
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A Time To Come

As the orc chief spoke, his words carried the weight of countless encounters with Naiara, but not the Naiara standing before Tobi. No, this was a different Naiara, one from a future shrouded in darkness and despair.

With a voice tinged with sorrow and regret, the orc chief recounted his meetings with the Naiara of the future, describing a world consumed by desolation and emptiness. He spoke of barren lands and crumbling ruins, where hope had long since faded and only echoes of the past remained.

Listening intently, Tobi felt a chill run down his spine as he glimpsed the grim reality that awaited them if they failed to change their course. The orc chief's words served as a stark reminder of the stakes they faced, urging Tobi to heed the warnings of the future and take decisive action to alter their fate.

As Tobi pondered the orc chief's words, a whirlwind of memories and questions swirled in his mind. Where had he gone wrong? What series of events had led them to this ominous future foretold by the orc chief?

Recalling his arrival in this unfamiliar world, Tobi remembered the disorientation he felt as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Instead of exploring the world around him, he found himself drawn to Naiara, a mysterious young girl who seemed to hold the key to his understanding of this new reality.

Their training sessions had been intense and grueling, pushing Tobi to his limits as he honed his skills under Naiara's tutelage. Yet, despite the physical exertion, there had always been an undercurrent of unease lingering beneath the surface.

Now, faced with the revelation that his actions could lead to the destruction of the world, Tobi struggled to reconcile the image of himself as a mere participant in Naiara's training with the dire consequences outlined by the orc chief. Placing his hand on his chin in a gesture of deep contemplation, Tobi delved deeper into his thoughts, searching for answers amidst the tangled web of uncertainty.

"Okay," he said to the orc chief.

 "I have heard your words, I shall decide what to do next, you may leave," he said.

With a nod of acknowledgment, the orc chief turned to leave, his heavy footsteps crunching on snow. Tobi watched him go, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts.

As the orc chief disappeared from view, Tobi's gaze turned inward, Tobi knew that the decision he made in the coming moments could shape the course of not only his own destiny, but the fate of the entire world.

The thunderous roar of an explosion reverberated through the rugged peaks of the mountains, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Tobi's senses heightened as he registered the distant yet unmistakable sound, his mind immediately alert to the threat it signified.

Drawing upon his instant search ability , Tobi swiftly assessed the situation. The explosion was beyond the confines of the mountains, its source hidden from view yet undeniably ominous. With each passing moment, the urgency of the situation intensified, urging Tobi into action.

His instincts sharpening as he processed the ominous sign of destruction. Without hesitation, he sprang into motion, his movements fluid and decisive.

With practiced precision, Tobi conjured his magical symbols, weaving them together in a complex pattern. As the symbols intersected, a surge of energy enveloped him, masking his presence and cloaking him in invisibility.

In the blink of an eye, Tobi vanished from sight, leaving behind only a faint echo of his departure. With determination burning in his heart, he set forth towards the source of the explosion, ready to confront whatever danger lurked beyond the mountains.

The rising black smoke billowed behind her, a stark contrast to the serene expression on her face. With her back turned to the tumultuous scene unfolding, the young girl exuded an air of quiet confidence, her demeanor unwavering despite the chaos surrounding her.

Her brown hair cascaded in gentle waves down her back, framing her features with a softness that belied the intensity in her gaze. Though her stature was diminutive, there was an undeniable sense of power emanating from her.

Tobi's arrival was swift. With the keen instincts of a predator, he assessed the situation in an instant, recognizing the young girl before him as nothing more than prey in the grand scheme of things. 

Yet, beneath his predatory instincts lay a flicker of hesitation, a recognition of the girl's humanity that stirred a sense of reluctance within him. Though his memories remained clouded, Tobi couldn't shake the feeling of kinship with his own kind, a connection that tugged at the fringes of his consciousness even as he stood poised to act.

Despite his internal conflict, Tobi's resolve remained firm. With a calculated gaze, he regarded the girl before him, weighing his options with a mix of caution and determination. In the midst of uncertainty, one thing was clear: he would tread carefully, mindful of the delicate balance between his primal ins

tincts and the remnants of his humanity.