

A gangster after his death is given another chance to live, but in the world of Gu, how will he live in this cruel world and what is his goal that he wants to achieve? Will the world change him or is he the one who will change the world This is the first novel I write, support me, and English is my third language, so if there are any mistakes, correct them for me in the comments.

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Song Fei?

Xin Dei didn't respond, he looked scared and hugged his uncle's hand as if he was asking to protect him. When Song Li noticed his behavior, he told his brother to step away and let him try with him more, "It's okay, kid. You don't have to be afraid. He's my brother, and he loves you very much, so he won't hurt you. So do you recognize him?"

He shook his head in rejection and said, "I remember his face because I saw him in the dark, but I don't know who he is."

"It's okay, who else was there in your house?"

"I don't remember, all I can see in the darkness is his face calling out to Song Fei, with the shadows of a woman's body and nothing else."

"That's good, at least you remember your name and your father."

"My name? My father?" Shen Dai asked with some bewilderment.

"Yes, your name is Song Fei, and that man is your father and I am your uncle."

With expressions mingled between disbelief and joy, Shen Dai said, "Really, you're telling me the truth, aren't you?"

"Of course I am telling you the truth, you need not be afraid anymore, Song Fei."

"He seems to believe my story and no longer doubts me, these idiots, is the IQ in this world low or what, it doesn't matter, now all I have to do is keep up with him without making mistakes," said Xin Dei to himself.

While Xin Dei was thinking about his next steps, he heard strange voices that occupied all his thoughts:

"Mom what Gu?"

"I have to take revenge, I'll kill him, revenge, revenge, revenge"

"Mom, please wake up, Dad, why isn't Mommy waking up?"

"Revenge, revenge, revenge"

"Welcome home, Dad. Where's Mom? Why isn't she with you anymore?"

"Mom is stronger than you dad"

"Revenge, revenge, Viber why did you betray me, I'll kill you, revenge, revenge"

"Mom, I am afraid. What if the wolves attack the village and succeed in breaking through the walls?"

"revenge, revenge"

"Are you going on an errand again? Dad, take care of Mom, please."

"Viper, let go of the gun, it's over."

"Dad, when I grow up, will I be as strong as you and become a rank 2 Gu Master?"

"Father, what do you mean, my mother was killed by wolves?"

"Dad, what do you mean, mom got cancer?"

"Ha -ha -ha, I will kill him, I will kill them all, I will destroy everything, hahaha."

"Destruction, destruction, chaos, I'll kill them all, ha-ha-ha-ha"

Because of the many voices in Xin Dei's head and the conflict of his memories with some other memories, he went insane again, laughing like a lunatic at times, and at other times screaming and crying, because of his behavior, he attracted attention in the entire tent despite the large number of people and the noise in it.

Song Li used Gu worms to help Xin Dei sleep, and to stop his crazy actions. When Xin Dei lost consciousness, Song Fao spoke, "I told you, he did the same thing this morning, brother, what happened to my son?"

Song Li: I think all of this is a side effect of the psychological trauma Song Fei received after his mother died. He seems to remember you a little bit and his name but not his mother. I think he subconsciously chose to erase all his memories of his mother to avoid the pain.

Song Fao didn't stop crying like a baby, and he caught the eyes of everyone in the tent. Song Li patted his shoulder and said, "I know how much you are suffering. You lost your wife not long ago, and now your son is losing his memory. You might say to yourself, 'Why me of all people, but Look around you, in this tent alone, there is no one who hasn't lost a loved one or a family member during this tide of wolves, and as for Song Fei, perhaps with some time he will regain his memories, so you should take good care of him until he returns to how he was."

"Well, thank you brother for everything you did for me, so I'll go now."

The father returned home with his son in his arms, opened the door and called the maid to carry Song Fei to his room and make breakfast for him in case he wakes up. The whole day passed and Xin Dei did not wake up, still on his bed like a sleeping princess, waiting for the prince to rescue him from his eternal slumber.

"Oh, my head hurts so much, what happened to me? Why am I in the void again? Am I dead?"

"Don't worry, you're not dead, I'm the one who died."

"What's that sound, who's there?"

"It's me, Song Fei."

"What? Song Fei? Are you the original body's owner?"

"yes that's me"

"But how are you still here, didn't you die and I took your place, and if you are dead, how can I communicate with you? Aren't you supposed to be in your next life?"

"Huh, you have a lot of questions, I'll answer you and then I'll tell you what I came for, so don't interrupt me, just listen."

Xin Dei nodded in agreement, his expression became serious, waiting for Song Fei to speak.

"First, what you see now is a testament I left to give you the information you need. Second, I am dead, but I am not in another world and another life, because this world is like a prison. If you die, you will not go to another world as you did, but you will go to the door of life." and death." And you will remain trapped there forever.

And if you want to get out of this world, you need to break its chains and escape from it, so now my soul is trapped in the door of life and death. I wanted to get out of this world and go back to my original world, but I couldn't because of this damned world. But before my death, I left some arrangements that will help me to revive, and one of these arrangements is this body, I made it after several failed attempts and spent a huge number of fortunes, so you take care of it, it is very precious, but because of the will of heaven and because of the Star Constellation Immortal Venerable It affected my cloned soul and drove it to madness and then death But who would have thought that my luck would be so good, and a demon from another world would come and save my body, huh, maybe I was expecting that, I will leave you some information that will help you survive, then you will help me in return to bring me back to life, we are allies now, I do not have much left In time, my will will disappear and you will never see it again. Remember, you must beware of Venerable Immortal Star Constellation, as it will do anything to kill you. You must survive so that we may meet again."

Song Fei's image disappeared in front of him, as if it wasn't there in the first place. Xin Dei was left confused trying to comprehend what had happened to him, and then information began to flow into his head.