
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Mandrope

Hans's eyes ignited with the blazing flames of bursting mana, his hands ablaze with the fiery essence of magic. Waves of heat resonated through his body, yet despite this bustling energy, it paled in comparison to the immense ghastly monster looming before him. This behemoth, having previously rendered the prince unconscious, now stood as the sole adversary for Hans and Gray.

Gray, swift as the wind, grasped her sword and lunged at the monster, aiming to cleave it with precision. However, her strike was thwarted not by the creature's formidable hide, but by insidious magic. Despite her mastery of martial arts and keen intuition for exploiting weaknesses, Gray found herself at a loss against this foe devoid of mana.

More unnerving still was the realization that the creature could not use magic, if the creature had an ounce of magic in it, Gray would be able to use that to find it's weakness therefore cleaving it down like it was butter.

With a swift and vicious motion, the monster's tail lashed out, striking Hans with the force of a thunderbolt. He was sent hurtling through the air, his body twisting and tumbling until it crashed against an unforgiving stone wall. The impact was brutal, threatening to shatter his heavy armor into pieces as the fiery spell he had conjured moments ago was violently dispelled.

The thunderous crash of Han's impact reverberated throughout the cavern, causing the very walls to tremble and the stalactites above to shudder in response. With each deafening thud, massive formations broke loose, hurtling towards the ground below. 

In a desperate bid to save the prince from certain peril, Gray lunged forward, pushing him out of harm's way just as a gargantuan stalactite descended towards them. Her sacrifice was immediate and selfless, but she couldn't evade the full brunt of the falling rock. Despite her valiant effort, the stalactite crashed down upon her legs with bone-shattering force.

As Gray's agonized scream pierced the air, her voice mingled with the cacophony of Falling stalactites, creating a symphony of chaos in the cavern. The force of her crying jolted the prince's consciousness back from the brink, as he slowly blinked his eyes open his brain recognising the scream, the prince opened his eyes to behold the dire scene in front of him.

Rising to his feet with painstaking slowness, the prince grimaced as the pain of multiple broken bones seared through his body. Every step sent waves of agony coursing through him, but driven by determination, he pressed forward as quickly as his battered body would permit. 

Collapsing to the ground beside Gray, the prince's heart clenched at the sight of her legs underneath the huge rubbles as blood was coming from underneath straight towards her upper half. Tears glistened in her eyes, yet a brave smile adorned her lips. 

"Your Highness," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "run... don't look back. We will ensure your safety." Her words were a poignant mixture of determination and sorrow.

With tender care, the prince cradled Gray's head in his hands, gently stroking her hair as he wiped away her tears. Despite the pain etched on her face, he couldn't help but return her smile.

"I may not be a child anymore," he replied, his voice filled with quiet resolve, "but that doesn't mean I'll leave you behind. We face this together."

Summoning every ounce of courage within him, the prince rose to his feet, his gaze unwavering in the face of the monstrous adversary. With his staff nowhere to be found, he knew he had to rely on his own innate magical abilities. Ignoring the protests of his exhausted body, he tapped into the reservoir of power within him, drawing forth energy that pulsed with raw potential.

The monster growled ferociously, sensing the prince's defiance, but undeterred, he focused his will and began to weave the intricate patterns of a spell. Each gesture, each syllable uttered, exacted a toll on his life force, yet he pressed on, determined to stand his ground against the monster, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process.

With a desperate urgency, Gray extended her trembling hands towards the prince, straining every sinew in her body in a futile attempt to reach him. Despite her best efforts, all she managed to grasp was the back of his boot, her fingers barely grazing the fabric.

"Prince!" she cried out, her voice laced with fear and determination. "Be careful... don't... don't overexert yourself." Her words were a desperate plea, a silent prayer that he would heed her warning and not succumb to the dangerous power he was tapping into.

Feeling Gray's touch on his boot, the prince turned slightly to meet her gaze, a faint smile of gratitude and determination gracing his lips. With a silent nod, he acknowledged her before redirecting his focus back to the looming threat ahead.

