
Revenge on EX: Falling for The King of Wrath

Kim Yuri, a young woman whose heart has been shattered by her long-term boyfriend Lee Joon Woo, perceives an unexpected way out of her agony following the awful betrayal. She had no idea that her destiny was going to take a fictitious turn. An enchanted world dominated by gods, devils, and ancient prophecies awaits Jacheongbi when she awakens. She finds herself caught up in a celestial battle considering that she is an immortal god's daughter named Jacheongbi. However when she encounters Min Hyun Wok — a melancholy demon with a tragic past—her desires change. In a desperate bid to execute revenge on the seven gods for the crimes perpetrated on his family, Min Hyun Wok entangles Jacheongbi in a perilous web of deceit and celestial violence. Jacheongbi, who was first reluctant to concede her new aptitudes, eventually finds strength and fortitude in herself as she weaves her way through the perilous politics of the celestial kingdom. Jacheongbi and Min Hyun Wok get more intimate and humane of one another's suffering as their affection for one another deepens. Together, they embarked on a treacherous quest to discover the real reason behind Min Hyun Wok's resentment and stop an approaching heavenly conflict that would devastate the entire world. Facing divine conspiracies, mythical creatures, and the haunting shadows of Min Hyun Wok's past, Jacheongbi must come to terms with her vulnerabilities and rise as a force to be reckoned with. Can love truly bloom amidst the ruins of vengeance? Will the love chronicle between Jacheongbi and Min Hyun Wok change the destiny of both gods and devils or will it lead to their destruction in an intergalactic conflict?

Scorpious_star · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Bad Boy Is Famous!!

"Your Majesty, I am sorry for the intrusion, but this is important," A man clad in battle-worn armour, bowed before the God of War, his silhouette a testament to countless campaigns etched in the annals of time.

His helmet, adorned with the marks of victorious struggles, conceals a gaze that has seen both glory and despair. The echoes of clashing swords and war drums resonate in the aged metal, a hymn to battles waged in the name of the divine. With a weathered hand, he presents a parchment chronicling some syntax symbols. 


The abrupt eruption made Jacheongbi wince; the once-calm visage of The God of War was suddenly veiled in fury. His fist tightened on the sword hanging by his silk robes, and his eyes grew ravenous for battle.

The battle-worn messenger trembled standing in front of the furious God of War, sensing the full ferocity of his god's wrath crashing down on him. "Your Majesty, I... I just recently learned of this advancement," he responded, his voice cracking. "Min Hyun Wok's actions have left devastation throughout his wake, and the realm is in a state of anarchy."

When Min Hyun Wok's name was brought up again, Jacheongbi could hear gasps from the audience. She began to wonder what power this name possessed and the reason there was such an abrupt silence among the festivalgoers.

Lee JunHo's grasp tightened around his sword, the divine blade glowing sinisterly. The atmosphere, which had been euphoric previously, grew sombre as a consequence of the approaching celestial fury. Trapped in the crossfire of heavenly wrath, Jacheongbi watched the events unfold with fear and wonder.

With a force that rocked the very foundations of the heavenly realm, the God of War's voice thundered throughout the heavens. "Min Hyun Wok dares to question the sacredness of this divine territory. His actions are not going unretaliated."

In the wake of Lee JunHo's stern declaration, the divine realm shivered as if anticipating the storm about to be unleashed. Lee Junho turned to face the lady beside him, "There are matters I need to attend to, we can talk and stroll the lands on a better day." With a determined stride, Lee JunHo started walking away, his battle-worn armour clinking with each step.

The messenger, still trembling, attempted to keep pace with his deity, hoping to convey the urgency of the situation. As the two figures disappeared into the celestial landscape, the festivalgoers exchanged hushed whispers, their eyes reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity.

As the divine festival slowly resumed, Jacheongbi couldn't shake off the feeling that the heavens themselves were preparing for a celestial conflict that would redefine the very fabric of their existence.

"Who is Min Hyun Wok?" The question was bluntly and loudly voiced. Jacheongbi gasped aloud, surprising Haeun, who had been silent throughout the whole thing, as she peeked her head from the Goddess's shoulder.

"If only you were able to recall everything, Your Highness, Min Hyun Wok is the Lord of Devils. Since he was given the title of The Lord at twelve, he has been seeking revenge against all seven gods." Standing on her tiptoes, she paused to glance at Her Highness with her big round eyes before whispering, "He is said to be extremely hideous and his right eye was left with a scar that cut through his cheeks by The God of War."

"Pray, enlighten me on his purpose. What vendetta does he harbour?" inquired Jacheongbi, her inquisitiveness overtaking her senses.

Haeun hesitated, gauging how much information she should reveal. "Min Hyun Wok's vendetta dates back centuries when he claims that the Heavenly Emperor wronged him. The details are shrouded in ancient lore, but he believes that the Gods unjustly punished him and his people. He seeks to dismantle the divine order and take revenge against each of the seven Gods who, according to him, abused their power."

Jacheongbi's expression shifted from curiosity to concern. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her, even if she couldn't fully grasp the the life she was given, she felt a ping in her heart. "Why does he target the Heavenly Emperor specifically?"

