
Reverend Insanity: Hunting Heaven

Just before the final fight against Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan deduces that the Venerables will revive after the destruction of Fate Gu. With this in mind, he prepared for his last rewind of time. Fang Yuan stole dream realms, cultivation resources and immortal apertures before finally self detonating. He swims back up the river of time and finds himself in his old zombie immortal body, right after Hu Immortal blessed land's earthly calamity.

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Chapter 15: Seven Thunder Cloud Tribulation

"Grab the children! A tribulation has appeared!" An old rockman yelled at the top of his lungs in the southern quarry of Hu Immortal blessed land. "If we don't evacuate into the lower levels of the mines we'll perish!" His voice echoed throughout the huge quarry, disturbing the tribe from their year long sleep.

"Hahh~Quiet down chief. I'm sure it's just a false alarm. Maybe the Gu immortal had an accident?" A rockman emerged from his cave. He was large, almost 3 meters tall, and his body was covered in minerals, metals and all sorts of vegetation. "The Gu immortal always fixes all the problems. Why don't we just wait to see what will happen?"

"What? No, you idiot! If we don't evacuate then we're all in grave dang-" The old rockman didn't manage to finish his sentence before he burst into flames. In a flash of light an indescribably hot bolt of lightning had struck the white rockman tribe leader down. All that remained of him was a pile of black ash that quickly disappeared in the wind.

"Oh shit! Everyone wake up and retreat further underground!" The quarry isn't safe!"

Although the white rockmen tribe leader had died, his death served as a warning to the others. The rockmen tribes, all three of them, collectively regrouped further underground where the lightning couldn't strike. Unfortunately, the ordinary life forms in Hu Immortal blessed land weren't so lucky.

Many trees in the western forest were set ablaze. This created a huge all consuming cloud of ash and soot that killed hundreds of creatures. Foxes, wolves, deer, rabbits, hares, birds, and all kinds of species ran for their lives towards the other areas of Hu Immortal blessed land. But none of those areas were safe for them either.

To the south was the quarry that belonged solely to the rockmen. To the north was the Dragonfish Formation which was a body of water so deep it was practically a sea. And to the south was the most dangerous area, the lake of fire that belonged to thousands of fire snakes. Every place in Hu Immortal blessed land was experiencing the full force of the tribulation. The only area safe was the middle of Hu Immortal blessed land where Dang Hun mountain stood.

"Seven Thunder Cloud Tribulation. This was the earthly tribulation I faced when I first ascended to become a Gu immortal. It's fitting that I see it once again." Vicious Lightning Fiend stood atop a small white cloud, staring up at the dark rolling clouds with a hint of nostalgia on his face. "I remember back then, every member of the faction I had built up within Myriad Dragon Dock died to protect me."

Lightning gathered under Vicious Lightning Fiend's feet. Thin strands of electricity charged up, giving off a majestic white light that lit up the dark night sky. Simply his aura alone was like a blinding sun, giving off a sort of warmth and power that only nature could ever replicate. He raised his hands to the sky and laughed.

"Lightning Dragon Purgatory!"

The figure of a dragon rose from his shadow, fizzling and bubbling with an intensity that made the air around him tremble. The lightning exuding from his body wrapped around the dragon, giving it wings and claws, a jagged mouth and a sharp horn that cut through the air in front of it. The dragon flapped it's wings once and soared up into the dark rumbling clouds.

"Lightning Dragon Purgatory. A lightning path killer move that has aspects of enslavement and transformation path. I should have extorted this killer move from Vicious Lightning Fiend." Even while an earthly calamity descended over Hu Immortal blessed land, Fang Yuan only thought about how to squeeze as much as he could out of Vicious Lightning Fiend.

"Oh well, I've already made the most of him. Thanks to him, refining Myriad Self Gu is that much easier. Hopefully defending Hu Immortal blessed land will cripple him beyond repair."

Fang Yuan turned back to the unfinished immortal Gu in his hands. It was a small yellow beetle that had a curved blue horn and six paper thin wings hidden beneath it's shell. It's body was somewhat misshapen and it looked incomplete, but Fang Yuan put it to the side and started to refine another immortal Gu. This immortal Gu was a centipede with ten thousands legs that were coated in a dark bronze color. It had two large mandibles and a pair of short antenna.

"Refining both Myriad Self Gu and Lightning Diety Gu at the same time is dangerous. But I'm not the one who has to deal with the tribulation, he does."

The creation of immortal Gu was like the process of a mortal becoming an immortal. It was an ascension that went against heaven and brought about it's wrath, forming a deadly natural disaster that only stopped once the process ended in destruction or success. When two of these natural disasters known as calamities mixed, it would create something beyond the strength of any normal Gu immortal. If it wasn't for the fact that Vicious Lightning Fiend was forced to protect Hu Immortal blessed land then Fang Yuan wouldn't have dared to refine two immortal Gu at the same time.

"I might as well milk him for all he's worth. Vicious Lightning Fiend is one of the strongest rank 7 Gu immortals in Central Continent. Not making use of such strength would be a waste of talent."

A strange change happened to the Seven Thunder Cloud Tribulation once Fang Yuan started to refine Myriad Self Gu. Rather than weakening like Vicious Lightning Fiend had expected, it grew stronger. The seven layers of dark clouds shrunk, but in turn they became much more destructive and powerful. They slowly formed into humanoid figures made of clouds and lightning, not unlike his very own Lightning Diety killer move.

"Krrrkkkkk." The creatures all made strange noises that sounded like crickets amplified several hundred times over. Their cries caused massive waves of sound that blasted animals into pieces. Every shout was like a sonic boom that relentlessly crushed everything in it's path. The Seven Thunder Cloud Tribulation had evolved into a new type of tribulation. One that even Vicious Lightning Fiend would have to be careful of.