
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs


A few days had passed, and Tobi found himself growing closer to the girl he had encountered in the underground cavern, Naiara.

The monster he had attempted to exterminate, which ultimately led to the destruction of the underground cavern, bore the name Ponce.

According to Naiara, Ponce was a domesticated Mandrope.

Despite its predatory instincts, Ponce displayed an unexpected docility in Naiara's presence, a behavior that puzzled Tobi. However, as days passed and they spent more time together, Tobi noticed a gradual change in Ponce's demeanor. The creature began to show signs of familiarity and even affection towards him, a development that both surprised and intrigued him.

With a gentle yet firm demeanor, Naiara guided Tobi through the intricacies of their world, shedding light on its customs, traditions, and the delicate balance between its various inhabitants. She patiently answered his questions, no matter how trivial, and imparted wisdom gleaned from generations past. As Tobi absorbed her teachings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Naiara for her guidance and patience.

As Naiara elaborated on the intricate web of alliances and conflicts that defined their world, Tobi gained a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of power at play. He learned of the long-standing animosity between the Holy Empire and various subspecies, fueled by centuries of mistrust and misunderstanding. Naiara's insights painted a vivid picture of the political landscape, where alliances shifted like sand and ancient grudges lay dormant, waiting to erupt into open conflict at the slightest provocation. With each revelation, Tobi realized that he was not only a newcomer to this world but also a pawn in a much larger game, where the consequences of his actions could ripple far beyond.

Tobi grappled with the weight of his newfound understanding, realizing the gravity of his situation. He came to terms with the fact that he was not human, and as such, he would not be recognized as one by the inhabitants of this world. Even Naiara, despite her kindness and knowledge, referred to him as a dark elf due to his elongated ears and gray skin, a characteristic that set him apart from the humans she knew. However, Tobi also understood that Naiara's categorization was based on outward appearances alone, and that she herself did not possess the answers to his true identity.

"What am I?" Tobi pondered, the question echoing in the depths of his mind like a distant whisper.

Naiara soon began to teach Tobi about mana and the intricacies of magic. With patient guidance, she explained that magic, like any other discipline, had its own set of rules and principles that governed its use. She emphasized the importance of understanding these rules, warning Tobi that even the slightest deviation could have dire consequences. In the world of magic, she explained, one wrong move could result in catastrophic failure, and those who attempted to wield its power without respect for its laws risked paying the ultimate price.

Delving into the various classifications of magic that existed in their world. She explained that magic users could be classified into different classes based on the elemental powers they wielded. For instance, there were mages who specialized in harnessing the elemental forces of water, manipulating its currents and tides to their will. Others focused their talents on the earth, wielding the power of the soil and stone to shape the very landscape itself. Then there were those who commanded the fierce flames of fire, conjuring infernos and flames with a mere thought. And yet, some possessed the ethereal power of the wind, channeling its currents and breezes with unmatched finesse. These elemental attributes, she explained, were the building blocks of magic, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and intricacies.

Naiara expanded on the classifications of magic, mentioning another class that wielded the power of light. These mages were often recruited into the esteemed ranks of the Holy Empire of Intrisha, where their abilities were revered and respected. Among the mages of the light attribute, there were those who possessed a rare and invaluable sub-attribute: Healing. These healers were highly sought after by the Holy Empire for their ability to mend wounds and restore life, serving as beacons of hope and salvation in times of need.

Naiara continued her explanation, noting that those who wielded the light attribute were often regarded with reverence and awe by the people of the holy empire of intrisha. Believed to be chosen vessels of the goddess who presided over their realm, these mages were seen as conduits of divine power and were revered as saints among their communities. Their abilities to heal and bring light to the darkest of places earned them adoration and respect, and they were often called upon to perform acts of benevolence and mercy.

Naiara continued her explanation, delving into the darker aspects of magic in their world. She explained that anything deviating from the traditional classifications of magic, such as the elemental attributes or the light attribute, was often regarded as deviant magic. This included forbidden practices, dark rituals, and arcane arts that delved into forbidden realms of power.

Despite its outward appearance of piety and righteousness, Naiara revealed that the Holy Empire of Intrisha was deeply entrenched in corruption and deceit. While they publicly espoused the virtues of light and purity, behind closed doors, the empire engaged in nefarious practices to further their own agenda. They sought out practitioners of deviant magic, viewing them as valuable assets to be exploited for their own gain.

As Tobi absorbed this revelation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the true nature of the Holy Empire. He realized that the lines between good and evil were not always clear-cut, and that even those who claimed to serve the light could be consumed by darkness. 

During Naiara's daily lessons, Tobi became a silent and attentive listener, hanging on her every word with rapt attention. Enveloped by the wisdom and knowledge she imparted, he found himself drawn into the intricate tapestry of magical lore she wove with each lesson. Though he remained silent, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and questions, eager to delve deeper into the mysteries of their world. As Naiara spoke, Tobi's understanding of magic grew, and he began to see the world through new eyes, each lesson opening up new vistas of possibility and wonder. 