"Your Highness, the Heavenly Emperor holds a sacred artefact, the Celestial Crystal, known to enhance the divine powers of the Gods. Min Hyun Wok desires the crystal to amplify his dark forces and challenge the divine hierarchy," Haeun explained, her voice quivering with trepidation.

The revelation left Jacheongbi feeling conflicted. The depth of Min Hyun Wok's grievances and the desperation that drove him to seek the Celestial Crystal stirred a sense of unease within her. "Has anyone tried to understand his side of the story? Perhaps negotiate, find a resolution without resorting to war?" she asked, her tone carrying a hint of empathy.

Haeun, taken aback by the suggestion, hesitated before responding. "Your Highness, Min Hyun Wok has been consumed by hatred for centuries. He seldom engages in communication, and those who have attempted to approach him rarely return. The Lord of Devils is known for his ruthlessness and cunning tactics."

Jacheongbi's gaze lingered on the distant horizon, where the impending clash between Gods and Devils loomed. The unease in her heart intensified as she considered the possibility of finding common ground with the Lord of Devils. Yet, a seed of compassion sprouted within her, urging her to explore alternatives to the impending conflict.

"I cannot condone his actions, but perhaps there is a way to understand the root of his grievances. It might be a naive hope, but war rarely resolves underlying issues," Jacheongbi mused, contemplating the complexities of divine destinies entwined with mortal vendettas.

With frightened eyes, Haeun clasped Jacheongbi's hands delicately. "I beg you, Your Highness, to act with prudence. The Lord of Devils is an entity that preys on sympathy and manipulates the vulnerabilities of the heart. Getting close to him could have unanticipated repercussions. We owe it to the heavens to preserve the celestial balance." 

Jacheongbi appreciated the sagacity of Haeun's sentiments with an earnest nod. Although she wished to acquire closure and resolution, she was aware of the dangers involved in engaging with someone as demonic as Min Hyun Wok. The gods and devils executed an arduous ballet that required vigilant initiative since the divine realms were complicated.

"I understand, Haeun. We must prioritize celestial harmony, but a part of me wishes for a world where understanding triumphs over conflict," Jacheongbi sighed, her gaze lingering on the celestial horizon.

As the festival continued with its vibrant festivities, the looming shadow of impending conflict cast its pall over the heavens. Jacheongbi, torn between compassion and duty, found herself caught in the intricate web of divine destinies, uncertain of the path that lay ahead.

"Haeun, let's return to the palace," Jacheongbi said, casting a glance at her servant who held an assortment of sweets gathered from the festival.

As they made their way back to the celestial palace, the vibrant energy of the festival gradually faded into the background. Jacheongbi's thoughts were consumed by the complex revelations surrounding Min Hyun Wok, the Lord of Devils. The divine tapestry of celestial politics seemed woven with threads of treachery and ancient grudges.

Upon returning to the heavenly palace, Jacheongbi couldn't help but marvel at its extravagant beauty. The opulence of the heavenly abode, adorned with ethereal hues and divine craftsmanship, left her in awe. Every corner of the palace spoke of celestial elegance, with celestial gardens blooming with otherworldly flowers and celestial corridors adorned with intricate carvings.

The weight of heavenly obligations and the mystery behind Min Hyun Wok's grudge lingered in Jacheongbi's consciousness as they strolled through the ethereal halls. Walking in silence, Haeun sensed the delicate balance between the desire for understanding and her Highness's contemplation.

Upon reaching her private chambers, Jacheongbi took a moment to absorb the celestial grandeur. The astronomical furnishings sparkled softly in the divine light, interwoven with filaments of stardust. With constellations sparkling like celestial diamonds, the heavens's window provided an amazing view of the starry skies.

Haeun carefully arranged the extraterrestrial sweets on a table, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. "Your Highness, would you like for me to prepare a bath?" she asked, choosing her words carefully.

"No, I want to rest, you can sleep as well." The words uttered with an unusual softness, hung in the air, and Haeun couldn't believe her ears. Her Highness, known for her strict adherence to celestial rituals and routines, seemed to have undergone a transformation that defied the celestial norms.

Haeun hesitated, glancing at Jacheongbi, who now occupied the soul of Kim Yuri. There was a gentleness in her Highness's celestial aura that she had never witnessed before. Although, unaware of the change in Her Goddess's soul, Haeun was very glad of the changes in Her Highness. The usual anger and strictness were notably absent, replaced by a serene acceptance of the present.

"Your Highness, are you certain? It's not like you to skip the divine rose bath before resting," Haeun expressed her concerns, trying to comprehend the shift in Her Highness's demeanour.

Jacheongbi smiled faintly. "Things are different now, Haeun. I need some time to... adjust." With this, the Goddess drifted off to sleep leaving a puzzled Haeun to understand what she meant by 'adjust'.

Haeun nodded to no one in particular, still finding it difficult to reconcile the changes in her Highness. She couldn't help but observe that Her Highness showed no signs of anger or frustration. Moreover, she willingly ate the extraterrestrial sweets without a single complaint.

"Something is not right with My Goddess!..." 

Jacheongbi's or should I say Kim Yuri's new life is filled with excitement!!!

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