
Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001

Two men are standing in a windowless office dimly lit by a small lamp on the ceiling. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" "That was the last group we had!" "They were supposed to be top-of-the-line superhumans. Demons in human skin!" "How does this make any sense!" ~ Scientist Port Till(the head scientist of 'Interdimensional Travel') "If I don't produce results soon! then I'm going to be 'fired'!" ~ In this business 'fired' was code for getting wiped from history and his head was starting to develop bold spots. "U-um Sir. If I may interject." ~ Sim Art his Assistant spoke up. "What!" ~ One could hear the clear rage in Port's voice. The Assistant swallowed and loosened his necktie ~ "Technically that wasn't our last group..."

KlLOLO · Book&Literature
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102 Chs

There Are Multiple Roads to Totem Path

{eastern sea}

As Chef Pride savored his usual bowl of bug soup, he felt a sudden twist in his gut with a haze descending over his mind. In a low, pained murmur, he mused, "So, it's finally taking effect..."

His body went limp as he crumpled to the ground, his consciousness slipping away.

When he finally came to, he first noticed that darkness had enveloped the surroundings. As he grasped at his throbbing head, he attempted to orientate himself. Rising to his feet, he muttered, "Judging by the faint light filtering through the room, it's likely around 12% - which, in this realm would equate to roughly five in the morning in this realm. So, I must have been unconscious for a staggering 17 hours."

As he rubbed his throbbing forehead, the memories of the refinement flooded back into Chef Pride's mind. "Ah, that's right, the refinement!" he exclaimed with exuberance, pulling his shirt up to reveal the powerful image of an ox infused into the very fibers of his flesh. "Yes!"

Feeling renewed and full of power, Chef Pride decided to step outside to check on his traps. To his delight, he beheld the breathtaking sunrise on the vast horizon. As his gaze swept across the ground, he noticed a few things: first his many traps, perfectly layed out in harmony, the best part is they were all designed by one use Gu that didn't display any aura of their own, making them nearly undetectable. Second, the many animals that started waking up preparing themselves for the long arduous day ahead. And lastly the remains of numerous Gu masters strewn about. "It seems my traps have done their job well," Chef Pride gleed with a satisfied grin.

Suddenly, in the distance, a voice called out, "Hey, you there! Are you the one hoarding all the Gu?" It came from a Gu master exuding the aura of a rank-2 aperture. While walking he paused for a moment as he caught sight of the corpses strewn about Chef Pride's residence. "Well, it seems the rumors of your being a mere mortal were nothing but lies," he sneered, adding with a hint of malice, "However, unlike those other fools, I won't be caught off guard."

Rolling his eyes, Chef Pride, dripping with sarcasm, tauntingly replied, "I had actually planned on testing my newly acquired strength on one of the many island boulders, but I suppose you'll do just fine."

The Gu master snorted disdainfully before revealing, "Hiding things is my specialty too, and just so you know, I'm rank-5!" His aura swelled dramatically, rising from a lowly rank-2 to that of a formidable rank-5.

"Water Sealed Coffin!" he barked, materializing a coffin-shaped prison of water. A sly smile played across his lips as he gloated, "Once you're sealed inside this coffin, all your Gu will be rendered powerless, leaving you defenseless and helpless!"

With lightning speed, the coffin zoomed toward Chef Pride, closing in on him in a matter of seconds before opening up and swelling him whole. The Gu master chuckled to himself, "Well, that was easier than I expected. But hey, that's life."

Inside the coffin, Chef Pride began stretching his calf muscles, he pondered, "Should I cook up some Triple Eyed Fish Gu, or perhaps a Swift Sea Snake? No, with my newfound strength, I can now easily aim for the elusive Blurred Flat Shark." After stretching his legs, he looked in the direction of the Gu master, and in the next moment, the coffin burst open. Instantly, Chef Pride was within mere centimeters of the man, throwing his fist full force directly at his face.

The man although surprised reacted within an instant, forming four water barriers around him. However, it wasn't enough to protect him from the attack, and he was still sent flying until what eventually broke his fall was a boulder. Wincing from the throbbing ache in his shoulder, he swore under his breath, "Damn, I never would have imagined you to be a strength path gu master!"

Gathering his focus, a massive sphere of water materialized above him, quickly forming into sharp spears. Groaning with discomfort, he bellowed, "I had intended to capture you alive and extract your secrets, but now I see no reason to waste any more time when I could simply soul-search you!" With that, the lethal barrage of water spears began to rain down upon Chef Pride.

Flexing his calf muscles, Chef Pride's legs burst with power, shattering the ground and instantly appearing behind the man while saying, "Any last words?"

The man's lips curved into a sly grin before shouting, "Not quite!" And with a swift gesture, he called forth his ultimate move, "Watery Grave!" A surge of water spontaneously manifested, engulfing Chef Pride. "You cannot escape this technique, for not even I can withstand its power!" the man crowed with delight.

But his triumph was fleeting, for Chef Pride countered with a swift kick shattering the killer move instantaneously. Then, with a thunderous blow, Chef Pride struck the man squarely on the jaw, causing his head to explode like a ripe watermelon. However, instead of blood and brain matter, water erupted in every direction as the man's body fell to the ground, turning into a shapeless puddle.

In the distance, the man's gasping figure could be seen floating on the ocean waters, his voice echoing with defiance, "This isn't over! I shall return with more people next time!"

But as those words left his mouth, he caught sight of Chef Pride flexing his powerful calves. With a surge of panic, he plunged into the icy depths of the ocean.

Observing the man's hasty retreat, Chef Pride sighed, muttering to himself, "These Gu masters never cease to make a scene out of everything. Oh well, it's time for me to return to my soup-making." Turning on his heel, he strode back into his house, ready to resume his soup-making.