
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Book&Literature
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221 Chs

Chapter 2500 I Want The Heavenly Dao!

As soon as Heaven adopted the Dao of Death her body decayed, after all, how can a living being possess Death?

He was the ultimate form of an Immortal Zombie, he gave up the ability to produce Immortal Essence, while in his Death form, to have access to one of the strongest Great Daos of the 3000 Daos!

"My time in this form is limited," Heaven thought to himself, he knew that he could run out of Immortal Essence if the fight dragged out.

"First let's restore my side's fighting strength." Heaven raised his skeletal hands.

Dao Killer Move ------------- Death Pursuit

A burst of purple energy surged to a radius of 100 Li, as the wave travelled everything in its path was reduced to Death!

Countless Gu Immortals who had decided to hang around nearby or didn't manage to flee in time were caught by the Killer Move.

Without a single warning, they dropped to the floor like flies.

"Billion Soul," Heaven pointed at the bodies piling up, "Go have a feast!"

The Billion Soul had taken considerable damage and was down Millions of Souls, the loss of all life within a 100 Li radius was great nourishment for it.

The Billion Soul began to ignore Hei Lou Lan's Chaotic Extinction Ray, sure it was nearly unstoppable because it used Chaos, but the amount of Chaos Fang Yuan left behind was only a sliver, and the amount Hei Lou Lan could use was even less than that!

It hurt like hell but it didn't do permanent damage to something as colossal as the Billion Soul.

"Shit, Genesis help us stop it!" Earth shouted, "I have a plan!"

"What about the destruction all over Central Continent-"

"There won't be anyone to live in the Central Continent if we don't stop Heaven!"

Genesis Lotus grit his teeth and ignored the Flaming Meteors crashing down all over Central Continent from Spectral Heaven.

"Fine!" because he was connected to the entire Central Continent, the flaming meteors were hurting him directly as well, but with the large surface area of the Central Continent, it was still bearable.

Tendrils of earth burst from the ground, ensnaring the Billion Soul and pulling it down to the ground.

"Oh no, you don't!" with a flick of Heaven's wrist he released incredibly sharp blades that sliced through the Earth's tendrils like butter.

"Damn," Genesis frowned, "Of course, he has access to Killing Dao on top of Death."

To be more precise it wasn't that Heaven had cultivated the Killing Dao, it's that the Killing Dao was already a part of the Great Dao of Death!

Allowing him to use it, and other Daos associated with Death, freely.

Underneath Heavenly Court,

"Wow," Fang Yuan had just finished refining the last of the Elemental Gus, he was brimming with power and his Dao Fruit was nearing completion.

"I guess I should make a move soon," he glanced back down at Feng Jiu Ge who was no longer riddled with Cracks.

The Great Dao of Destiny was no longer destroying him and was slowly assimilating with him.

"Well my job here is done, time to enact phase 2."

Star Constellation and Giant Sun were still hidden but were conflicted.

"Was this part of your plan," he asked her.

She shook her head, "This was outside what I dared to imagine, he has a semi-complete Dao Fruit of Death."

Earth had warned Star Constellation that Heaven would most likely pursue the Great Dao of Death but Star Constellation didn't think he would be able to achieve 50% so fast!

"The Grand Dream Realm plus Kill Gu must have helped immensely." Star Constellation bit her lips

"Should we maintain this Killer Move or should we cut it off now?" Giant Sun asked, "At this rate, your forces are going to get decimated and maintaining this move means we cannot act."

He had point, the Celestial Ballroom of Death was Killer Move that scaled based on the amount of resentment the target had accumulated, and no one had more resentment gathered than Heaven.

But it also made use of the Dao of Karma to inflict 'punishment' on the target.

This punishment did not work on the Dead as once someone is Dead they no longer bear any Karmic ties.

"I guess we have no choice," Star Constellation was reluctant, she knew that if they upheld the move they would win eventually since Heaven would have to revert eventually.

The greatest weakness Heaven had was that he was resource bound, he couldn't afford to run out of Immortal Essence, if not his Embodiment of Death Killer Move would run out and he would revert to being alive.

At that moment, right before Star Constellation and Giant Sun began dismantling the Killer Move.

Star Constellation received a message, "Perhaps I can be of assistance?"

