
Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001

Two men are standing in a windowless office dimly lit by a small lamp on the ceiling. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" "That was the last group we had!" "They were supposed to be top-of-the-line superhumans. Demons in human skin!" "How does this make any sense!" ~ Scientist Port Till(the head scientist of 'Interdimensional Travel') "If I don't produce results soon! then I'm going to be 'fired'!" ~ In this business 'fired' was code for getting wiped from history and his head was starting to develop bold spots. "U-um Sir. If I may interject." ~ Sim Art his Assistant spoke up. "What!" ~ One could hear the clear rage in Port's voice. The Assistant swallowed and loosened his necktie ~ "Technically that wasn't our last group..."

KlLOLO · Book&Literature
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102 Chs

The Mysterious Existence of Immortals.

{Gu Yue Village's border}

Two weeks after being brought into this world, the caravan arrives at Gu Yue Village late at night.

Not wanting to wait for the caravan to come to Xiong village, 001 put on a disguise and went to the caravan.

When he walked up to one of the vendors, he asked how would one acquire some Relic Gu, and the vendor pointed out a large tent, ~ "We use a betting system for Gu, all you have to do is put an amount on one of these sheets of paper, and put it in one of those slots that you'll see over the Gu, for the Gu you want, keep in mind the highest number wins."

"Do you have a list of the past bidding prices, if you do but can't show me, do you have a list of the average cost of Gu in the market?"

"I don't have a list for the past bidding prices on me, but if it's information you want, you can purchase it at the information tent, it's about 3 blocks up, it has a big sign with the words 'information' written on it, you won't miss it."

001 nodded and walked in the direction the vendor pointed.

Just like the man said it was there, as he walked in the first thing he noticed was that the guards had a threatening presence, with scars lining their bodies. ~ [Shirtless at this time of day? Well I suppose it is summer.]

"Greetings, come on in, do you already know what information you want to purchase? We have info on martial arts, refinement methods, and even improved Gu recipes!" ~ But then he noticed the 1 line on 001's belt, and rolled his eyes, going back to sitting.

"Show me the catalo..." ~ Before 001 had finished, a slave passed him a thin book.

He quickly went through the information in the book, then passed 27 primeval stones on the counter, ~ "All Gu market prices you have, and all information about the mysterious existence of immortals."

The slave quickly went through some storage and took out 5 Book Gu then placed them in a formation, that took all the data of the Book Gu and turned it into books, one thick with the label average market prices of Gu, and 4 books about the mysterious existence of immortals.

He left the building while reading the books.

-2 hours later-

"Are you 001?" ~ A caravan employee went to 001 with a box filled with Gu.

001 pulled out an id card provided by the caravan and confirmed his identity, giving 61,500 primeval stones to the employee, taking the box with 2 Copper Green Relic Gu, 3 Red Steel Relic Gu, and 1 White Silver relic Gu inside it, then proceeded to walk away.

Relic Gu is a special human path Gu that is used to raise your aperture by a small realm, from the initial stage to the middle stage and so on.

Since it was recently after a wolf tide, most people weren't in a rush to pay a lot to get stronger, so 001 had won all his bets by simply going for the average market price, (2500, 6500, 40,000).

Right when he is about to leave the border of Gu Yu Village, a gu master is about to point out to the rest of his clan members, that someone from the Xiong clan has come into their village when suddenly he heard a whistling sound causing his heart to stop for a brief moment.

[It's better to make sure a problem never starts, rather than to fix one that has already started. _001]

When He made it back to his shack he immediately went back to cultivating, sadly the caravan only had 2 Copper Green Relic Gu, so he had to take the time to go through a small aperture realm himself, however, cultivating is quite boring, he is more than capable of it if he deems it necessary, but he still doesn't like it. While in the priso... lab he mostly occupied himself with reading books, enough books to fill an entire catacomb.

To make cultivation less boring, he made a bed out of thorns.

As blood dripped down his back, he let out a sigh, ~ [It's official! I'm a genius!]