
Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001

Two men are standing in a windowless office dimly lit by a small lamp on the ceiling. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" "That was the last group we had!" "They were supposed to be top-of-the-line superhumans. Demons in human skin!" "How does this make any sense!" ~ Scientist Port Till(the head scientist of 'Interdimensional Travel') "If I don't produce results soon! then I'm going to be 'fired'!" ~ In this business 'fired' was code for getting wiped from history and his head was starting to develop bold spots. "U-um Sir. If I may interject." ~ Sim Art his Assistant spoke up. "What!" ~ One could hear the clear rage in Port's voice. The Assistant swallowed and loosened his necktie ~ "Technically that wasn't our last group..."

KlLOLO · Book&Literature
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102 Chs

Saint Mary's Orphanage - 1900: Part 3

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 2 Months Prior: Gu World ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻

Seated at the opposite end of the table, Scientist raised his hand, "Um, Xue Jia means scientist, why does he share the same title as me?"

Xie Ling began walking around the table, his countenance gradually growing more and more disgruntled. "I have pondered for quite some time now... I mean really, It has been an entire month... So why is our gene activation rate for the Blue-Eared Bear still stuck at 67 percent?" As his gaze traverses the room, first passing 'Predator,' whose face contorts with a sly smirk. Then 'Hunter,' whose expression reveals a sorrowful knowing. Finally, his eyes settle upon 'Scientist,' whose countenance remains as tranquil as a slumbering cub.

"The answer lies in the fundamental contrast of this world from ours," Scientist responds, adding "Getting to 67 percent was child's play. After all, these creatures are quite similar to the ones on Earth. However, what comes after that is... to say the least, it's like a wall, it's a whole new leap in 'genetic modification', nothing like what we did on Earth. This is where attainment comes into play. However... sadly attainment does not operate by logic, but by experience and revelation," Scientist responds as one side of his lips curves up ever so slightly.

"Perhaps, perhaps," Xie Ling murmurs audibly, his voice clearly audible to everyone.

Scientist smirks as he leans back on his seat. When suddenly, Xie Ling materializes directly in front of him.

Clicking his tongue, Scientist produces a sheet of paper bearing an intricately drawn formation, before swiftly slapping it onto Xie Ling, restricting his movements. "If you kill me you'll be destroying the balance. Did you not utter the words yourself, 'Impulsiveness leads to mistakes, and mistakes lead to injuries, and injuries lead to death!'?" He speaks with his voice carrying a firm weight to it.

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 3 Months Prior: Dream ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻

His eyes opened wide with astoundment, Barvest mutters, "You're supposed to be dead."

The Phantom draws near Barvest, swaying from side to side, its eyes penetrating deep into his very soul. "So, you are the one who killed me." - He comments as he slowly comes closer - "Well, no matter, you won't be alive for much longer."

Gritting his teeth and letting out a faint scoff, Barvest laughs, "If you possessed the power to kill me, you would have done so already. At best, all you can do is tamper with my formation. But who are you compared to me, who has spent years comprehending its many intricacies." With a swift motion, his hand reaches for the formation, instantly restoring it to its original blood-red hue and humanoid bull form.

"I commend your attempt at inciting fear within me. However, if a remnant from 25 years ago believes it can subdue me... Then you are delusional!"

Upon ending his statement, lightning descends from the heavens, striking the formation and hurling him across the room, his head colliding with the wall, resulting in a concussion.

The lightning feeds into the formation, transforming it once more, shifting from a bull into a fishbowl. Chaos permeates the scene, with a hundred souls all fighting to swim to the top.

Next to Barvest was John Hunter stuck to the wall, barely clinging to consciousness, looks to the formation with narrowed eyes, and mutters in confusion, "Cleo and the orphans?" before slowly succumbing to unconsciousness.

Though Cleo couldn't see John Hunter, his voice still made it to the formation. "Hunter? Is that you? What is happening?" questioned, Cleo with fear clearly displayed in their words.

Reverend John's apparition approaches the formation, providing a brief summary of the dire situation. "You are being offered as a sacrifice to a demon. Yet, due to my intervention, there exists a means to break the ritual. however, I require your assistance to achieve it."

"Who is this? Where is John?" Cleo's voice showed clear confusion. "Are you friend or foe?"

A momentary pause ensues before it is broken by a question from Reverend John, "Can you draw Leviathan with a fishhook or secure its tongue with a rope?"

Cleo's eyes widened, recognizing the passage from the book of Job, and asks "It is clear that you are a friend. What must I do?"

"Take some rope and tether yourselves to the formation, before then tethering it to yourselves..."

Before Reverend John can conclude his statement, Cleo interjects, "Already done."

"Ah... alright then. Next, I want you and all others present to close their eyes and visualize a fishhook pulling you upward into the sky - As you all repeat these words: 'As wise as serpents and harmless as doves.'" Reverend John utters those words, as a tear rolls down his cheek, accompanied by the thought, 'I am sorry, one day I will fix this.' Simultaneously, a staff hurtles through the air, aimed for his head.