The voice was all too familiar to her, she had suffered at its hands numerous times.

"Fang Yuan!" spat those words in spite, "What do you want?"

Fang Yuan held a sly grin, "Me? I just want to help, it is the dream of every cultivator to surpass Death, how could I give up this chance?"

Star Constellation rolled her eyes at his blatant Self-righteousness, "Cut to the chase, what would it cost?"

Her mind was being strained in maintaining the Celestial Ballroom of Death and negotiating, with not just anyone but the incredibly devious swindler; Fang Yuan.

"Ouch," Fang Yuan faked being wounded, "I'm hurt by your accusation, I ask for nothing but the ability to help."

Star Constellation raised her eyebrows, "And what would that be?"

Fang Yuan displayed an embarrassed expression as he scratched the back of his head, "You see I'm currently busy fulfilling a request that someone had made, otherwise, believe me, I would fight but as it stands I am unable to move, however, I have 3 clones who are almost capable of breaking through to Rank 9 and would be of great assistance if you gave me some of that Primoridal Domain you have."


"Shameless!" Star Constellation snorted, "Why would I give you the chance to strengthen your forces?"

Fang Yuan kept his cool against her allegations, "That may be true, but," Fang Yuan had a devilish smirk, "You have no other choice."

Star Constellation's eyes narrowed into slits, "Explain."

"If you refuse my help, then the moment you manage to achieve a stalemate with Heaven I'll just help the side that benefits me most." Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sure Heaven would be willing to trade Ying Guang Xin and Earth for Fire Gu."

Fang Yuan gave Star Constellation a reproachful look, "It's not like I haven't been in contact with him."

His sly smile made Star Constellation almost lose her cool.


She gave a deep sigh, "You win, I'll give you my share of Primordial Domain."

"But! I don't want your clone to act," Star Constellation's eyes turned firm, "I want you!"

Fang Yuan chuckled, "Sorry Star Constellation I'm not into grannies but I can wrap up my commission and head straight to Heavenly Court."

"Wait a minute," Star Constellation didn't bat an eye at Fang Yuan's joke, "I want you to swear on your Dao that you will aid us in getting rid of Heaven, and until you do so you won't attack Heavenly Court."

"Correction." Fang Yuan added, "Getting rid of Heaven's avatar, aka, Spectral Soul, to kill Heaven itself would be suicide and leave me forever at Heavenly Court's beck and call. Or was that your plan?"

"Hmph!" Star Constellation snorted, "Deal."

They shook hands, all this happened in the mindscape but an oath via Daos transcended dimensions.

"Now hand over Primordial Domain,"

"Unfortunately, I am tied up at the moment maintaining this Killer Move, Star Constellation out." and she cut off communication.

"Sly bit-" Fang Yuan took off toward the Eastern Sea before he could he even finish his sentence, he was underneath Heavenly Court at the moment and needed to approach via the Eastern Sea to not arouse suspicion.

Rank 9 Immortal Killer Move ------------- Light Speed Swift Wind

Fortunately, with Rank 9 Light Gu and Rank 9 Wind Gu, not only was Fang Yuan the fastest Gu Immortal alive, but he was also the swiftest!

"Wind Gu allows me to change trajectories and flow like the wind, whereas Light Gu lets me travel close to the speed of Light, but with no ability to change direction, combining them both allows me to achieve the best of both worlds."

Sure, he lost some speed to gain the ability to make maneuvers but it was far more important to be flexible in battle.

After all, at the Venerable level, one could easily keep up with an individual who can only move fast in 1 direction at a time!

As soon as Fang Yuan arrived, he surveyed the land.

The situation in Heavenly Court was looking dire, there were flaming craters littered everywhere, and the lush tress and opulent mountains had all been reduced to ash and rubble.

It was as if armageddon had arrived.

"Seems like Genesis Lotus has suffered the most," Fang Yuan rubbed his chin, he estimated how much it would cost Genesis Lotus to repair Heavenly Court.

"Unless he manages to realise his Dao of Creation."

Fang Yuan looked toward where Genesis Lotus and Red Lotus were fighting against Heaven.

The battle was not going well, the Billion Soul could not be held down no matter what, causing Earth to grimace.

Heaven was also taking the chance to have Earth and Ying Guang Xing eliminated.