With renewed resolve, the prince channeled his magical energies into the spell, his aura intensifying with each passing moment. Though the spell he cast was but a minor wind incantation, its potency was magnified by the sheer force of his life force. As he unleashed torrents of swirling wind energy towards the monstrous foe, the spell seemed to take on a life of its own, roaring forth with a ferocity that belied its humble origins.

As the wind spell crashed against the monstrous form, it staggered back momentarily, but to the prince's dismay, it seemed to shrug off the assault unscathed. Instead of weakening, the creature's attention shifted, its gaze now fixated squarely on the prince.

Undeterred by the lack of immediate effect, the prince persisted in his relentless barrage of wind spells, each incantation unleashed with the rapidity of a machine gun firing rounds. However, the monster only grew more enraged with each passing moment, its roars echoing through the cavern with deafening intensity.

Realizing that his current tactics were proving futile, the prince shifted tactics, conjuring a more offensive wind spell. With a focused determination, he manipulated the very air around him, condensing it into a dense and lethal spear of wind.

With a swift and fluid motion, the prince hurled the wind spear towards the monster with lightning speed. The air crackled with energy as the projectile surged forward, cutting through the cavern with precision and purpose. As it hurtled towards its target, the wind spear seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly intensity, ready to unleash its devastating force upon the monstrous adversary.

As the wind spear surged forward with lethal intent, the prince's heart raced with anticipation. However, to his dismay, the projectile veered off course, missing the monster by a significant margin. The cavern echoed with the sound of the wind spear slicing through the air, but it found no purchase on its intended target.

A surge of frustration and fear washed over the prince as he realized the gravity of his mistake. His lack of proficiency in projectile magic now threatened to cost him dearly, leaving him vulnerable in the face of the relentless adversary before him. With a sinking feeling in his chest, he braced himself for the inevitable consequences of his error, knowing that his life and the lives of Hans and Gray hung in the balance.

As the wind spear veered off course, missing its target by a significant margin, a sense of resignation washed over the prince. Yet, to his surprise, he felt a glimmer of relief wash over him as he caught a fleeting glimpse of what seemed like a smile on both Hans and Gray's faces.

With newfound determination, Hans sprang into action, his muscles tensing with raw power as he seized the tail of the monstrous creature. With a display of brute strength, he held the beast back, preventing it from advancing towards the prince with lethal intent. The cavern trembled with the force of their struggle, but Hans refused to yield.

As the tumultuous struggle raged on, a spark of inspiration ignited within the prince's mind. With a resolute determination, he began to weave the intricate patterns of a spell known as "Boreas," renowned for its devastating power over the forces of wind and air. It was said that this spell could inflict damage even upon deities themselves, such was its potency.

In that critical moment, as the prince focused his will and channeled the raw energy of the spell, a shared understanding seemed to pass between him, Hans, and Gray. Though unspoken, their thoughts echoed in unison: it was better to stand defiant against the monstrous foe, even if it meant facing certain doom, than to succumb to defeat. With their resolve hardened like steel, they braced themselves for the inevitable clash of the spell "Boreas" that could potentially destroy everything.

As the tension in the cavern reached its peak, a sudden interruption shattered the stillness. A small voice, filled with energy and conviction, pierced through the chaos, freezing both friend and foe in their tracks. Even the monstrous creature, locked in a fierce struggle with Hans, halted its advance, compelled by the sheer force of the voice.

All eyes turned towards the source of the interruption, and to their surprise, they beheld a little girl standing amidst the turmoil. Despite her diminutive stature, there was an air of authority about her, as if she held the key to unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

"Why do you always find yourselves in fights with strangers?" she demanded, her voice ringing with a mixture of curiosity and reproach. Her gaze swept over the assembled group, her eyes alight with a spark of mischief.

With a mischievous grin, she introduced herself. "I'm Naiara," she declared, her smile infectious even in the midst of danger.