
Revenge: The untold story of an undercover Model

Snow white gets poisoned by her evil stepmother, and dies, her prince then kisses her to life. We all know this story. But what if Snow White was poisoned by the prince himself? Why? Because she's carryng his child and his wedding is in a month. And he's engaged to someone else. What if snow white wakes up in the body of a spy, a sophisticated secluded but beautiful C-class model. ************ She stood across the room, she was drenched, water dripping from her dress, which hugged her body in all the right places. She rubbed her arms trying to keep warm. She was squeezing her dress and trying to dry her hair. Tiny drops of water penetrated through the old roof, and made a Drip—Drop sound. The room was cold,but it was getting warmer, as Zi Tao took off his shirt. He watched her while she stared at his chest and he knew he was fed up and tired out from all the games. Boldly, he made his way towards her ,taking her unaware, and pushing her against the wall. She was so transfixed,that she was left speechless. They were both tired of playing hide and seek. He played with the contours of her face, her cheeks felt hot. "Tell me something"he said trailing kisses down her neck. She wanted to push him away,but didn't want him to stop, she was so confused, but welcomed all the sensations. "Why, why do you keep on running you cannot escape me"he said, and kissed her shoulder. She moaned. "Am not"she said, and he took her palm and out it on his chest. "This heart beats for you now"he said rather whispered into her ear, then bit it. She trailed her fingers on his bare chest, he looked into her eyes, and she didn't see lust, she saw love. "I Love you my Feng Mian"he said. *********** Yu Yan sat in her bedroom, staring at the wall, frustrated and perplexed. She was still trying to recover from the shock she got from the news. She placed her fingers across her forehead and started to cry. She let the tears flow freely. The door opened, she couldn't care less about the intruder, till she felt two arms wrapping her body. She looked over her shoulder, and saw him there, his face close to hers He kissed behind her ear, she let out a whimper, he let his hands rub her thighs. "Don't ever hide your tears from me"he said to her. He carried her up and gently placed her on the bed. He took off her shoes, and arranged a pillow for her. She was already taking her shirt off, but he got on the bed and covered her with a thick blanket. He pulled her to himself and hugged her on the bed. She felt a warm sense, and returned the hug, weeping softly at the news. He held unto her, squeezed her tight and whispered. "I love you Yu Yan"he said. A/N: I do not own this cover

daniella19 · Urban
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147 Chs

Hot cake boss.

Yu Yan looked over her shoulder,Li Na in her arms possessively"yes sir,she is my kid"Yu Yan said.

"Tell Ru Ai to see me tomorrow,am busy now"Huang Xiao said to Fenfang,who nodded and left.

"Am sorry that I didn't inform you I had a daughter"Yu Yan said while looking at her daughter.

"Are you married? You know the requirements for this job,you must be a spinster"Huang Xiao said.

"Sir,am a single parent"

Huang Xiao stroked his chin,"How can I trust you on that?"

"Sir,I admit that I wasn't honest with you about my daughter,but how possible is it for me to hide such a huge detail from you?"she asked.

"Said the lady holding her secret daughter in her arms"Huang Xiao said,he had learnt over the years never to let his guard down easily.

"You'll just have to trust me sir"Yu Yan said,"Hmm...."he said,he stared at the mother then at the child.

"Huang Xiao,you should use your common sense,she's lying straight to your face, don't listen to that lying tongue"