
coming caravan

Southern border

Five months later

Underneath the dark caverns lit only by the burning torches, which were dug deep into the caves, a small youth sat half naked.

His upper torso was unclothed, showing a pale skin and growing stout muscles, his face set in an impassive mask.

Finally he opened his mouth, letting out a deep satisfied sigh, his ink black orbs half lided were focused on his aperture, that was correct in less than three months he had actually been fortunate enough to become a Gu master. He a poor village boy.

Obviously this was quite unusual and highly unlikely to occur, he who had been going about his usual foraging and setting traps, had fallen after a heavy rain into a hole which led to an underground cave. After much searching he had found the dead corpse and the inheritance of a Rank three fire path Gu master.

After excavating and searching the surrounding he had also discovered, a spirit spring, and with it he had been able to awaken his aperture.

He had been able to awaken as an B grade, it was quite unfortunate, he had been hoping that his massive luck which he had, thanks to his infinite samsara spell would have aided him.

His spell, a generation tier spell, not only allowed him to connect with different worlds and take over host, but thanks to him gathering his former worlds fate, and the inhabitants luck, he also would increase his Luck, and even the strength of his soul.

Making him a favorite son of heaven in whichever world he went into, but that also depended on the level of the world, the effects were more transparent the more smaller worlds, with larger worlds being less so.

And with the Gu worlds size and complexity he wasn't too surprised at his aptitude, still his spells side effects had already born fruit.

These fruits included the discovery of the rank three fire path Gu master, unfortunately most of the Gu had already died, but he had been able to salvage only a two, the first and most useful being the white Boar Gu, and the second being the rank one shadow Gu, and the rest included around fiveteen primeval stones, and couple of scrolls detailing the now dead Gu masters cultivation experience.

It wasnt much but these, had helped him much especially the Gu masters cultivation experiences.

The white Boar Gu had also been useful, as he spent most of his days cultivating or fighting against the wild beast and increasing his new body's foundation and strength, and simply just getting used to How Gu's worked in this world.

And as time passed within these months, he had also gathered much information around the surrounding land, and clans, what was most interesting to him was that he was located in the passes that the southern border caravan usually passed through every year.

This interested him even more when he learned that the caravan that usually came was actually Jia fu, from the Jia clan.

This atleast gave him some understanding of the timeline of this world.

The caravan would be stopping by in the surrounding clan, and even mortals were allowed to sell their wares,as the gates would be opened to any visiting Gu masters too.

This was a chance to intermingle gather information, and if possible come into contact with jia shang, the over confident and desperate fool was much easier to control than his brothers, and would more likely afford him much larger resources accomodations.

Fully opening his eyes, he finally signed in relief as he observed the light watery membrane of his copper green aperture walls shatter, before condensing to the solid form membrane signaling his upgrade from the middle stage, of a Rank one to the upper stage.

It's unfortunate that he couldn't stay until reaching the peak of rank one, or even rank two, but that was simple unrealistic the disappearance and dwindling of the boar population due to his white Boar gu, would eventually reveal him, or he might be spotted at some point. For while he hid his tracks to the best of his abilities he was still nothing more than a single weak Gu master compare to the clan around him, with dozens of different investigative Gus.

His discovery would be inevitable so instead of waiting for it he decided to take the initiative and vacate the premise, afterall if even the wise would forsee these calamities and make haste to hide from them, what more should be spoken of about a demon like him.

The only tragedy was that he couldn't save the spirit spring, then again it was beyond repair and had long since expired, he had been fortune to awaken his aperture before it completely dissipated.


Near a stream where the waters gushed on both sides, a fierce fight was taking place between Chang Fang and a wild boar.

With thick dark hide, and glinting white tusks, the boar cut a fearsome look, as it charged forward.

With a calm expression Chang fang moved his body, and moved to the side as he activated his Gu, green copper primeval essences gushed toward his white Boar Gu, and with this activation a fierce phantom boar beast appeared as he struct forward with his fist right at its neck with all his strength.

With a wild squeweel the boar smashed it's face against the ground, it's pupils whitening as it lost consciousness for a second but unfortunately those seconds would only be prolonged before completely blacking out as he continued his strikes each time, a beast phantom roaring to life before he delivered a devastating strike towards its head causing severe brain damage before the boar blacked out.

Chang fang didn't stop as he reached into his waist and drew a short dagger before finishing the boar with a final thrust toward its dented head, and with a last spasm the boar stopped all movement.

When he saw this finally he called for his white Boar gu, who instantly begun to devoured the boar.

Watching this his mind couldn't help but drifting to the coming caravan,

far into the mountain passages a long cue made of gu masters and beast trickled through it like a swarm as they desended downward, at the head was the middle aged jie Fu, and a displeased Jia sheng.

no wonder nobody writes Reverend insanity fanfiction, there's barely any viewers for it lol

Magnarcreators' thoughts