In just two short days, Tobi made remarkable progress in his studies of magic. With Naiara's guidance and his own determination, he mastered the fundamental concepts of mana manipulation, learning to channel its energy with precision and finesse. Now, as he stood on the precipice of his newfound abilities, Tobi felt a surge of excitement and anticipation coursing through him.

With a focused mind and steady hand, he summoned forth his first spell—a magical ball of light and wind. Drawing upon the mana flowing within him like a river, he wove the elements together with practiced ease, shaping them into a swirling orb of shimmering radiance. As the spell took form before him, Tobi felt a sense of exhilaration wash over him, tinged with pride and satisfaction at his accomplishment.

With a flourish, he released the spell into the air, watching as the ball of light and wind danced and twirled with ethereal grace. In that moment, Tobi knew that he had taken his first step on the path of magic, and the possibilities that lay ahead seemed limitless. 

Tobi couldn't shake the memory of the immense power he had felt when he encountered Ponce for the first time in the underground cavern. Despite his newfound mastery of magic, there was something primal and elemental about the energy that pulsed within him, a raw force that stirred a sense of awe and wonder within him.

Determined to uncover the truth behind this mysterious power, Tobi decided to seek guidance from Naiara. As they sat together in their makeshift classroom, he broached the subject with her, his voice tinged with curiosity and uncertainty.

"Naiara," he began, "I can't stop thinking about the power I felt when I encountered Ponce. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Do you have any insights into what that might have been?"

As he awaited her response, Tobi couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him, eager to unravel the mystery that had captivated his thoughts and imagination.

"Ah, about that," Naiara said, her tone thoughtful. "I still do not know what that was. My senses told me it was dangerous—too dangerous. So, I decided to stop you right then. But I sensed that being near you at that time could mean my death. So, I did the only thing I could do—I yelled at you. Thankfully, you stopped the spell from working."

"I did?" Tobi thought to himself, a hint of disbelief coloring his thoughts. "Maybe at that very moment, I felt restraint... But did I really dispel it?"

As he pondered the events of that fateful encounter, Tobi couldn't help but feel a sense of uncertainty creeping into his mind. The memory of the spell he had attempted to cast, and the power it had unleashed, lingered in his thoughts like a lingering shadow. Despite Naiara's reassurance, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than he had yet uncovered.

"I understand," Tobi replied, his voice tinged with a sense of gratitude. "Thank you for looking out for me, Naiara. I... I hadn't realized the danger I was in, or the risk I posed to others. I'll be more cautious in the future."As he spoke, Tobi couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination welling up within him. He was eager to continue his studies of magic.

As Tobi looked at Naiara, a memory, opaque and hazy, flashed in his mind like a distant dream. It was a memory tinged with distortion, yet a familiar face emerged from the depths—a face that stirred a sense of recognition deep within him. Could it be? Was it possible that this face belonged to his sister?

The thought sent a jolt of electricity through Tobi's mind, igniting a spark of hope amidst the uncertainty and confusion. He remembered fleeting moments from his past, fragments of memories that had long been buried beneath layers of time and forgetfulness. And though the details remained elusive, there was a sense of connection, a bond that transcended the boundaries of memory and time.

With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Tobi turned to Naiara, his heart racing with anticipation. "Naiara," he began, his voice trembling slightly with emotion. "I... I think I saw my sister in my memories just now. It was faint, like a distant echo, but... I'm certain it was her. Do you think it's possible? Could she still be out there somewhere?"

"You have a sister??" Naiara exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise and curiosity. "Why did you not tell me?"

As Tobi met Naiara's gaze, he saw the genuine interest and concern in her eyes. He realized that he had kept this part of his past hidden from her, perhaps out of fear or reluctance to revisit painful memories. But now, faced with her gentle inquiry, he knew that it was time to share the truth with her, to open up about the sister he had long thought lost to him.

"I'm sorry, Naiara," Tobi replied, his voice tinged with regret. "It's not something I talk about often. The memories of my sister... they're complicated. But seeing her face in my mind's eye... it's brought everything rushing back. I should have told you sooner."

Tobi nodded, his mind drifting back to memories of his sister, her laughter echoing in the corridors of his mind. "Yes," he agreed softly. "She should be around your age now."

The room fell silent as Naiara's eyes widened in shock, her expression caught between surprise and disbelief. Then, without warning, she let out a loud exclamation.

"Do you know how old I am?!" she exclaimed, her voice ringing out in the quiet room.

Tobi blinked, taken aback by Naiara's sudden outburst. He hadn't considered the implications of his words.

Without thinking, Tobi blurted out, "You don't look 16."

Immediately after the words left his mouth, Naiara's cheeks brightened.

"I am 476 years old... Do I really look like an infant to you?!" Naiara yelled, her voice laced with frustration and indignation.