
Revenge: The untold story of an undercover Model

Snow white gets poisoned by her evil stepmother, and dies, her prince then kisses her to life. We all know this story. But what if Snow White was poisoned by the prince himself? Why? Because she's carryng his child and his wedding is in a month. And he's engaged to someone else. What if snow white wakes up in the body of a spy, a sophisticated secluded but beautiful C-class model. ************ She stood across the room, she was drenched, water dripping from her dress, which hugged her body in all the right places. She rubbed her arms trying to keep warm. She was squeezing her dress and trying to dry her hair. Tiny drops of water penetrated through the old roof, and made a Drip—Drop sound. The room was cold,but it was getting warmer, as Zi Tao took off his shirt. He watched her while she stared at his chest and he knew he was fed up and tired out from all the games. Boldly, he made his way towards her ,taking her unaware, and pushing her against the wall. She was so transfixed,that she was left speechless. They were both tired of playing hide and seek. He played with the contours of her face, her cheeks felt hot. "Tell me something"he said trailing kisses down her neck. She wanted to push him away,but didn't want him to stop, she was so confused, but welcomed all the sensations. "Why, why do you keep on running you cannot escape me"he said, and kissed her shoulder. She moaned. "Am not"she said, and he took her palm and out it on his chest. "This heart beats for you now"he said rather whispered into her ear, then bit it. She trailed her fingers on his bare chest, he looked into her eyes, and she didn't see lust, she saw love. "I Love you my Feng Mian"he said. *********** Yu Yan sat in her bedroom, staring at the wall, frustrated and perplexed. She was still trying to recover from the shock she got from the news. She placed her fingers across her forehead and started to cry. She let the tears flow freely. The door opened, she couldn't care less about the intruder, till she felt two arms wrapping her body. She looked over her shoulder, and saw him there, his face close to hers He kissed behind her ear, she let out a whimper, he let his hands rub her thighs. "Don't ever hide your tears from me"he said to her. He carried her up and gently placed her on the bed. He took off her shoes, and arranged a pillow for her. She was already taking her shirt off, but he got on the bed and covered her with a thick blanket. He pulled her to himself and hugged her on the bed. She felt a warm sense, and returned the hug, weeping softly at the news. He held unto her, squeezed her tight and whispered. "I love you Yu Yan"he said. A/N: I do not own this cover

daniella19 · Urban
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

New beginnings

Walking into a castle has always been delightful to any girl,but walking into a secret technologically advanced organization was a stinger, especially when it's underwater!

"Am I dreaming?"she asked herself,still flabbergasted at her new surroundings, she could see fishes swim about,which was such a beautiful scenery.

"Stop doing that"Chynna said to Yu Yan.

"Don't get caught"Chynna said,and walked past her, there were few people in the main base of operation which mad Yu Yan feel much more at ease.

A woman not over forty five walked in,wearing a black leather Jean and a white fur coat.

Dawei walked up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Welcome back son"She said.

"Good to be back"He said and stood behind her,his arms folded.

The lady was American,which puzzled Yu Yan,but they were in the states anyways.

The woman glared at Lee,then at Liko, chuckled when she glanced at Chynna,but smirked at Yu Yan.

"I received the feedback from Agent Liko about Project 22air,and I've sent my people to take care of the company that mole works for"she said.

"Great work though,although I will admit,

I never thought it was possible for that mission to have been completed so soon, considering the spy we planted"She said,staring directly at Yu Yan.

Dawei let out a blow,and rolled his eyes,she was referring to Yu Yan.

"But there's no time for that,am assigning your team to carry out a new mission"She said.

Two men in Black walked up to her,and handed her a tablet on a tray,which she picked up,and scrolled down.

"What kind?"Lee asked.

"A rescue mission"she said.

"Yu Yan,you have to be cautious,you must say something,you are the team leader"she said to herself.

"Who are we rescuing?"Yu Yan asked,and the woman faced her.

Staring daggers into her.

"A very dear assest,very classified and very important to our organization, he's in the Registan desert"She said.

"Hmm"Yu Yan said, placing her hand on her chin.

"You will be rescuing Abdul Kabeer"She said scrolling down her tablet,and a picture of the hostage was displayed on a huge screen.

"The remaining details will be sent to your team"she said,and the tablet was taken from her almost immediately.

"Go rest up your mission is in three days"The woman said and dismissed the four of them.


Ru Shi crawled out of bed,removing the spec from her eyes,lazily walking around,till she walked by a mirror.

She blinked thrice,scratched the side of her head,and yawned.

She stretched and noticed she had clothes on,and she vividly remembered that she slept without clothes on.

She heard the showers and her heart beat became faster,the door opened,the room became warmer.

Huang Xiao came out of the shower wrapped in a towel,he was drying his hair.

"Good morning"he said,while selecting his clothes from his closet.

