
Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001

Two men are standing in a windowless office dimly lit by a small lamp on the ceiling. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" "That was the last group we had!" "They were supposed to be top-of-the-line superhumans. Demons in human skin!" "How does this make any sense!" ~ Scientist Port Till(the head scientist of 'Interdimensional Travel') "If I don't produce results soon! then I'm going to be 'fired'!" ~ In this business 'fired' was code for getting wiped from history and his head was starting to develop bold spots. "U-um Sir. If I may interject." ~ Sim Art his Assistant spoke up. "What!" ~ One could hear the clear rage in Port's voice. The Assistant swallowed and loosened his necktie ~ "Technically that wasn't our last group..."

KlLOLO · Book&Literature
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102 Chs

The Push Back Effect.

Amidst the rugged terrain of Qing Mao Mountain, a deadly wolf tide has swept across the mortals living in the area, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. But who is responsible for this heinous act? None other than a cunning culprit, who is currently racing towards Gu Yue village, while meticulously going through his list of completed tasks that he planned for the month ahead.

His agenda includes executing several plans with precision,

including the elimination of all spies within the Xiong clan village,

ensuring complete silence from the wise men in the village to prevent any potential trouble,

and overhunting the local animal population to starve the lightning wolves of their prey.

Furthermore, he intends to construct open field moats to provide a convenient water source, which will attract all the animals in the area, thereby making his traps 10 times more effective. Additionally, he plans to capture and experiment on the wolves for his own purposes.

Utilizing the latest lightning path Gu, conduct a series of experiments using the blood of the mutant thousand beast king, with the ultimate goal of artificially creating a vast army of these formidable creatures.

Additionally, it is essential to establish complete obedience in the thousand beast kings to ensure their loyalty and reliability in executing future tasks.

Once the artificial beasts are ready, dispatch them to the neighboring villages surrounding the Gu Yue and Bai clans. This will serve as a diversionary tactic, enabling the collection of special Gu from their storage facilities without detection.

Lastly, it is imperative to confirm the existence of an enigmatic entity that maintains balance amidst any changes that may occur.

Inside the confines of the lab, 001 had voraciously consumed every book he could get his hands on. No one had dared to prevent him from accessing any material, for they were all unwittingly under his control. However, despite his extensive knowledge, something about this world seemed amiss, causing him to chuckle at the memory of the first lie he had ever uttered within the lab's walls.

Swiftly recomposing himself, he silently crept into Gu Yue village, his senses heightened and his movements deft. A skilled gu master noticed a faint, rapid movement on the periphery of the village's walls, and instinctively began to raise the alarm. However, before the guard could sound the alarm, a sweet whistling sound filled the air, and the guard suddenly lost all interest in what he had seen.

With a smile on his face, 001 leisurely wandered through the vault, collecting many valuable Gu along the way. However, he noticed that there were no rank-3 or higher Relic Gu available, which was disappointing.

As he prepared to move on to the next location, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching him. "Strange," he thought to himself. "There's no way they could have gotten here so quickly. I've only been here for a few moments."

Suddenly, Gu Yue Bo burst into the room, ready to attack 001, but he hesitated. After all, these were precious Gu, and destroying them would be a devastating loss for the clan.

"Gu Yue Bo, well done. What tipped you off?" 001 sarcastically applauded as he sauntered out of the vault, leaving the clan leader dumbfounded.

Although Gu Yue Bo had never met 001 before, he felt an unsettling sensation as if his body was urging him to flee.

"You don't have to answer. I already have a general idea of what alerted you." 001 moved in an unusual way, swaying and contorting his body. "While your strong will would normally be an advantage against my ability, your advanced age has weakened your heart, nullifying your willpower."

Gu Yue Bo's vision became hazy, as he struggled to maintain his balance.

As he began to doze off, he heard 001 say, "It's a pity, but I cannot kill you. After discovering certain truths about this world, I have learned that the more I try to alter it, the more it resists."

001 decided to forgo the Bai clan's vault, recognizing that he had caused too much havoc for one day.