
Revenge Queen

Athena had lived a life of lies, her unconditional love for her family had blinded her senses and closed her eyes to all of the warning signs the universe sent to her. After going through hell and not coming out of it, she decides to take her own life and find a valid reason to live in hell. She was saved by a busybody that she had learnt to love and busybody had become her mother over the years. In the midst of all of the chaos; revenge and self love, worth and all the messy things that come with life, she has her biggest fan who indulges her in every thing she sets her mind to do. In the Greek mythology, Eros is known as the god of love but the Eros that walked into Athena's life wasn't wired to love, he was made to protect the ones he loved and bring war to anyone that threatened them.

Vinney_Stoney · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter Seven

"You could have just gone through the search yourselves without putting everybody in this difficult situation, not everyone has the time you have" Carissa snapped at the both of them.

"We didn't think much of it" Sophia twiddled her fingers while she look at her feet, her face was buried by her blonde hair. This sorry figure of hers drew on the strings of everyone's heart.

"Or you simply know who the criminal is" Athena deadpanned her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes state intently on her phone.

"What do you mean?" Rebecca snared quickly sharing a glance with Sophia and that small interaction did not go unnoticed by Athena, she felt like she was in the midst of some scheming primary school students.

"Just stand down and give me your bag it is not like it is going to take for ever"

Athena took few steps when Rebecca reached to grab the bag from her causing her to almost trip save for Sophia's reflex.

"What is wrong with you?!" Rebecca screamed walking upto her with her hands raised up to give her a slap.

"What is wrong with you? I didn't do anything!" Athena gripped her bag with her two hands after keeping her phone in her breast pockets, tears brimmed from her eyes while her lips trembled pitifully.

Rebecca's and Sophia's eyes wide at her change in personality, Sophia didn't know what to think at this point only that the said girl was a very wonderful at pulling at people's heart strings.

"Oh stop acting like a pitiful fool and give me the bag" Rebecca snapped out of her trance rolling her eyes as she grabbed the bag from the defenseless girl, as soon as she had the bag in her hand she couldn't help but look at the crying girl skeptically.

"Return the bag right now!" A voice spoke from behind them, Athena raised her eyes tears spilling beautifully, caressing her fair skin, just immediately she lowered her eyes and stared hardly at the floor before raising her eyes to look sweetly at the shocked Rebecca and Sophia and then the teacher at the door.

"What is going on?" The teacher walked into the class and then to the center of all the chaos; Athena, Rebecca, Sophia and Carissa. He took a glance around the girls before setting his eyes on the girl who stood there shoulders slumped as she weeped pitifully.

"Hmm sir we can..." Rebecca started holding the bag in her hand in a tight grip like she wanted to fold the bag out of existence.

Carissa quickly cut her short and began to explain everything that had happen, she did not leave any detail behind, she did not bother looking at the two who stood at the sidelines trying every now and then to break into the conversation with their version poisoning the everyone's mind.

Once she was done talking to her heart content, she stepped back to stand beside her crying friend and wrapped her hand around her comforting her.

"Yes?" The teacher turned to the two girls who had been wanting to have their own say, as soon as they were given the chance to speak, they both opened their mouth talking at the same before looking at each other, they paused for a while and then had some unspoken conversations between themselves with their eyes, after confirming what they wanted to do, they both started talking, not in sync but in confusion, apparently they had bad communication skills; they had both thought that they were letting the other speak.

Sophia quickly nodded at Rebecca to talk for both of them after making themselves look like fools in front of the whole class.

Rebecca said what she had to say exaggerating things and what not. Although Carissa had the strong urge to cut her short and say it was all a lie, she didn't because she knew she'd just put herself and her friend at a disadvantage, she quickly looked down to her feet to hide the glint in her eyes and the tiny smiles on her face.

Sophia stared hard at the girls who stood opposite them not saying a word even when Rebecca lied about not just somethings but everything, she couldn't help but feel wary of them. She had just realized that this was a bad idea.

But what was there to lose? They all knew that she didn't want her bag to be checked, which only made it plain as day that she definitely had the bracelet in her bag! There was no way she was escaping this, she thought.

"So you are saying that she didn't want her bag checked?" The teacher asked folding his arms across his chest, he looked silently at the sad faced Athena.

Carissa quietly passed one handkerchief to Athena. Her face was red and wet from the tears and the emotional trauma she was going through.

"Yes sir she did not agree to have her bag checked" Rebecca nodded her head feeling smug.

"That was because you weren't nice and you wanted to drag my bag which is very rude" She sniffled looking so bereaved so wronged, that the teacher was lost at who to believe.

"You already had everyone go through their bags no one saw it and now you are being rude because you wouldn't give a valid reason why you want to check her bag, you are behaving like it is your right!" Carissa snarled at the stupid girls in front of her, acting like they wouldn't hurt a fly.

"If you check my bag and you don't find it, you'd have to apologize to Carissa and I" Athena softly grabbed Carissa's arm holding her back from flaring up.

"What do you mean we'd have to apologize to you?" Rebecca snapped almost losing her voice from how loud she shouted, what did this girl mean acting like this. Athena had successfully gotten under her skin.

"It is only fair" Athena spoke softly this time she wasn't the crying damsel like before she had a very scary determined look on her face.

"Or don't you think so?" She looked at Sophia and Rebecca in the eyes tilting her head to the side as though she wanted to gauge their reactions, they both felt threatened by the look she had on her face, although she looked like she wasn't doing anything extraordinary the murderous glint that danced in her eyes had them rooted on the spot and their minds blank.

Athena carried her eyes to look at the teacher who stood saying not a word.

"Of course, that is what is going to happen, do you agree?" The teacher spoke as soon as he met Athena's eyes then he looked at the two who stood rooted with blank looks on their faces.

"Yes sir" They both whispered.