
Reverend Insanity: moon venerable

“how am I still alive” he was surprised as nothing ever leaves a black hole. His entire body was badly charred in the activation of the thrusters, so he was surprised he was able to feel pain. However, he understood the moment he looked at his hands. His hands where white and not a piece of charcoal “Have I reincarnated?” he walked to the mirror in his room and was exited when the face staring back was not his own but a child no older than 14. MC reincarnates in the Gu Yue clan 2 years before Fang Yuan goes back in time. see how he creates his own path using 2 rank 9 Gu he obtained upon his death.

TheCureForBoredom · Book&Literature
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Chapter 5 Little LightGu

This year there was only one B grade talent and it belonged to a family of a small time elder (rank 3 Gu master), l he had gifted his son a black boar Gu for his success and because he was a B grade talent the other elders did not complain about unfair treatment.

Some classmates were jealous whilst some were trying to suck up to him for a chance to use the Gu. This Gu could be used by others to increase the strength by one boar if used for a long time. However, because there is a limited amount of time it can be used in a day it can be used by multiple people.

If Di Rue wanted, he could find the white boar Gu hidden in the flower wine monk inheritance however he wanted to get 2 of them at the same time so he can fuse them in the black hole Gu. So how can he let go of an opportunity when it presents itself for him.

Over the past week he had tried to find a way to steal the Gu from his classmate and whilst doing so he found out that his Gu is much stronger than he thought.

Using the same method, he used to refine the moonlight Gu he found he could steal other peoples Gu. It worked like a plunder Gu, but it was not a consumable. He suspected that the blackhole Gu increased gravity around itself to produce a force so strong that peoples Gu just flies into his aperture. Or he creates a miniature black hole around that Gu to suck it into his personal dimension.

When he discovered this method of stealing, he had stolen a little light Gu that one of his classmates had chosen however he had expanded 0.5% of his void essence. It seems he had found another use for it is to activate his Gu for different purposes. He planned to use the remaining 0.5% to steal the black boar Gu.

He had not found the extra ability of the white hole Gu.

Right now he was placing the little light Gu in the black hole Gu to be refined.

He looked around for useful materials. He saw the giant chunk of the moon and thousands of asteroids and space debris around it however only one choice for materials seemed correct. It had a strange and eerie green glow that he hoped was compatible with the little light Gu. It was one of the only glowing rocks he currently had.

He willed a small piece of the green material lo leave the space rock and as he did the rock shoot out merging with the little light Gu. The process was not as smooth this time as the combination started shaking. Immediately I knew it needed another kind of material, so I willed another random rock in its direction. The only distinguishing fact about this rock was that it was shiny and had a silver tint. From my years at university I knew exactly what it was once I saw it.

It was plutonium. My professor had bout in some radioactive materials to show in class one time and he was fascinated by it. How could one small rock be so destructive.

However, this was the exact material I needed as the fusion of Gu calmed down and finished after an hour.

The resulting Gu was silver and looked similar to the original little light Gu but bigger. It was the size of a fingernail and looks like a five-pointed star that gives off an eerie green glow.

I knew exactly what the glow was however I still had to test what its abilities were so I spent an hour catching a rat so I could test it.

As the light hit the rat I could see its skin bubbling like it had radiation poisoning. It increased in size to what looked like mole rat. Its teeth grew out as it screamed in pain.

As I was about to put the rat out of its misery the rat jumped up over the fence of my house and ran away. I was not fast enough to catch it so I left it alone and concentrated back on to the Gu in my hand.

I was surprised as I felt a connection to the rat. The rad had escaped to the forest and was hiding and I did not plan to go after it however it showed me a new ability the Gu had and that was tracking anything poisoned by the Gu.

I decided to rename the Gu in my notebook to little poison Gu.

Little poison Gu

- poison enemies and change their forms.

- track poisoned enemies.

- Suspected to increase the damage of radiation-based Gu.

His inner American is proud for creating such a cruel weapon that can be used for war. The Gu is perfect for both tracking and attack as the longer the exposure the bigger the damage done.

I suspected that the original little light Gu had an ability that allowed it to track light however because it was everywhere it was not that useful, so the clan relies on one of its auxiliary abilities.

He had decided that it will soon be time to go after the liquor worm, so he needed something to sell to gain mor primeval stones for the green bamboo liquor. He knew that the caravan would arrive in a week, so he had that much time to prepare.

He wanted to create a new material that he could secretly sell to the caravans. And he wanted to do it without using any materials from his personal storage. He wanted the material to be reproducible by others to stop people from hunting him down for the method.

He picked random rank 0 materials and bout enough for a fief tries at fusion using 10 primeval stones.

He bought.

- Green bamboo

- Red bamboo

- Blue bamboo

- Red cricket

- Green cricket

His plan was to fuse the crickets with the bamboo or fuse different bamboos together to make a rank 1 material or food.

i made a second american joke and im prowd

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