
BloodSoul Baby Gu

Chen Wei silently begins to check the materials and refining procedures he will carry out, despite having meticulously planned and prepared everything to ensure nothing goes wrong at this moment when he plans to refine a Blood Path Gu that he imagines will have incredible power.

The first thing he does is use the Blood Transfusion Gu to transfer the blood he had collected from the guards to the baby still in Lin Xi's womb. Then, he uses the Blood Nutrition Gu to nourish both her and the baby.

"Arghh! Please, stop!" She cries desperately, feeling the agonizing and horrendous pain for the first time in her life. She tries to get up and run, but Chen Wei had already prepared for this. When she tries to move, blood lines appear out of nowhere, binding both her hands and feet.

The Blood Tie Gu is responsible for restraining her and preventing her from escaping, while forcing her into a position resembling a pentagram, with both her arms and legs stretched out to form a star.

"Argh! Please, stop, stop!" Her screams fall on deaf ears as Chen Wei uses the blood of a Hundred Beast King to paint both her body and the ground with runic patterns.

After finishing this phase of the refinement, Chen Wei uses the Blood Creature Gu and throws it towards her belly, with the Gu quickly entering her belly and beginning the refining process with the baby inside.

And lastly, but also the most important part of refining this Gu, Chen Wei calmly uses the Torment Gu on Lin Xi, causing her to scream in horror louder than ever before, while her body convulses uncontrollably due to the terror she is experiencing.

"Torment Gu really has an incredible effect, unfortunately, it's too impractical to use in combat." This was a Gu he managed to buy, as one of his grandfather's subordinates obtained it after killing a Hundred Beast King.

The Gu's effect is to imperceptibly stay in a person's body, recording and learning all the traumas the person suffers while it's in their body. Later, it can be used to make the person feel the suffering of going through all those traumas again at once.

The effect of this Gu is so great that depending on the size of the trauma, the person may even die because of it after being under the Gu's effect for too long.

But for the refinement of this Gu that Chen Wei is doing, the most useful thing he has is to increase the suffering the mother goes through to the baby, to increase its murderous and bloodthirsty will, thus increasing the chances of success in the refinement, as well as increasing the rank of the Gu to be refined.

"Now that I've reached the crucial part, I just have to wait." Chen Wei sits on a chair in the cell, observing Lin Xi writhing and screaming in pain as she tries everything to make the pain stop, but in vain, as he knows it won't happen.

With each passing second, her screams and suffering increase. Suddenly, she stops moving or making sounds abruptly, which makes Chen Wei worried, and he quickly checks her condition.

"Did the refinement fail? Is she dead?" He checks her and finds no signs of life, but also no physical damage that could have led to her death.

"Was the effect of the Torment Gu too strong and ended up killing her too?" Chen Wei speaks with sadness, as this is not an easy or quick refinement to do. For him to try again, it will take another two months or more, and he can't let anyone discover this kind of demonic act of his.

"Well, it's not like everything was lost since I can still use the dead baby to increase my understanding of this refinement." He knows that in theory, if the refinement succeeded, a baby made of blood would explode from her belly and consume all the blood in her body to complete the Gu's own nutrition, thus having a successful refinement.

"Well, at least this was a rich experience in this type of refinement." But when he goes to check her belly, he feels an extremely strong pain that seems to come not from his physical body, but from his soul.

"Arghhh!" He screams as he quickly recoils, ending up falling to the ground, coughing blood and feeling blood dripping from his eyes, ears, and nose.

*Cough* *Cough* "Fuck, don't tell me tha--!" But before he could finish speaking, Chen Wei, in a deplorable state, collapsed on the ground, coughing blood, seeing a scarlet-red baby floating in the air, seemingly coming straight out of a horror movie.

But luckily for Chen Wei, this baby doesn't attack him again, but instead goes outside the prison towards where the other guards are to attack them.

"Man, I was really unlucky just when it was my turn, the young master appeared." A middle-aged man with a bald head speaks while sitting on a wooden chair with both feet on the table.

"The vice-captain is complaining with his mouth full; this little shit here next to me only had fun with the prisoner once, and he still finished in less than thirty seconds." A man with long hair, around 30 years old, starts teasing the youngest among them, who is basically a recruit from the guard team.

"Damn it, I've told you it wasn't just thirty seconds; you're making that up to anger me!" A young man under 20 speaks with flames of anger burning in his eyes as he rebuts what his companion said, even if it's true, he'll never admit it.

"Okay, okay, let's not continue making fun of the litt--argh!!" Before he could finish his sentence, he feels a pain worse than he has ever felt in his entire life, but at the same time, he doesn't feel any physical injury being inflicted on his body.

"Vice-leader!" The other four guards quickly rush to him to check what's wrong with him, but they find no wounds or signs of poisoning.

But before they could do anything to help him, the vice-leader's body stops convulsing in pain as he dies without leaving a trace of what attacked him and could kill a rank 1 upper stage Gu master so easily.

