
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Book&Literature
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221 Chs

Chapter 2493

The battle to decide the next Venerable was continuing as predicted by Earth.

Ma Hong Yun was challenged by the 10th, 9th, 8th, and 7th.

It was quickly found that he had very little talent when it came to using Killer Moves or battling, always resorting to using the same 2 moves.

Immortal Killer Move ----- Block

Immortal Killer Move ----- Shoot

Immortal Killer Move ------ Heal

These were actually Rule Path Killer Moves, they had no special effect and worked exactly as described.

It was appalling how it seemed hard for Ma Hong Yu to use such basic Killer Moves, but there were a couple things going for Ma Hong Yun.

Firstly, no matter how many times he was blasted, slashed or pierced, none of these Pseudo-Venerables could break through his simple Block Killer Move.

In fact, only Qing Chou managed to draw a tiny bit of blood, which Ma Hong Yun instantly Healed.

Second, was how powerful each attack he unleashed was.

Even though it was inconsistent, poorly timed and sloppily executed, if it managed to hit once…it was instant game over!

The insane defense and attack all stemmed from the fact that Undying Love Immortal Body was made of pure Heaven Path Dao Marks.

Each attack had no internal resistance and was greatly multiplied in power.

"W-what kinda cheat is this !?!?!?!" thought everyone.

"He's clearly an idiot but he's managed to wipe out genius after genius???"

To say that the people were incensed was an understatement.

What made things worse was that he carried himself like an idiotic junior, no, he was an idiotic junior!

The Undying Love Immortal Body was just that kind of cheat it was, unofficially, declared the 3rd strongest Gu Body.

After all its competitors were Supreme King Totem and the infamous Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu.

The former held pure latent destructive capabilities, while the latter held pure unbridled potential!

The Undying Love Immortal Body was like a weaker version of the Supreme King Totem, it couldn't adapt and only held the unique trait of being undying.

What truly made it overpowered was its immortality.

For as long as the 'lover' of the Undying Love Immortal Body was alive, then it was impossible to kill.

The next reason why Ma Hong Yun was doing so well was his Rank 9 Aperture.

Rank 9 Hope Gu!

The only guaranteed way to reach Rank 9 without having to go through a single tribulation.

Of course, its only benefit was producing Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence, but that allowed him to spend Immortal Essence recklessly against these Rank 8s.

After all 1 Yellow Apricot is worth 100 White Litchi Immortal Essence!

Lastly, his Killer Moves, they were maximized to be the peak of efficiency, they maximized ease of use with strength.

At least, amongst Rank 8s, Ma Hong Yun should be unstoppable.

Should be.

"I've seen enough," Lin Jian Xing stood from his seat, "It's obvious that Heavenly Court is cheating!"

Lin Jian Xing's accusation made the other 4 who lost indignant.

"What's the meaning of this Heavenly Court?"

"Did you call us here just to waste our time?"

Yu Shen and Xiao Xuan were especially enraged, they both had grand histories behind them and couldn't tolerate being made fun of.

"Silence," Genesis Lotus whispered the word, but the others felt an immense mountain crashing down upon them.

"Be grateful we even give you the opportunity," Genesis Lotus said harshly, "We are seeking the absolute best of Humanity to bless them with the opportunity to become a Venerable, and even if you don't win you still get to digest the fruits of 3 million years worth accumulation to boost your own attainments."

"Sit down or get out."

Lin Jian Xing would have been indignant and challenged whoever dared speak to him like that, but he was busy suffocating from the bullet like sweats dripping down his forehead into his mouth.

"The pressure of a Venerable is truly next level, I feel as if there's an enormous chasm between us!"

Lin Jian Xiang managed to pull himself together and cup his fists, "I apologize."

The pressure instantly dissipated.

"I have to mind my words more carefully next time," Lin Jian Xing wiped the sweat off his head, "It looks like one of the top 3 is going to make a move, let's just watch first."

The one to make the move was Shen Shang!

