
Reverend Insanity: Deceiving Heaven

Fate is predestined and unchangeable. If one is not fated then they will fail no matter how hard they try to succeed. Your path in life is chosen before you are born, this is an undeniable fact. Regardless of talent, luck, skill or dedication, if you are not fated you will never become anything. Just another ordinary person treading across a plain of dead bodies untill their inevitable deaths.

L_Ratio · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Demon Reborn?

(3rd POV)

The demon reborn named Fang Yuan stands straight looking onwards into the dark gray clouds above. The rain carried by the wind lightly soaks his neat clothes as he smiles.

'To think I would ever be in this situation, to have received the memories of Fang Yuan from the book Reverend Insanity and replace him as the main character to be chosen by heaven's will.'

This person is not the original Fang Yuan chosen by heaven's will but an outsider named Xie Ning. This person is from an era of technology and intergalactic space travel where he lived as the leading commander of the imperial army.

Flickering in Fang Yuan's mind a blue window appears in an empty white space as a ghostly figure of Fang Yuan forms. Looking at the blue screen with amusement Fang Yuan separates the two screens as a copy of himself appears next to him.

At the same time the two copies smile and point at each other, "Looks like the system functions as normal I'm fairly lucky to have it come together with my conscious.'

Exiting his mind one of the copies leaves while the other sits down on the stainless white floor to ponder on the possibility of heaven's will noticing the change in Fang Yuan.

'The system protects me from mind reading and outside intervention so I should be safe. Just in case I'll let the other copy of myself have the same thoughts that Fang Yuan would have in this situation.'

Chuckling to himself in the white space Fang Yuan examines the panel in front of him.

[System is currently active.]

[Outside intervention has been detected. What are my commands?]

Fang Yuan erases his smile as he alerts the other him, 'Review Fang Yuan's memories and make sure to act the same way he would it's absolutely critical that we do give ourselves away otherwise we will die.'

Outside in Fang Yuan's body the second copy receives the message and disguises his thoughts with the help of the system seamlessly deceiving it into believing that Fang Yuan is completely normal.

Internally the first copy of Fang Yuan sighs as he goes over everything in the novel that he had read.

'Fang Yuan originally became a demonic verenable through becoming a supreme grandmaster in refinement path. At this point I only have master attainment in refinement path so I definitely need to improve.'

'Based on future battles wisdom path will be the most useful for me, I need to give myself a cover on why no one can make any deductions one me. I used to live in an era of extreme violence and death with weapons beyond the capabilities of this world. My system is most likely comparable to the effects of a defensive rank 9 wisdom path gu in terms of defending my conscious and thoughts.'

'At this point the only person or thing deducing or investigating me is heaven's will as I am the perfect person to disrupt the verenables plans. So far I am able to completely fool it with the mind split ability of the system dividing my focus into two. In this way I can fake my thoughts as heaven's will can only see my other copies thoughts.'

'At this present moment I need to first awaken my aperture and use the aura of the autumn cicada to refine my first gu. Getting the inheritance of that rank 5 blood monk is also a priority, with mind split I can always cultivate every second of the day with all my strength. Using the ability of the system I can make far more use of the liquor worm than Fang Yuan originally could.'

'With the liquor worm and mind split I can cultivate at a rate faster than Fang Yuan could, not only that I have confidence in using mind split to improve the killer move I'll use to break through to rank 3 negating it's side affect.'

'Im already pressed for time so I can't afford to waste a single second, in just a few years that rank 5 bastard from the Immortal Crane sect will come and ruin this entire mountain. At that time I must at least be able to ensure my own survival and take the Blood Skull gu to improve my aptitude.'

In the well maintained room Fang Yuan strips his clothes showing his pale white skin that glimmers in the light. His slim and untrained body drops to the floor as he places his hands on the ground.

Slowly he pushes himself off the ground as he speaks to himself, "I remember that there was a yearly tournament in the academy that is very beneficial to my cultivation so making my body instinctively know who to respond to attacks is necessary."

Like that Fang Yuan rises and falls taking short breaks once he feels his muscles collapse from the unbearable strain. After his body can no longer move he falls asleep on the floor completely spent from the strenuous exercise.

A number of hours later a young pretty girl knocks on the door to Fang Yuan's room.

"Are you there master Fang Yuan?"

After hearing no reply from him for over a minute the girl quietly opens to door to the room without noticing the unconscious body on the floor. She glances at the untouched bed in the corner of the room and steps forward to investigate.

Under her foot Fang Yuan gets up and the little girl screams in surprise.

"I'm sorry master Fang Yuan I didn't see you on the floor."

In a panic the servant girl tries to explain herself in between her gasps of anguish. Despite the extremely strange atmosphere Fang Yuan is completely indifferent to her pleas as he gets up to go to the restroom.

"Make sure to warm the water I want to take a bath before going to the ceremony this morning."

"O-of course I'll make sure to do it right away."

The servant scampers out of the room leaving Fang Yuan behind as he stares at her back with pitch black eyes that hide his thoughts.