"Arghhh! Help!" But before they could process the death that just happened in front of them, the leader of the guards screams in despair as he too falls to the ground and starts convulsing in pain, unable to do anything.

"Damn, what the hell is this? Is a demon attacking us!?" Their despair comes mainly from the fact that they can't see the ghostly scarlet baby that floated out of the prison they were guarding before attacking the souls of both the vice-leader and the leader of the guards. Even Chen Wei himself can only see the baby because he was the one refining the Gu.

"Damn it, someone call the young master; he must know what this is!" As soon as a guard finishes this sentence, the leader of the guards, a rank 1 peak stage Gu master, is now lifeless, and another guard is lying on the ground, writhing in pain.

"Shit! Shit! The damn door is locked!" The young Gu master tries to open the door, only to find that Chen Wei had locked it because he didn't want any of the guards interrupting him during this important refinement.

"What should we do now-!" He turns to ask the only other Gu master still standing with him, but he sees that this Gu master is at least ten meters away from him, running frantically as if his life depends on it, because he knows it does.

But before he could distance himself much, he also falls to the ground, screaming in pain and terror as if he had encountered the devil himself while he writhes in a puddle of his own piss.

"Shit! Shit! Why is this happening! I don't want to die!" The young Gu master, the only one left from the group of guards, falls to his knees on the ground, starting to cry desperately, but this doesn't save him when he feels something tearing and mutilating his soul with the greatest desire for vengeance possible.

It doesn't take more than ten seconds for the poor Gu master, who is only at rank 1 middle stage, to turn into a lifeless body with an expression of horror and fear on his face.

But while all this is happening, Chen Wei, who is still inside the prison, is healing while standing and leaning against the cell bars, his eyes showing the determination of someone who knows he will have to face a life-or-death battle.

"When this Gu finishes killing the guards, it will definitely come to kill me!" Chen Wei has no way to defend himself against this Gu's attack, so he is preparing to refine the Gu before it can kill him.

Suddenly, Chen Wei sees a baby floating in through the wall as if it didn't exist and was just an image, or as if passing through a solid object was nothing unusual.

"It probably advanced to rank 2!" Chen Wei realizes that the baby is larger, its color has changed from scarlet red to reddish-purple, and it has a fiercer appearance, like that of a demon baby instead of a normal baby.

The baby advances towards Chen Wei with a murderous intent in its eyes, beginning to scratch and cut his soul.

"Argh!" Chen Wei grits his teeth as he resists the pain and at the same time starts using all his willpower to refine this Gu, even with the tremendous pain he is feeling.

Throughout this process, Chen Wei cannot divert his attention to anything else, but if he could, he would see that the Blood Killer Gu is helping him resist the baby that is tearing his soul frantically.

The baby continues to tear and cut Chen Wei's soul, using the parts it managed to rip off to absorb and become stronger.

But it was still losing in speed to the refinement of the already experienced Chen Wei, who is using the fact that the baby is absorbing his soul as an advantage to increase the amount of his will he puts into the Gu until he finally finishes the refinement.

"Ahh... ahh... I did it!" After what seemed like an eternity to him, Chen Wei manages to refine the Gu before it could completely destroy his soul, but it was close. Without the help of the Blood Killer Gu, he would have died like the guards or the prisoner.

"Ahh... ahh... damn, it hurts so much." Chen Wei collapses to the ground after successfully refining the Gu, due to the damage he received and the exhaustion his body had to endure.

"How did this damn Gu turn into a Soul Path?!" This is the biggest mystery and doubt for Chen Wei, who was refining a Blood Path Gu that should never have done this, no matter what.

"Maybe because of the Torment Gu? Or was it because the Gu was based on death essence instead of life essence?" He has several theories that arose in his mind during this time, but now is not the time for that. After recovering enough, he begins to try to get up.

"Soul Path, this Gu is even more special than Blood Path Gu, since Soul Path shouldn't appear for at least another two hundred thousand years until the Spectral Soul era." Chen Wei, after managing to stand up, walks unsteadily to the door before leaving and seeing the bodies of five guards, all dead with expressions of terror and horror on their faces. Anyone who saw this from the outside would think that this scene was taken directly from a horror movie!

"Shit, this is going to be really hard to deal with." These are Gu masters, with one of them even being at peak rank 1. Hiding their deaths is impossible, and killing a Gu master of the He An Clan is a very serious crime to commit.

Chen Wei looks at the rank 2 Gu, which has the form of a fetus in the first week of gestation, that is in his aperture. "If this Gu had managed to kill me, it probably would have advanced to rank 3!" This experience was really valuable for Chen Wei.

"Since this is a Soul Path Gu, how about changing its name to - BloodSoul Baby Gu!" Chen Wei declares in the dead of night amidst the dead bodies of the guards, which have expressions of fear and horror on their faces. Anyone who saw this would think that this scene was taken directly from a horror movie!

This is for the guy who asked for more details on refining gu--And your PowerStones are required so I don't turn this into a generic R-18 harem smut fanfic

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