
Giant Sun’s retaliation

Translator: ChibiGeneral

Inside True Yang Building.

The land spirit was using all of its strength to attack the seal on it.

Bang bang bang!

Three soft explosive sounds could be heard consecutively, as three black chains binding it were broken.

The green paste on it had thoroughly melted from its neck and even to the tips of its two wings, revealing the bright and lively feathers.

"Little sparrow, you dare!" Giant Sun's will was bursting with fury.

"Giant Sun, despite being dead, you actually still imprisoned me for hundreds of thousands of years. Today, I will definitely break out of your damn cage!" Frost Jade Peacock let out a shrill scream, similarly furious.

Trapped for so many years, unable to even budge, the suffocation and indignance from being in captivity turned into the strength needed to break its seal.

Giant Sun's will gave a deep shout, the sun like will suddenly flared up, rushing in all directions like a majestic golden flood.

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