"There's not much I can gain from this man-made enlightenment," Shen Shang began releasing his aura, "Might as well try for the top."

Ma Hong Yun took a big gulp, "I'll be ok right?"

Shen Shang's decades of experience instantly shone, he had witnessed the previous fights and knew Ma Hong Yun's most exploitable weakness; his speed!

Or rather his lack of speed.

Shen Shang noticed the lack of a Movement type Killer move in Ma Hong Yun's arsenal, "I wonder if his Block Killer Move works in all directions? Let's put it to the test!'

Unlike the other 4 challengers, Shen Shang didn't underestimate Ma Hong Yun, "Always plan for the worse, I must thank Fang Yuan if ever escapes."

As quickly as the fight started, Shen Shang was right behind Ma Hong Yun, he immediately launched a Killer Move aimed at Ma Hong Yun's back.

The move approached, faster than Ma Hong Yun could turn to face it and,


A low thud and a cloud of dust was all the spectators could witness.

"D-did he hit him?" Xiao Xuan wondered, his vantage point was one of the worst so he couldn't tell much from the fight.

"Hmph, this guy sure is perceptive, we were too confident in our abilities which led to our loss," Yu Shen quickly let go of his pride and admitted his fault, he was more keen to learn from this experience rather than dwell on the humiliation.

"Yea, if I hadn't underestimated that Beam attack I would have easily snuck from behind to kill him!" Xiao Xuan however, was still incensed about losing, "Damnit…how could I, the great Xua Xiang, lose…to that idiot!?"

"Hmm Xua Xiang? Aren't you Xiao Xuan?"

"Ah," Xua Xiang noticed his slip, "Excuse my pronunciation, my manner of speech has always been rough."

"I see…" Yu Shen paid it no mind.

The dust settled but to everyone's surprise Ma Hong Yun was still completely unscaved, even though his back was still facing Shen Shang.

"Phew," Ma Hong Yun wiped the sweat off his head, "Good thing it wasn't strong enough to break through in one shot."

Shen Shang frowned, "That attack was one of my strongest Killer Moves and yet he didn't budge at all, he's got a strong defense, good stamina and high attack power, he's truly one of my worst counters,"

Shen Shang sighed to himself, never would he think there would be a day he'd be placed in a predicament by an idiot.

"Let's try this instead," Shen Shang begin to use his signature killer move

Immortal Killer Move -------- Heavy Injuries!

This was one of Shen Shang's strongest Killer Move, it even gave Fang Yuan some trouble.

There was no good way of defending against this Killer Move, it was silent and invisible, continuously inflicting Injury Dao Marks on its opponents.

It even gave Fang Yuan some trouble back in the day.

But unlike what Shen Shang expected, his move was blocked!

"Hmm," Shen Shang analyzed, "That Block Killer Move is really impressive, its so simple that anyone can use it yet it encompass everything."

This was the benefit of Rule Path, it was simple to use and its effects covered almost any situation, there was only 1 drawback.

"If I'm not wrong your Block move works as long as you have enough Immortal Essence yes?" Shen Shang grinned, "I wonder how much a young person like you has stockpiled versus an old timer like me."

This was the fatal flaw of Rule Path, its high usage of Immortal Essence, or at least, it depended on the scope of effects being covered.

The more specific of a direction or effect, the less Immortal Essence gets consumed.

For example, if the Block Killer Move was designed to only block Fire Path Killer moves from the front, it would be able to cut the total Immortal Essence needed by half!

Rule Path was after all the main path of Limitless Demon Venerable!

It wouldn't be mediocre no matter what!

"Using Rule Path is a good crutch," Shen Shang smirked, "But let's up the ante!"

Immortal Killer Move ---------- Self Harm!

Shen Shang took out a dagger and began cutting himself all over, but strangely each cut disappeared soon after.

"Is that all?" Ma Hong Yun waited in anticipation.

Suddenly, Ma Hong Yun felt a wet sensation on his cheek

It was blood!