

(POV 3rd person)

After Nova dressed her wound she continued to follow the trail. The trail seemed to be getting fresher and fresher.

This didn't mean much to Nova or she would have been planning her comeback. Now, however, she was puking behind a tree and clutching her stomach.

Since Nova grew up in a poor farm village she had a strong immune system since she was very young. Somehow she had managed to fall sick.

[Ah, maybe I'm sick because of my wounds?]

Nova's hand had started to stink and throb terribly. Her skin was slightly burnt due to the house fire and her stomach churned.

Knowing about the various fruits and vegetables in the forest that were edible did little to no help for her as she had traveled farther out than she has ever gone.

The local wildlife wasn't the same as she was used to so unless she wanted to starve with her few berries and roots she would have to try her luck on the indigenous plants she had no knowledge of.

She must have gotten sick on one of the foods she had unwittingly consumed. Again not knowing what to do, Nova could only throw up as much of the substance as she could.

Wiping her mouth, she decided to try her hand at something she knew was edible. Meat.

[Damn I can't cook any meat so near the soldier incampment...]

Nova assumed that the fresh trail meant she was very close to the soldiers. She decided to walk farther away and dig a little hole that she could build the fire in so to hide the light.

Setting up the makeshift camp as best she could, Nova searched her surroundings for the required materials to make weapons.