
Revere Eternity

Our main character, 18-year-old Li Shen, grew up in a small village on the outskirts of the Realm of the Celestial Dragons. His parents were both cultivators, but they died when Li Shen was just a child, leaving him to fend for himself. Despite his difficult circumstances, Li Shen was determined to follow in his parents' footsteps and become a powerful cultivator. He spent his days training and studying the ancient arts of cultivation, determined to one day become strong enough to protect those he cared about. Now, as he approaches adulthood, Li Shen has finally reached the threshold of the Foundation Building stage, and is ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment within the Realm of the Celestial Dragons.

decenthalo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Boss Tian

As Li Shen waited for the core disciple from the Crimson Water Sect to arrive, he couldn't help but be curious about the two beauties standing nearby. Using his spiritual sense, he surreptitiously checked their cultivation levels and was surprised to find that they were both at the early stage of the foundation establishment realm. He wondered what had brought them to the sect, and what kind of talent they possessed.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of rushing wind, and Li Shen looked up to see a flying sword approaching at high speed. The sword slowed as it neared the booth, and a figure stepped off, his red fiery hair billowing in the wind. Li Shen couldn't help but be impressed by the man's majestic entrance, and he took a closer look at him.

The man was tall and muscular, with piercing green eyes and a confident, almost arrogant, expression on his face. His red hair was tied back in a ponytail, and he wore a flowing robe of deep blue, embroidered with intricate silver patterns. As he approached the crowd, the man made a sweeping hand gesture, and a pillar appeared out of thin air, settling onto the ground with a resounding thud.

"Greetings, everyone," the man said, his voice deep and commanding. "I am Core Disciple Jin Rong, and I have been sent to administer the test for admission to the Crimson Water Sect. This pillar," he gestured to the stone column, "will test for both your current cultivation level and your latent talent. The former will be displayed on the pillar, and the latter will be revealed by the color the pillar takes."

Jin paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "The latent talent comes in five colors: Violet, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Red. From best to worst. The higher the color, the greater your potential for cultivation. Are there any questions before we begin?"

Li Shen couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as he listened to Jin's words. He knew that this test was an important moment for Fatty, and he couldn't wait to see what color the pillar would turn when his friend stepped up.

Jin Rong looked around at the assembled crowd, his piercing green eyes scanning the faces of the young people in front of him. "Now, before we begin," he said, his voice dripping with authority, "I should remind you that only those under the age of 17 are eligible to attempt the test. The requirements for admission to the Crimson Water Sect are quite high, and we are looking for only the most talented and promising young cultivators to join our ranks."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "To pass the test, you must have a latent talent of at least Orange, and a cultivation level of at least Fifth Qi Refinement. However, if you possess a latent talent of a higher level, your cultivation level will not matter. But the opposite is not true - if you have a high cultivation level but a low latent talent, you will not be accepted into the sect."

Jin Rong looked around the crowd again, his gaze sweeping over the assembled young people.

"Alright, let's get started," he said, his voice dripping with authority. He turned to one of the juniors standing nearby, a beautiful young woman with long black hair and delicate features. "Shen Mei, please call out the names on the list," he said.

Shen Mei nodded and stepped forward, her voice clear and confident as she called out the names of the young people who had signed up for the test. One by one, the applicants stepped forward, their faces tense with anticipation as they approached the pillar.

As each applicant stepped up, Jin Rong's other junior, a young woman with short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, used her spiritual sense to check their bone age, making sure that they were indeed under the age of 17. If anyone was found to be lying about their age, they would be immediately disqualified from the test.

The first to step up was a young girl named Li Ying, who was just 14 years old. She approached the pillar with a nervous expression on her face, her hands shaking slightly as she reached out to touch the stone. As her fingers made contact with the surface, the pillar glowed with a soft orange light, indicating that she had a latent talent of Orange. At the same time, the cultivation level displayed on the pillar showed that she was at the Fifth Qi Refinement level, well within the requirements for admission to the sect.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Li Ying stepped back from the pillar, a look of relief and joy on her face. She had passed the test, and would now have the opportunity to join the Crimson Water Sect and pursue her cultivation dreams.

As the other applicants stepped forward to take the test, Li Shen watched with interest, wondering what kind of latent talent each of them possessed. Some passed with flying colors, while others were disappointed to find that they did not meet the requirements. But no matter the outcome, the atmosphere was electric with excitement and anticipation, as the young people of the village took their first steps on the road to cultivation.

As Shen Mei called out the name of Long Dong, the air was filled with a tense energy. Li Shen couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness for his friend, who was about to take the crucial test that would determine his future.

Shen Mei blushed as she spoke Long Dong's name, her eyes flickering with a mix of embarrassment and desire. She couldn't help but remember the lecherous haiku that Long Dong had spoken to her earlier, and she wondered what he would say this time.

But Long Dong didn't disappoint, winking at Shen Mei as he stepped forward and recited another perverted haiku:

"Your lips so soft, your skin so fair

I long to touch you, to stroke your hair

Your body calls to me, a siren's song

I'll love you till the day I die, my love"

Shen Mei went bright red at the words, her eyes rolling back in her head as she fainted on the spot.

Jin Rong, who had been watching the proceedings with a mixture of disgust and disbelief, also went red with anger at Long Dong's inappropriate behavior.

But the real fireworks started when Li Tian, the envious young master of the town, stepped forward. Fuming with anger at Long Dong's antics, he shouted out a challenge. "You think you're so great, Fatty?" he sneered.

"I'll show you what real talent is! Let's see who passes the test with the better scores - the winner will be the boss of the other for one year!"

Long Dong grinned at the challenge, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You're on, Li Tian!" he said, his voice dripping with confidence. "But I think it's only fair if you go first. After all, I wouldn't want you to say that I had an unfair advantage."

As the two young men stepped forward to take the test, the crowd watched with bated breath, wondering who would come out on top. Li Shen couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he watched, wondering what the outcome would be.

Would Long Dong's latent talent be enough to win against Li Tian's superior cultivation level, or would the young master prove to be the better cultivator? Only time would tell.

As Li Tian stepped up to the pillar, the tension in the air was palpable. The young master of the town had made it clear that he was determined to prove his superiority over Long Dong, and everyone was wondering what kind of latent talent he possessed.

As Li Tian reached out to touch the stone, the pillar glowed with a soft yellow light, indicating that he had a latent talent of Yellow. At the same time, the cultivation level displayed on the pillar showed that he was at the Eighth Qi Refinement level, a solid score but not quite enough to meet the requirements for admission to the Crimson Water Sect.

As Li Tian stepped back from the pillar, his face crumpled in disappointment. He had come so close to meeting the requirements, but in the end, he had fallen just short.

But the real shock came when Long Dong stepped forward to take the test. As he reached out to touch the pillar, the stone glowed with a bright blue light, indicating that he had a latent talent of Blue. At the same time, his cultivation level was also displayed on the pillar, showing that he was at the Eighth Qi Refinement level, just like Li Tian.

The crowd was stunned by the results, and Shen Mei, who had just come to, gaped at the pillar in disbelief. Jin Rong, who had been watching from the side, did a series of backflips and front flips, then punched himself to see if he was dreaming.

As for Li Tian, he couldn't take the disappointment and burst into tears, sobbing as he returned to his spot in the crowd. He knew that he would now have to call Long Dong his "Boss" for the next year, according to the terms of their bet.