
Reverse Fallen Stars

2 days later..... Astef saw the wedding day of Kierra and Rolden. Then, On that night.... After the wedding.... He drank so much..... He said "Two stars are really meant for each other hah?, Haha, How funny! " He can't still forget Kierra. He thought he can be with Claudia but it doesn't work.... 3 days later.... Astef went to Persia. It has something to do with his business. However.... One night, He was lost and found a cave and..... "A lamp?! ".... There's also stars in the skies on that night.... According to legends, there's something on the lamp which can grant you 3 wishes.... Can he be with Kierra now?! Find out more of what will happen to his life and everything around him.... This is the Season 3 of Rewrite the Stars! Enjoy!

Shanane · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Chapter 101: We won't lose!

2 hours later....

Martin: Damn! *grit his teeth* I lost?!

Maru: I told you, hihihi! *grins*

Frenzescua: Don't worry... We're going to revenger for you... (We can't lose!)

Astef (We won't lose!) Next is knife range...

Ada (I must throw as faster and as far as I can..) *throws the knife* (Great! It's about 10 kilometers far!, Huh?!)

Jeremy *grins* Too bad for you... *throws the knife*

Ada: What the... (It's about 12 kilometers far!) Heck!, I lost... *sad*

Kierra: Don't worry Ada... Their are 8 more left... We also have 1 point!... Just like them!

Daisy (It's my turn now!) *roll up her sleeves*

One hour later....

Judge *bites* Hhmm.... I chose Vanilla's cake! because of the....

Daisy (What the.....)

Vanilla *taps Daisy's shoulders* Better luck next time... *smirks*

Ada: You....

Astef *holds Ada's hand* Calm down! Their are 7 more...

Ada (2 for them then 1 for us...)

Then the competition continues...

Winners: Sven, Rant, Ez, and Rafaello

Kierra (We were 1 point ahead of them... I must maintain this..) It's my turn! *rise up*

Astef: Goodluck Bunny, You can do it! *holds Kierra's hands*

Kierra: Yep!


Kierra (All I need to do is to got a triple 10, so that we're still ahead of them...)


Kierra (I got only 9,9, and 10) *sad*

Frenzescua: You still have a long way to go... *throws her arrows*

Kierra (Gosh! Triple 10!!!)

Frenzescua: I am not a Dylan and Frencesca's sister for nothing.... You are no match to her... You will never replace... How did a naive and weak like you got in the rank class... *walks away*

Astef *clenches his fist* (I will deal to all Dylans after this) You did well, That's enough already *smiles*

Light: Let us do the rest.. *smiles*

Kierra: Thanks! *smiles a little*


Kierra (The way he plays piano is indeed a pro..)

Astef (What a beautiful harmony and melody...)

After a while...

Announcer: We have a tie!

Light: Sh*t! (Now... It's all up to you, Astef...)

Astef *goes down*

Kierra (Go Astef!)

Fren: Ready to lose?? (I will get my vengeance today... for the death of my sister...)

Astef: Hhmm... Bring what you've got *grins*

Fren: Sh*t! (As I remember... My sisters said that he's weak spot is his left leg...) Yah!!!

Light: He's attacking the weak spot of Astef! *sweats*

Kierra (OMG!)

Astef (He's attacking my weak spot!... However....) *grins*

Fren (What?!, He can still smile, knowing that If I continue this... His going to lose?!)

Astef: I already strengthened my weak spot... *whispers*

Fren: Damn!

After a while...

Kierra (Oh! The sword is nearly at the neck of Fren!!)

Ada: We Won!!! *smiles*

Fren: As expected of Morlens... *drew his sword down*

Announcer: Rank Class Wins!!!

All *applause*

Frenzescua (OMG!) *grit her teeth* We lost.... *whispers*


Astef: Fren and Frenzescua, Let's talk!


Fren: You mean is... The death of our sister is not an accident?!

Astef: Yes!.. Someone is behind all those killings and that's not made by me... (Their main target is not me...)

After that....

Kierra: How's the talk with them??

Astef: It gone smoothly, so don't worry.. *pats Kierra's head* Let's eat some steak tonight since we won!... Tonight is my treat! *shouts, smiles*

Daisy: Yey!, Thank Goodness!.... I'm really hungry...

They celebrate that night....