One night, He was lost and found a cave and..... "A lamp?! ".... There's also stars in the skies on that night.... According to legends, there's something on the lamp which can grant you 3 wishes.... Can he be with Kierra now?! Find out more of what will happen to his life and everything around him.... This is the Season 3 of Rewrite the Stars! Enjoy!

Shanane · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Chapter 2: Lion's Cave

3 days later....

Astef *sighs* Now, I'm here for a business... Never ending problems... *breathes*

Ring, ring.....

Astef *picks up*: Hello?!, Yes Dad, I'm going to meet the investor here in Persia... Okay... Bye! *call ended*

5 hours later...

Astef: Hooh!, Finally finished, Hhmmm... I will go back now to my country and take a one week vacation there (Maybe I could really forget Kierra on there*

??? : Woho! What does a rich man doing here....

Astef:!!!! (He can speaks the same language with mine).... *turns around* (Damn it!)

He encountered tons of men who are snatchers and have big muscles....

Astef (They are so tall too, I can't beat them only by myself....)

Men #1: Woho! Are you scared man like a little kitten?!!

Men #2: I think he's going to cry like a baby, Huhu!

Men: Hahahaha!!!!

Astef:... Hhmmmm... Is that so fat man?!

Men #2: What?!, What did you...

Astef: Catch me if you can!

Men #3: GET HIM!!!!

MEN: Grrrggghhhhh!!!!!

Astef (Damn! Where's that f*cking hotel that Jonrey [my assistant] was saying?!!)

Men: Catch him!!!!

Astef: Sh*t!!! They can't catch me.... *sweats*

He ran so fast....

Astef: Hah! Hah!...?!!!!!

Bam! Boom!

Men #4: Where did he go?!

Men #5: Let's look on the left corner!!!

The men left....

Astef: Aahh!! (A cliff?!, Damn!) Ack!!

He rolled down....

Astef: Ack!!,?!! (Whoa! A cave?!!, This cave looks like lions head and.. It has two rubied-eys)!!!!

The cave opened....

Astef: I can hear those men's voices all through my head, Maybe it's safe if I go to that cave while waiting for this f*cking signal of my phone!!!

Astef enter the cave.....