"What?"he asked,she was awfully quiet,and just watched him walk about.

"Did...did..did you change my clothes?"Ru Shi asked.

"Where you wearing any?"He asked leaving her dumbfounded.

"Ewww"she squirmed,making Huang Xiao grin from ear to ear.

He let his towel fall down,Ru Shi turned around immediately, blushing, shocking him,he had his boxes on.

"You should leave before someone sees you coming out of my bedroom"Huang Xiao said with a mischievous grin.

Her eyes widened,making her look comical,she made her way to the door,about to open it but turned and said.

"Brother In law, you will help me win his heart right?"she asked,looking so innocent.

"Yes"he said,igniting her smile,she then let herself out of the room.

Huang Xiao slumped on his bed,and took steady breaths,he picked up his pillow and brought out a photo of Ru Shi.

"You crazy girl, can't you tell when someone loves you!"He opened his closet and there was a picture of Ru Shi pasted on it.

"But if she wants my brother I can't do anything about it, I'll have to help her" Huang Xiao said.

"So close and yet so far"were his thoughts.

He looked outside his window, everything reminded him of her,he couldn't focus.

He stayed out of sight during the wedding,he couldn't bear to watch.

Seeing his brother have his love at his disposal made him angrier even more,but despite that he still took a liking to his brother,and loved his wife.

"This crazy girl will be the end of me"He thought.


"Three days?"Lee asked once they were taken to their rooms at headquarters,they all met up in Yu Yan's room.

"It's not enough to prepare her for another mission,she was lucky the mole we dealt with was a rookie,but now a rescue?"Chynna said a little panicked.

"Let's not underestimate her"Liko said but that barely helped matters ,the arguing and bickering went on.

Yu Yan sat on the couch and watched them bicker,it was a bit funny to watch.

"Um...can I ask a question?"Yu Yan said raising up her hand.

"What!"three of them chorused

"Um..who was that we met earlier?"She asked sheepishly, she had taken interest in her.

"That's Angela, our boss"Lee said.

"And she's the mother of Dawei?"she asked.

"No, adopted mum"Liko said.

"Does she own the organization?"Yu Yan asked.

"No"Lee said.

"whto does then?"Yu Yan inquired.

"Our organization isn't owned by a person,no it's owned by countries,it's bigger than you think,Angela is just one of our main bosses"Chynna said.

"Then tell me something"Yu Yan said seriously,catching all their attention.

"Will she like cup cakes?"Yu Yan innocently asked,making Chynna almost descend on her.

Lee and Liko held her back trying to calm her down.

"She's a spy,and a top valued agent,she won't bother about cup cakes!"Chynna roared at her.

"We should not be fighting,we should be working on how to better Yu Yan,and ourselves as a team"Lee said.

"why wasn't she leader?"Yu Yan thought,wondering what made this host so special.

"Tomorrow we train"Chynna said,making Yu Yan want to disappear.

"Then me and Liko can give you a crash course on the likes and dislikes of our Yu Yan"Lee brightly said.

Their door slided open,Dawei came in,wanting to talk to Yu Yan.

In the twinkling of an eye,they cleared out of the room.

Yu Yan tried to calm her tensed nerves,she didn't want to say something wrong or worst have to climb into bed with a complete stranger.

"Are you hungry?"he asked her,she looked away,at the beautiful scenery behind her.

Trying to avoid his glare.

"No"she said.

He came in closer,"how was China?"he asked,she hated his breath,hated having it so close to hers,she had to escape him.

"I need some sleep,am sparing tomorrow morning"She said,and moved away from him,he wrinkled his brows,as to why she was avoiding him.

"You always want to train,can't you give it a rest?"he asked, attempting to come closer to her,he kissed her shoulder and intertwined their fingers together.

"Escape, Escape now,!"she told herself,no man would ever take control over her again.

She jerked her hand away and walked away from him,her eyes bred disgust,not towards Dawei but at men in general.

He watched her and had no other alternative,he had to use the door,but he took a pause before leaving the room and stared at her. Then let out a chuckle.

"Anytime I feel we get closer to each other,you end up drifting father away from me.

I felt a slight change in you at China,but now am convinced.

Typical Yu Yan, I was wrong"he sighed.

"Good night"he said and disposed of himself,and slammed the door shut, shutting her down again completely.

A/N: Love to all my readers,you guys rock🤗🤗🤗🤗.

Sending me gifts would rock too you know😅😅😅.

Your Author has joined Spirity and has dedicated her time to writing her entry. She needs help from you all. 

"Glass Hearts: Their story"is the name of the book. And I need all the views, votes, collections and love from you all.

Please check it out and help my Spirity entry!!!

The faster we get it done the faster I can get back to this story. I miss Yu Yan 😭😔😔😔 and the two Huang brothers.