
Reverend Insanity: Hunting Heaven

Just before the final fight against Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan deduces that the Venerables will revive after the destruction of Fate Gu. With this in mind, he prepared for his last rewind of time. Fang Yuan stole dream realms, cultivation resources and immortal apertures before finally self detonating. He swims back up the river of time and finds himself in his old zombie immortal body, right after Hu Immortal blessed land's earthly calamity.

Topeue · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Chapter 10: Lang Ya Blessed Land

It was surreal walking through Lang Ya blessed land. Every step you took was like walking on a cloud of cotton candy. And the entirety of Lang Ya blessed land was covered with these mystical clouds of all shapes and colors. They made up the floor, the ceiling and even some of the creatures. High in the sky flew birds made of clouds, feathermen with green speckled wings, and blue monkeys that could grab the ethereal clouds and use them to swing around.

But most impressive was the center of Lang Ya blessed land, where a giant patch of cloud soil floated in the sky. The 12 massive towers that stuck out from the island could be seen for every corner of the blessed land. These towers were said to contain countless Gu recipes, locked and stored away from history where even heaven couldn't find them.

But Fang Yuan didn't bother looking at the towers or the desolate beasts guarding them. In the past he would have had to fear these creatures and be in awe of the treasures within Lang Ya blessed land. But he had already surpassed his predecessor, the man who left behind Lang Ya blessed land in the first place. What more was there that he didn't already know?

Fang Yuan keep walking the single stone trail in the cloud soil, arriving to the see the individual he was waiting for, a land spirit with the appearance of a wize old man. He had overgrown white hair and a crippling back problem. His heavy brows were overgrown and covered most of his bloodshot eyes. His thick frown and cracked lips formed a saggy face that made him seem even smaller. His long white beard and long sleeved robe were what really gave the man his sagely wizard like presence.

"Are you happy to see me Lang Ya? It's been a while since I've come to your blessed land. It must have been a few years for you."

The old man scoffed and turned his head to the side, putting his hands behind his robe and puffing out his chest. "I'm not talking or negotiating with you until you bring me the poisonous flower petals I asked you for! If you don't have them then leave."

"You mean these poisonous flower petals?" Fang Yuan gently tossed a couple thousand poisonous flower petals into the air. "I've gotten quite rich from the Guts Gu business. You sure you won't sell me any hairy men?"

The old man was definitely surprised. His blood red eyes almost popped out of his saggy face. "You? You actually went to Black Heaven and collected these for me? You're much stronger than I thought brat..."

Fang Yuan's smile only grew looking at the old spirit's apprehensive face. Before Fang Yuan had come back in time, Lang Ya refused to help him with anything. His condition for his help was to bring him poisonous flower petals, a rare rank 6 Gu material that could only be found in Black Heaven. Fang Yuan had obviously refused this request. Going into Black Heaven was extremely dangerous and borderline suicidal as a rank 6 zombie.

Immemorial desolate beasts, beings on the same level as rank 8 Gu immortals, called Black Heaven their home. The danger of encountering such creatures was immediate death for 90% of Gu immortals. No one besides rank 8 Gu immortals and top of the line rank 7 Gu immortals dared to even break the barrier into Black Heaven. Even if these strong figures did somehow find the poisonous flower petals that Lang Ya wanted, would they put it up for sale in Treasure Yellow Heaven?

Probably not. The chances of them not needing such a useful ingredient was low. Since Lang Ya couldn't go to Black Heaven himself he only had one other option. Try and make Fang Yuan go and collect the rank 6 material. And the person he thought was just a slightly talented zombie had actually gone and done it without any difficulty.

"Hah." The old man quickly waved his robe and rounded up all of the flower petals. "Alright brat. I'll do you a favor but I won't sell you any of my hairy men. Choose something else."

Fang Yuan carefully pulled out a very delicate heart from underneath his robe. It was very ugly looking, with a poisonous purple and green hue that made you want to vomit. "Let me exchange this for one of your immortal Gu."

"Hmm, Women's Heart Gu. A consumable rank 6 poison path Gu. It's one of the most toxic and harmful Gu among it's rank." The tiny old man scampered over and touched the poisonous heart, not all disgusted by it's appearance or smell. "I can only exchange this for another rank 6 Gu. Don't go to far and try to exchange it for a rank 7."

He waved his hand again and summoned over a dozen rank 6 immortal Gu. "Go on, if you need me to explain the abilities of each one you're welcome to ask."

Fang Yuan rolled his eyes. He used to own every Gu displayed here. What did Lang Ya know that he didn't? It wasn't as if Lang Ya suddenly had a great burst of inspiration and refined revolutionary immortal Gu overnight. Just as Fang Yuan expected, the immortal Gu were all very simple. While their abilities were certainly useful they didn't really suit him in any way.

"I'm surprised that you're so proud of this collection. Even my collection is more impressive than this and I only have 11 immortal Gu." Fang Yuan turned around and immediately saw the old spirit try to clamp his wrinkly hands around his pale white throat.

