

"Hey girl"

One of the soldiers tried to interrogate Nova. During the conversation, She could only manage to mumble incoherent sentences.

"What's your name?"


"Which village are you from?"


"Why are you here?"

"Village...burn then I-I ran.. here?"

She couldn't think about her answer, the pain and repercussions being too great. The burning feeling on her body only got worse.

Her body ached, the once searing pain slowly subsiding into a mild throb. Her raging emotions fading into the back of her mind.

Once again Nova had become a clean slate. The fog of tears in her eyes cleared and she knelt straighter.

She slowly stood up and made eye contact with the apparent leader of the group. He held her gaze. They both stared at each other before she spoke up.

"I am dead."

The cold man smiled.

" Bring her. The girl may be useful."

"Excuse me, sir, this girl is too weak to bring along. I suggest we take her to the village near here and drop her off at one of the families there."

A man with a more scholarly aura spoke up. He was the only person in the area that could suggest things to the commander.

"No.. This girl won't be a problem. If she is we can just drop her. Besides she may help us in the future."

His lips curled up into a cruel smile.

"Yes, sir!"

Nova was set to the side where she watched the military men burn the bodies to ashes and clean up the battle sight.

After The Great War, all the allied countries joined together to create larger countries. One of the main goals of the countries was to protect nature.

Even large forest such as this barely held greenery. The trees where widely spaced and held little leaves.

The flock of bunnies that Nova saw was really a miracle itself.

The 3rd chapter of today!

Flappywafflescreators' thoughts