- 1 minute ago -

Letting out a pained groan, Barvest raises his hand to his head, muttering sluggishly, "What happened?" As his hand makes contact with his head, he feels a moist, sticky substance. He quickly Pulls it away, only to discover blood. Instantly, his expression shifts from one of sluggishness and confusion to seething rage. "What in the bloody hell is going on!"

His gaze fixes upon Reverend John conversing with a nun-like figure trapped within the formation it now resembling a fishbowl. Gathering himself, Barvest retrieves the spear from the body of John Hunter beside him. His face contorted with twisted rage as he charges toward Reverend John, inwardly vowing, "I'm going to kill this *******"

Pulling the orb from his pocket, he then fuses it with the spear, restoring it to its original staff form, "Your current form may protect you from physical attacks, but let's see if it protects you from this!" He shouts and with a javelin-like throw, hurls it for Reverend John.

- -

just as the staff was about to make contact with Reverend John, a hook-shaped surge of energy emanated from the formation, shattering the orb into four pieces, one landing in the hands of Reverend John, another landing in the formation, and two landing in Barvest's hands.

Holding up the two shards lightly in the palms of his hands, Barvest momentarily pauses, taken aback by the whole situation, his face aghast. Shortly followed by the sound of teeth grinding and cracking under pressure. "YOU!... You destroyed everything!" He shouts and without explanation, he held out a shard to the formation while shouting, "Absorb!"

Instantaneously, twenty-five people trapped within the formation crumbled to ash with their life force transferring to Barvest, mending his wounds, as he bellows, "Because of you! I have to be content with only a hundred souls, rather than thousands!" Upon finishing his statement, his hands move with lightning speed, casting another spell, instantly transporting him beside Reverend John, his hand reaching for the shard nestled in John's palm. But suddenly, a click resounds, followed by a sickening crunch echoing throughout the entire cave.

Except this time there was no scream, as the searing pain reverberated through his leg and his bones fractured under pressure, Barvest's stretched his hand for the shard, as far as it could, only to be held back by the iron jaws biting down on his leg.

Seizing the moment, Reverend John closes his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek, uttering the words, "Absorb." bringing flesh and bone back to his phantom-like body.

Ripping his leg free from the bear trap, Barvest clutches the remaining shard tightly, as he lifts his hand in the direction of the formation, his mouth poised to utter 'absorb'. Yet, in a swift motion, a bound bear trap hurtles through the air, seizing the shard and taking his fingers along with it.

- 1 minute ago -

As the spear is pulled from John Hunter's chest, the searing pain jolts him awake. He attempts to draw breath, only to be met with blood climbing his throat before forcefully bursting like a broken pipe.

Slowly succumbing to unconsciousness, he hears the word 'absorb', followed by the cultist's wounds sealing shut. Looking to his left he sees a chain and an idea crystallizes within his mind.

Summoning the last of his strength, John pulls himself up the wall, grabs the chains, and binds them to a bear trap.

- -

"Absorb!" shouts John Hunter, as he holds himself against the wall, clutching the orb shard in his hand. Energy surges from the formation, breathing life into his weary form.

Barvest's eyes shrink to half their original size for a brief moment, before the blood loss from the bear trap and his missing fingers kick in, bringing him out of his blind rage, "This day was meant to herald the culmination of all my plans, but due to two insignificant nobodies—a reverend and a hunter—everything has gone to shit!"

He raises his head, gazing toward the heavens. "Master, what are you waiting for!?" he exclaims with indignation.

Reverend John and John Hunter both look to the ceiling, questioning silently, 'Has he gone insane?'

Just then, a profound sigh reverberates throughout the cave. "It would seem that both sides have finally played all their cards."

Over the formation, the last crystal is seized by a manifest hand, assimilating the remaining lives within. Simultaneously, applause emanates from the cave entrance as Cleo reveals itself, before transforming from a woman into a bald monk clad in monastic robes. "Only three souls have reached this place on their own."

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻

Mother interjects, raising her hand. "Souls?"

grumbling from his focus being broken, 004 replies, "Dreams are a tapestry woven by an individual's mind, thus every detail within the dream is intricately tied to the dreamer's unique perspective." He pauses to reflect before continuing, "For instance, if the dreamer possesses a fondness for dogs, then canines within their dreams would likely symbolize loyalty or companionship. Conversely, someone who harbors fear or loathing for dogs may perceive them as a harbinger of ill fortune. Therefore, I can only provide a comprehensive interpretation of the words or actions taken in a dream once I have witnessed the dream in its entirety. Only then can I unravel its true meaning."

Mother and Valk turn their heads to 005, awaiting confirmation.

He in turn peers at the slug, narrowing his eyes. They lock gazes for a prolonged minute before, redirecting his attention to Mother, and giving a nod. "He's telling the truth."