"You! This is only what I think is an adequate trade for your stupid immortal Gu! Do you think you're worth the best of my collection? If it wasn't for the fact that I still owe you a favor I'd tear your face off and wear it as a mask!"

The old spirit tried to scratch at Fang Yuan's throat but he held him back by holding his forehead. "Don't you have anything better old man? If you don't I'll be taking my poisonous flower petals and leaving." Lang Ya immediately stopped resisting and backed away with a red face.

"Oh your greed is boundless Fang Yuan! Everytime you come here I lose something of value yet you never seem satisfied. You're like a black hole that sucks away all my money, my Gu, and my happiness!" After a few seconds of shakily pointing at Fang Yuan the old spirit finally stopped complaining and summoned all of his rank 6 immortal Gu.

They were over 50 in total, each carefully taken care of and feed to the maximum. It was obvious that Lang Ya took very good care of his immortal Gu. Almost immediately Fang Yuan noticed one, a bright red Gu shaped like a box. The strange thing about this Gu was the way it pulsed like a human heart.

"Hmm." Fang Yuan pretended to look around before choosing the red box shaped Gu. "I'll choose this one. A refinement path immortal Gu will help me. Did you know I'm a refinement path great grandmaster?"

"AHH! Don't touch that! That's my Blood Asset Immortal Gu!" The old man quickly tried to snatch it away but Fang Yuan immediately formed a strength path hand and took it. "No!" Lang Ya threw himself to the ground and began to cry. "You don't even know what that does! What refinement path great grandmaster? You're not even a grandmaster!"

"Oh don't be so dramatic old man I know what this does. Blood Asset Gu protects a portion of the materials used in refinement. It's very useful, especially for someone as poor as me. I'm sure you don't need this right?" Fang Yuan tucked Blood Asset Gu into his robe and slowly began to refine it, much to Lang Ya's objection.

"Wait! I'll let you take any other of my refinement path immortal Gu. Just don't take that one. It's a gift from an old friend." Lang Ya tried to resist the will entering his immortal Gu but found himself quickly failing. "Oh you brat! This is why I don't like wisdom path Gu immortals. Your type are all treacherous and deceitful!"

Lang Ya could only watch his precious immortal Gu be refined. The Gu that both him and Giant Sun Venerable had worked on for several years had vanished just like that. Fang Yuan noticed the old man's downtrodden appearance and lightly patted his back.

"Next time you try to scam me make sure that you actually get a good deal. Can't believe you let me take such a good thing from you. If it makes you feel better I have another immortal Gu based on Giant Sun's findings." Fang Yuan lowered a Gu right to Lang Ya's face.

It was a small cocoon, only around the size of Fang Yuan's pinky but it's aura was undeniable, this was a rank 7 Gu. "This is Calamity Beckoning Gu. A rank 7 Gu that attracts tribulations away from other people and towards yourself. This would be a tragedy for other people, but it's a blessing in disguise for you. Aren't you trying to collect more dao marks?"

Lang Ya's tears stopped falling and he looked at the immortal Gu with a conflicted gaze. "Fang Yuan. How did you know that I was collecting dao marks?"

"I'm a wisdom path expert. A grandmaster at that. If you have any problems with deducing new recipes let me know and I'll help. Just make sure to be prepared for my price~"

Lang Ya wasn't satisfied with that answer. But he knew he wouldn't get a better one. A person like Fang Yuan only spoke when there was something to gain. Since he couldn't force him to speak there was no reason to prolong the conversation.

"What do you want for the Calamity Beckoning Gu?" Lang Ya's voice was grave now, and Fang Yuan took notice making sure not to dig too deep into the spirit's heart.

"Just another rank 7 Gu. Doesn't have to be refinement path. I'd settle for a strength path Gu."

"Hah." Lang Ya pulled at his hair and summoned a single immortal Gu. It was shaped like a beetle but had two large yellow horns that were pointed and filed like daggers. "This is my only rank 7 strength path Gu. Don't make light of it. With this Gu you'll gain the strength of an ancient desolate dragon."

Fang Yuan was happy to see his old Gu again. It was this Gu that made him stand on par with those surpassing the limits of rank 7. This Dragon Strength Gu was the core of the killer move Myriad Dragon, his most powerful strength path technique. Now that he had it he could start his path to dominance all over again. It was time Fang Yuan to once again don the name of Demon Overlord.

"Thank you Lang Ya. If you need my help make sure to contact me."

Fang Yuan left shortly after, but Lang Ya was still thinking over their short exchange. After all this time, Lang Ya blessed land had kept itself hidden from the world. Even so, it still faced great peril and destruction. Maybe now was the time to expand, to let the hairy men Gu immortals roam and grow.

Lang Ya shook his head at his own delusions. "No, now is not the time to start fantasizing. Fang Yuan has certainly become stronger but he is yet to become a true ally of mine. Until I am confident that the outside world is safe enough for them I must keep them hidden. My children are not ready for the outside world."