"I'm going to send you to sleep for another 100 millenia!" he roared.

Genesis and Red Lotus were doing their best to hold out against Heaven, fortunately, the Dao of Death was not as effective against the Dao of Spacetime.

"Hmph!" Heaven snorted," You are fortunate that Death is delayed by Time."

"But don't get complacent!" Heaven thought to himself, "I don't want to use this Killer Move now, I'm running low on Immortal Essence as it is…but if I don't take this chance when will I get another?"

Heaven was gritting his teeth, which looked creepy for a skeleton to do.

The Billion Soul roared with anger as its Hundreds of Millions of arms attacked omnidirectionally.

"Oh no, you don't!" Genesis Lotus clapped his hands together and the Central Continent responded by encasing the Billion Soul in earth.

With a flip of Genesis's palm, the Earth suddenly turned to steel!

"Hoh?" Fang Yuan looked with intrigued, "That's not a simple matter of inverting the elements, rather he has changed the very principle of that earth to metal!"

Indeed, though the outcome and result were the same if Fang Yuan were to invert the elements, what Genesis did involved a far higher level of rules.

This was the difference in Daos!

Just like how all Paths could emulate one another, all Daos could achieve similar results with each other, but there were levels to it.

Sure, Fang Yuan could do the same thing with ease, but Fang Yuan had to follow the process of conversion between Elements.

Fire couldn't jump straight to Metal, and Metal couldn't jump to Water.

There was a cycle to the Elements that Fang Yuan had to obey.

With the Dao of Creation, there was no such cycle, if Genesis so wanted, the earth could turn to water in an instant and water could be fire with just a snap.

Genesis used earth at first because it was only 1 stage from Metal, and thus, easier, as earth path was the most abundant and his most familiar path.

Of course, the metal enclosure did not last long and they were soon back to phase 1.

They were all so engrossed in the battle that they did not notice Fang Yuan, nor did Fang Yuan make his presence known.

"Perhaps I should wait for it-" before Fang Yuan could finish his thought.

"Fang Yuan!" a female voice shouted, stepping out of the blood moon, like a fairy of the stars, was 'Star Constellation' she floated toward Fang Yuan.

The whole battlefield stopped and turned towards him, everyone held a cautious gaze before the Heaven Refining Demon Venerable.

"Hmph," Fang Yuan snorted, he ignored their gazes and turned to 'Star Constellation', "We have a deal Star Constellation, hand me Primordial Domain and only then will I aid."

He leaned in to whisper, "Or I reveal right now that this is just a projection you're puppeteering to fool Heaven."

She smiled back, "Do you not think he already knows?"

Although they were both all smiles, the tension between their eyes was electric.

Breaking the conflict, Heaven shouted: "Fang Yuan!"


"I have an offer for you, help me kill Earth and Ying Guang Xing and I shall grant you the eternity you desire."

"Oh?" Fang Yuan smirked, "And how will you do that?"

"I will bestow you with a Great Dao."

"Hahaha," Fang Yuan laughed, "And what Dao might that be?"

Heaven thought he had acquired Fang Yuan's interest, "I'm not unreasonable, any Dao you wish can be yours, help me with this and I'll give you 2 or 3 Daos!"

"Heh, how about you give the Dao I want right now?" Fang Yuan steeled his eyes, whereas the entire crowd turned nervous.

"Oh no, if Fang Yuan sides with Heaven we're bound to lose!" Genesis and Red Lotus did not know of Star Constellation's deal with Fang Yuan.

But Star Constellation was worried for a different reason, "Sly Bastard! If he acquires another Dao now, then our oath no longer matters because he can just abandon his Dao of Elements that he swore his Oath on!"

Heaven smiled, convinced that Fang Yuan would see reason, "Of course! Treat it as a thanks and advance payment for your help against these scheming traitors."

He was of course referring to the secrets of the Celestial ballroom of Death, namly Star Constelaltion and Giant Sun's inability to move.

"What Dao do you desire?"

Fang Yuan cackled maliciously, "I only want 1 Dao!"

"Hmm?" Heaven was puzzled, "What Dao is it?"

He assumed it was a powerful Great Dao like Death.

Fang Yuan's eyes stared straight at Death, the emotion reflected in them was unmistakanable, it was pure Greed!

"I want the Heavenly Dao!"
